I am soon to conduct two experiments involving charging power point presentations with energies for specific effects on the audience.
I am wondering if any of you here have tried this and if so what methods you have tried and what results did you achieve? What worked, what didn’t?
The audience for the two presentations will be substantially the same, but will be two days apart.
I am looking at this stage to utilise the enochian Belonging attunement primarily. I am intending to foster an energy in the room and between people that makes them desire to be more connected and to find more enjoyment in each other’s company, and therefore to hopefully cause some a few to stop being epic level D-bags to the rest.
I did this with a poster previously. It was effective for those who spent time together near it. The problem is now there’s this new working model where some people only come into work once a week or less, they have little exposure to it.
Those who come into work frequently quite quickly bonded more closely and developed deeper friendships quite quickly after the poster was introduced to our space.
But the people who have become D-Bags only come into the office occasionally and seem unaffected.
I will have the D-bags and non dbags together for two hours twice this week, both times staring at my powerpoints. On one occasion they will all be physically in the same room, on the other it will be a mix of in person and remote.
So I am looking to achieve a notable effect with just four hours exposure total.
This is my last non baneful effort before switching my focus to removing the D-bags.
Anyone try anything like this?