Writing to spirits

So I just had an idea and I’m not sure if it would work or not so I wanted opinions. I know when I was younger I remember my mother would write her prayers instead of actually always sitting down and closing her eyes and such. I’m certainly not Christian like her, but I thought it was an interesting idea. Personally I have a much easier time writing than actually speaking so I was just curious if anyone could tell me their view if it is something that could actually be of use, or if it is not something that works and is just a false Christian belief.
My idea was possibly writing in a journal possibly for my spirit guides and such


Yes, it is of use. What you are describing is essentially a petition spell.


Thank you so much! That is very very helpful!


I just write a letter to zeus hera aphrodite eros and hekate just now


Here’s something to experiment with if you wish…

Create an email for the spirit you’ll work with. Yes… email. then send your petitions from your own email to the spirit you work with.

Don’t forget to charge both spirit’s email - when you’re creating it - with your intention. And also charge your petition email before you send it.

Sounds crazy but give it a try :slight_smile:


You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Oh my gosh that’s a crazy idea but I like it a lot haha

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Thanks so much, Glad that you like it :blush:

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hi can you explain it again? i don’t know if its such the language difference or i really didn’t get it

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Sure, like any ritual you need to charge the tools with your intention. The tools in this case are the the email account you will create for the spirit, and the email letter you will send for each request.

When creating an email account for the spirit you need to charge it with you intention. Why you’re creating this email? Which spirit will be using it ? You can for example add a sigil to it. Some email providers allow changing background images… you can use the sigil for that. This is only an example.

When you’re sending the letter, you also need to charge it with your intention. The same way you charge a petition, especially visualizing the end result. You can add or attach pictures of your desired outcome or targeted individuals ! After your email letter is charged you can send it to the spirit’s email address. Be certain of the outcome. And forget about it.


These are actually great ideas. Since dipping my feet into the water, I always found myself exasperated about how complicated it was to reach entities. As a Christian, I often wrote out my prayers. After embracing a larger view of spiritual reality, I became frustrated that contacting, say, Belial was so much more difficult than talking to Jesus.

To speak to Jesus, it seemed that all I had to do was send thoughts his way. To speak to anyone else, I needed a knife, altar, circle, candles, enns, sigils, etc. This makes things seem better while I specifically work on my evocation skills and astral senses.

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Thank you, glad you find those ideas helpful.

Yes exactly.The tools and rituals have specific purpose, they’re used as symbolic coded language… but they’re not the message itself that we wish to pass from our minds to whoever we communicate with.

With the help of chaos magick principles and some inspiration from the work of other open-minded magicians, I think we can achieve a lot of progress in making things simpler and easier, while still effective and “magickal”.

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Also on that, sometimes I’ll just pray to them. I relax and chant their enn and then pray just normal. They hear when you call