WTF improved eye sight from working with Beleth

So yesterday the craziest thing happened spontaneously. I did my normal morning meditation and all but after my dedicated afternoon meditation to Beleth it was normal for me to do a workout as always then I broke my fast and all, but here is where the magick happened!

As I was eating my minor meal consisting of yogurt and blueberries I noticed they looked… A bit more detailed, this made me say “wtf?” As my eye sight was noticeably clearer like I wore my glasses (good lord I lost them) . It wasn’t like my vision went from zero to hero, keep in mind that I have 2.5 myopia on the one eye and to other 3 and aslo have a few more conditions in both of my eyes and my mind went straight up to thanking Beleth, as lord beleth completely renovated my life and most probably knows how much poor eye sight fucks with me.

My improvement was not dramatic as like never wearing glasses again but sure as hell way it’s better than before. And yes this lasts or at least it lasts to this present moment and could be different reasons why experienced this. See, that I been doing hatha yoga from November and I implemented the techniques of “eye yoga” and Shambavi Mudra as my preliminary exercises before doing asanas so they might be coming to fruition? Although I didn’t always do them and most of the times I simply do surya namaskar and that’s it.

This was a great experience and it sort of reminds me back then when I asked Azazel to help me attain a clear and sharp mind ( at the time my thoughts were so fucking foggy) and instantly I begun to see mandala like symbols in physical vision merging together and finally ending the scenery with an everlasting sense of sharpness of a cerebral nature.

Anyways, what do you guys think? Anybody had an similar experience with improving eye sight?



Yes, I had been loosing granularity in my far range vision a few years ago, which seemed to reverse during the early stages of kundalini. Although without having gone to an optometrist for exams before and after I cant offer any report more specific.


Interesting, I am thinking about how this works. It all seems to do with internal energy and ekattaga (one pointed awareness, non dual mind which is a process that happens during kundalini) maybe when the kundalini rises and solidifies more and more rewrites the mind in specific ways that aslo influence the eyes (in an embryonic stage the eyes split off from the brain)

From what is being described, it could have been an energy flow change effect.

I experienced this two years ago.
In late 2021 I started experiencing intermittent loss of eyesight in one eye. Medical profession stumped.
Then later in the other eye as well. Medical profession still stumped.
All kinds of scans etc.
Then in 2022, it stopped being intermittent. I basically went mostly blind. My vision was maybe 10% or so of its normal.
The hospital were great. They rapidly had me under all sorts of scans and tests. Had numerous specialist on it very quickly- eye specialists, neurologists, neuro-ophthalmologists. All stumped.

So after a terrifying month or so of near total blindness, I went to see an energy worker I’ve worked with previously. He’s the best multi modality energy worker I have ever known and I’ve seen him for various things over the years.

He gave me a quick look over and told me the issue was an energy flow blockage due to immense rage energy in my liver area.
He did a session on me and my vision improved almost immediately to about half of what it was.
He also gave me some specific acupressure instructions and directed me to reiki certain specific points in a specific order for short periods twice a day.
Over the next week or so he did two distance and one more in person session on me and it was all sorted.
Eyesight back to normal. Medical profession even more stumped.

Sorry, I wandered off in the reminiscing there. I guess what im emphasising is that eyesight issues can be due (at least in part) to energy flows and that it may be that your work released a blockage somewhere, at least for a time.
It is one possible scenario


Thanks, it does make sense indeed.

Many times we have energy that is stagnant in us and remains stationary in our subtle bodies. These energies most of the times are negative in nature and bring negative side effects in all aspects of our being. Beleth’s approach is like peeling individual stripes of wind of a storm, and I always feel grounded in her presence so the energy blockade cleansing holds weight.

I do have a copy of that book and the experience sounds very reminiscent, I will take a look upon it now. Thanks :+1:

Edit - After reading:

Holy shit that was one intense read!

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