You personal experiences with Aphrodite

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I am close to begin my work with Aphrodite. After some research and divination, I’ve been told she really wants to work with me, which makes a lot of sense when I think about my life’s current situation.

I want to know your personal experiences and gnosis about this wonderful goddess. Tell me how you perceive her and what wonders have happened to you by working with her. I want to learn :slight_smile:


This guy called Donald James speaks a lot about his experience with Aphrodite on his YouTube channel and he speaks about Aphrodite on another post in this forum:


Thanks for shouting me out :slight_smile:
Just gave Aphrodite a vanilla incense because of you !!

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Dod a find me love,. Well 2 weeks later meet a chick, who is pagan but a slut, so we kind cut it off, fast. Then not sure if was aphrodite but the chick who i work is a beginner Wicca, interested in occult… The ritual i get it from a ebook. A rare author who got for different names, i tink hes a authentic witc guy. Old school trained. Then i meet another chick, hot, af. Sweet. The ritual i use only use red vine, sugar and trow in a stream the candle wax. Short spell. And bring me 3 girls in 3 weeks,

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I’ve been working with Aphrodite for a couple years now. I tend to confide in her any relationship troubles but have petitioned her to break a friendship before that was interfering with my love life. It had worked before the 2 month deadline I requested. I had to hide my laughter whenever one of the two people came to me to say they were bickering. And I relished in watching the petition play out in front of me. Their friendship is no more.

The more I read about Aphrodite the more I realized our personalities are very alike. We understand each other it seems. Probably why she is always willing to help for all the things I asked help on. :hibiscus:


No problem, what a lovely offering :fog::hibiscus:

Thank you, dude

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No worries man