Just putting these quotes here, because they are so very true. Some people boast about being married to this or that entity when they aren’t, while some who are married to an entity don’t even disclose it to anyone, or are very private about their own intimate experiences. I count myself among the latter group who won’t openly discuss private aspects of their relationship. To each their own, but from what I have heard from another spouse of His who I know of on this forum (apart from one who has left a while ago), He values privacy and discretion very greatly. Some will say “but everyone’s experiences are different, spirits aren’t the same with everyone, etc. etc.”, but I am very confident that He is true to His word.
Personally, I take this to heart.
Also: being married is not all unicorns and rainbows. You’re expected to do the work (i.e. work on your ascent and spiritual growth), not seek attention with romantic stories or something.