Wtf guys

Never expected any of that to happen :no_mouth:
I didn’t take It offensively at least…
Then again I don’t know why he called the other dude that so🤷🏿‍♂️

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My problem with the OP was the use of the phrase “little bitches” and the tagging of my @ name at the bottom. He is correct that fear is not the answer. My point is that discussion of these very real issues does not equate to fear. I pity the fool who tries to attack me. My servitors, gods, and my god self, as well as the demons I covenant with are well prepared to send fiery death to my attackers. And I say that very confidently. In the post mentioned “MK Ultra”, I was encouraging the OP that he would be fine because he is a god. If @dagar was not intending to insult me, then I’m very happy to accept the apology and apologize myself. I just prefer a healthy debate over name-calling, in which real evidence is provided and we act like civilized and ascended people. I may have misunderstood the OP.


Happens to the best of us. The important part is you realized it and are willing to move forward.


Nope, if I do anything that changes someone’s trust level or any other access to forum functions I always tell them, and it just hardly even happens anyway, I think the recent forum software thing changed edit windows.

Don’t worry about it, healthy debate had, no harm done. :+1:


Xtians are the most persecuted faith group? I’m going to have to look into this, it’s plausible to me, but I’ve only heard that from Xtians…

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Through history all faith groups have been persecuted. Is it just a coincidence that politicians of every age hijack the truths by seizing control of each respective priest hood?
I find it interesting that when religions become organized, the manipulations of each is used to foment wars.
Yup, folks killing folks of different religious views. The ignorant masses are played as pawns, while the goal is domination. No matter which side wins, along comes another spider. That spider carries the old knowledge, knowledge it has hijacked, and begins to spin its web, catching all who are ignorant.
Yup lets hear if for organized religion and its offspring , WAR.

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The persecution that the Christians are being put through in the East has been unheard of to me-at least since I stopped going to church at 18- but I know what you mean…After reading into other religions and mystical paths, even though I cant provide proof that his words were twisted in the bible, I think that Jesus was killed for saying a lot more empowering stuff than that he ALONE is god in the flesh and the churches just couldn’t have people being that empowered…


Correction: I might can prove that he said " It says in your scriptures ye are gods…these things I do you shall do greater…I am A son of god…" but sometimes when I filp through the bible it is like trying to sit through the news.

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Which, I don’t watch-quick correction, I do not regard the bible as proof of what he said or did- but after having read the Tao Te Ching, having listened to the audio Bhagavad Gita, doing other research, and finding ways to insert my own context into what’s being said so I can still contribute to what’s being said without “blaspheming” with my version of-potentially brutal -honesty and having the listener pushed away because of how their programmed to react when they perceive blasphemy…Daoists, Christian, and Hindu teachings share significant common ground that I believe can certainly go with the idea of ones own potential godhood.


Yes, they got it in the neck, literally, across the soviet era and Mao’s China, they’re getting brutally massacred with a side of rape and torture in Africa and the across the middle east, Muslim nations… there are a lot of fact ual sites about this, I won;t link any.

To be very clear I don’t hold with any of these pissant desert cults and I find the fact that not all of the Bible is a pile of stinking tribal horseshit (just most of it) to be no reason to take it seriously in any other way, still, even if you take the most deluded group in the world world, being human and facing normal human challenges, they will come up with things of merit that the brighter ones thought of, and shared for the less inteliigent.

The groups persecuting them are also, largely, far scummier, so there’s also that. More great thinkers and intellects have arisen with Xianity than within Islam over the last 600 years, as well.


Its the same as it always is, no matter the religion. If a person or country has valuable resources, then religion will come knocking at the door, and if they don’t get what they ask for, they will generally just take it away from the person or country by force.
One interesting thing Islam forgets …
When the early Islam forces were out conquering, they were nearly slaughtered by rivals, and took refuge in a Christian monestary.
How quickly the group bit the hand that fed them. To be fair, the big three religions could flaunt their wealth they stole a bit less. It tends to piss the poor off.


Islam does tend to strike me as the most egocentric and hypocritical religion. If that God of Peace is so powerful, what’s up with the suicidal religious zealots? Only the most egocentric religion could assume themselves to be 100% correct and righteous. Never mind the priests, rabbis and imams playing with children’s privates, nothing to see there, move along…

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