You can curse through anger alone, be careful!

I just had my sister take my phone charger from me last night, and I got so angry. I realized I unintentionally cursed her because she has done similar things before like taking money and not returning it (she does not respect me). So the early morning comes and I am awoken by the sound of an ambulance.

It seems like she had some heart problems. I am like 90% sure I unintentionally cursed her last night. It was not my goal to curse since I easily forgive but ah well, she has a habit of stealing and not respecting my boundaries. So sometimes all you need is the anger that person caused you.


Yes, this stuff happens all the time.

You dont need to be into magic for it to happen. Prolonged negative focus can cause undesirable manifestations for others. It usually starts with brainfog. So if you feel brainfoggy all of a sudden, try psychic protections, cleansing (i.e. with sage) and take a fresh breath of air.

And be mindful of what you send to others.


Yea, it was not my goal at all to curse my sister even though she gets on my nerves at times

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Then communicate with her, get into an innerspace of “I find the best solution for both of us” and approach her sincerely. Don’t hide your anger but also don’t explode by being loud or otherwise aggressive.

Tell her what she does, how it makes you feel, why it makes you feel that way and what you want instead.

Also ask her why she does it and what she actually needs.

It’s also generally good to reflect on why you are angry in the first place. Sometimes it’s our own frustrations, not someone else’s behavior, that make us feel angry.

Clarity within first, then approach the world :wink:


this is golden advice-

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Envy. I never make any family member’s life uneasier even if I hate them. I guess they are just good people. :upside_down_face:

I’ve gotten mad plenty of times and nothing bad has happened to the people who deserve it.