Your Experiences Working With Satan?

That sounds like a crazy experience. Maybe they wanted you to feel angry at your weakness so you’d be driven to seek more power? I dunno.

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I LOVE Lucifer!


No… For me he has appeared as; -

  1. A blonde haired man with fair skin and blue eyes.

  2. A black haired man with green eyes and fair skin.

  3. A red haired man with fair skin.

  4. A large, muscular built goat headed man who is quite tall.

  5. A black man with glowing yellow eyes.


  1. A tall built figure with dark skin and large horns.

He appears differently to different people. Some people see him as a woman. Others as a man.

I think it depends on the person. :thinking::woman_shrugging:t5:


I hope this helps you. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

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That’s an interesting theory… :thinking: