YOUR experiences in hell

Well here is my experience with hell and my first experience with summoning demons.

This happened about 4 years ago…
I summoned Lucifer with his sigil and i can remember his energy was amazing. I talked with him and eventually he took me on an astral travel trip to hell (not soul travel). He took me with him as we flew through the air to hell. And lilith came next to me as well.
We made it into an old, dimly lit city with buildings made of stone and bricks. It was glowing red in certian parts and was very cool to be in.
Eventually we reached a point in the path we were walking; were there was a water fountain that actually spewed blue fire.
I was told that this fountain has infernal powers. And i was advised to drink from the fountain and so i did. I could feel physically the blue fire heating up my internal body.

That was the experience i had.


Infernal powers seem to relate to Hell… Or maybe more of certian form of dark energy.


You’re exactly right. I’ve hated so many people so furiously to the point where all I can do is imagine them all burning in hell. SO I imagine fire and torture and skin being ripped from flesh. All it did was rip apart my own soul. But it’s real. It’s very real. And yes, I’ve had many experiences with many powerful demons I’d say most of whom were the top demons of hell… Beyond that I don’t know of any Gods aka, Jupiter, Saturn, I’ve only begun reaching out to them my experiences are with Ba’al, Asmodeus (So powerful his name gives a burning sensation to my insides), Beelzebubm (indirectly) Astaroth whom I;ve been was unwittingly partying with, And of course Lucifer himself. Also Gehanna a lesser known spirit realm, and of course Lucifuge Rofocale who may or may not have been Jack the Ripper.


The part with the large being watching the newcomers go through the portal and they would go to where their own interpretation of hell is, is a very interesting concept!

My experiences in “hell” is more that it’s the Infernal empire, home of demons, humans, and whatever else wants to live there. The King being Lucifer himself.

I have some doubts about hell, but come on, I speak Portuguese and I’m using the translator so any errors are warned. this glittery good god bullshit that wouldn’t create hell is stupid. Suffice it to read the bible, God sent bears to kill children because they hunted a bald man, God opened the land because his people were complaining after they left Egypt. And this hell-a-hell business is also stupid. in apocalypse speaks very well of all who follow satanas, the beast and the false prophet will go to the lake of fire to burn eternally. I live in a Christian home, so I still have a lot of questions about and know a lot about the bible. ‘’ god is love but it’s also a consuming fire ‘’ I think maybe they used the idea of ​​hell to arrest people. Can you imagine if people weren’t afraid? Thousands and millions do not do many things they want because they are supposed to fear hell. I believe the prophets of the demiurge / iavé / jeová / did hear their god (because after all if you connect with a deua you create intimacy with him and can hear him) and were inspired to write about hell and thus dominate the masses Just to avoid tremendous chaos.

I know there are words that refer to specific things like ‘’ gehenna ‘’, which refer to the place where the dead burned, but if you read apocalypse or parts like ‘’ where the fire never goes out and the animal never dies ‘’ Mark 9, verse 46. You will see that they do speak of a place of eternal torment where those who do not follow Jehovah will burn eternally day and night. and that brings me further doubts, and all who have had near death experiences and seen it all? A very interesting case here in Brazil is the ‘’ irmão Adão’’ case, just google it ‘’ irmão Adão viu jesus testemunho’’ on google and you will see news about him. summing up his story, he had fatal heart attack, sudden death, and left the body and went with Jesus to the supposed Christian hell and Christian paradise, and when he returned he was healed, and none of the doctors had surgery on him because he did not allow it, it creates more doubts for me. there are hundreds of similar cases here in Brazil, I don’t know if it happened the same in your country

I still have Many dounts about existence.

The idea of non-existence scares me, but that is exactly why I am on the left hand path now.

Welcome @Sus. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have. It is a rule of this forum.

I definately have fears, but I’ve also seen hell, so it’s like San Francisco if it were lit up by blue light always being brought in by a train or a railcar, and it is huge. There is the thrones I’ve seen but also many different realms of existence in their essence so it can be confusing to navigate

Personally I’ve only had experiences I would call hell in this physical plane and I am familiar with Mary Baxter - I personally just think she went to a lower astral plane and saw what she created from her own thoughts there


Yeah, lower astral planes can be pretty nasty, so nasty that I won’t go into all the details here of what I saw and experienced.

I did have the experience of trains though, and unfortunately I had to get on the “crazy” train, and then it got eaten by a “train eater” or something like that, basically, the train had to be calibrated to get off a different stop rather than one of the pre-set ones that IMHO were very messed up.

Fortunately I don’t live in California so I got to skip the San Franciso crap, but I got to experience hell right in my own geographical and cultural location. (partly involving people being stuck as machines with proprietary chips in them licensed to walk around by the government among other things.)

the Bible is a mix of truth and fiction. can’t say I know which is which, but here is good place to start figuring it out.

My experience running around in places I shouldn’t have accidentally landed me in at least a realm of very low vibration and as a preface to how I travel is that I start in a black, empty, fog covered area that usually has different variations of doors. I use these doors to just feel which one I need to go through and this particular time I chose a normal looking single wood door and it opened to this room with animals? They were animal like in nature but definitely not the norm of our physical world and I’m relatively used to this considering my various animal like patrons but these beings felt so different and the area was changing in color and they had more doors. I didn’t stay because of the general unwelcome, I gave my truest apologies and quietly went back through the door, leaving without any other confrontation. These beings looked like tigers in the slightest but as of the rest they were way out of my understanding. When I asked openly to Buer, I was given the answer of that being a “lower plain.” I don’t quite know if it was hell or a part of such but that’s been my experience and I’m hoping one day I have the chance to go back invited so I can see the lower vibration plains since I’ve put my ethereal paws all over high and medium vibration plains. And I’m glad to read that there’s other people experiencing the doors, I thought that was just my projection of paths.

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I grew up in a Christian (Lutheran) household as well, and my idea of “Hell” would be a place of perpetual sensual pleasure, where your most bizarre erotic imagination has now turned into your lived reality. And yes, there is a persistent presence “blue light” in my envisioning of this afterlife realm.

Other than that, I don’t feel drawn to Hell (or the Hells), and I don’t find any other type of hell attractive in the least.

What do you mean by it’s “like San Francisco”? :slightly_smiling_face:

God sent himself, to sacrifice himself to himself, in order to save souls like yours (wait for it) from himself! But people like you think that’s all convoluted and sicko, don’t you? Well I believe in the talking snake and Cheshire Cat. I’ve been washed in the blood of the lamb! “Suffer the little children”, my word they do.


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Hell is just imagination. Look at Ndes for example, Hindus experience Shiva, Moslems see Mohammad and Christians see Jesus in their Ndes. If people tell you that hell is beautiful it is their imagination of hell. Our afterlife is some kind of dream which is influenced by our life in the material world.

After an evocation with Astaroth I went for a nap and had a lucid dream. I was a prisoner in some kind of prison on family visiting day.

After awhile just observing the inmates I had one come up to me. His hair was short and parted on the side. His manners were gentle and he was very effeminate.

He introduced himself as Astaroth and I asked if this was his corner of hell. He said yes it is. He asked if I liked it. I said yes for this being a prison everyone seems very happy and satisfied.

He looked at me conspiratorially and said “here nobody gets punished for anything they do”

Something to think about…


Thank you for sharing this. I had a dream like this; I was an inmate in a prison that I knew was hell, I was in prison garb and all, but it was completely chill. Just chatted at the the table with the inmates, then ran into Asmodeus. It’s nice to read a similar experience.

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