World Jewry, religion, the world

hey, i know this is a sensible subject

i have a christian background
i also have read joy of satan statements about jews and worldwide religion

truth be told, my mind is going nuts… my understanding about religion, god/s, lucifer, jesus, demons is all f&%^ed up because all of these theories…

does hell exist? is it a place of torture? where do demons live? why all this darkness around demonic beings if they are in fact good? or are they?

is the god of israel a real being?

are they all aliens? interdimensional beings?

sorry… i’m all mixed up :expressionless:

Check out this guy’s channel, he has some interesting stuff to say. It might make you even more confused, but just try to acquaint yourself with the idea that the Christian church has derived from a form of Judaism, venerating a tribal war deity that is not the all-powerful creator of the universe. And also the idea that many of the so-called evil demons are neither demons (that’s a specific race of beings), nor evil. The fallen angels idea is also highly dubious, to say the least. The church has co-opted and appropriated tons of spiritual practices and deities from older Pagan traditions, and what they didn’t corrupt for their uses was declared evil.

The Abrahamic religions are trying to convince you that you need them in order to have access to god and you must live your life in constant subservience to a deity who is basically an impostor. These religions are anti-sanity, anti-enlightenment and anti-human.


You are now going to be bombarded by people saying it is “racist nonsense” but the fact that the top economic 1% are mostly secular jews (Rockefella, Rothschild etc.) - yes, Forbes lies, and that universal religions are dependent on mass capital sustenance in order to maintain their size, influence and power…well, you do the calculations.

Christianity is essentially a derivative of Judaic theology without the occult sub-level and forced circumcision. It was said to have been created by a small group of individuals who, during the early Roman Empire, met beneath the then pagan civilisation of Rome to discuss how to subvert it (just like how certain individuals met in secret, in a basement, to engineer a revolution) Eventually, Christianity became the dominant religion for the Roman people but the Centurions decided to continue adhering to paganism via the Cult of Mithras.


I thought I read once that most Nobel prize winners are also Jewish. Could that maybe be an explanation for the success of the race? I think it might be.

Friendly request tp please keep this off politics, which includes references to major 20th century movements such as National Socialism, communism, etc., and just discussing the theoreticals behind JoS stuff on a spiritual level. :+1:


To be fair, I wasnt trying to “get into” politics, just stating the obvious. And I have personal experiences with this. Politics are a joke anyways haha.

Coming from a different angle, JoS is a cesspool of toxic energy. Not only did they plagiarize a ton of things, but I’ve watched them cause peoples minds to snap because they are spiritual nitwits with hidden agendas. Fortunately, the “priest” only caused my friend to develop an anxiety disorder he needs meds for, but I’ve seen far worse there. Thats not to mention the creeper asking my bud for nudes out of the blue. There is a list of bullshit I could go down.

All of JoS is a fraud and I do not condone being involved with them. Do as thou wilt, but be warned.

On another note, it is not christians, jews, muslims, etc. that are the problem…its their religions of subserviance and ignorance. I’ve met decent human beings from all religions just as I’ve met fuckwits from all of them.

Nobody can judge by character these days, it seems.

  1. Hell as its understood does not exist. There are hellish planes of existence though.

  2. It would take a dissertation to explain properly, but the “angels” demonized the Old Gods so they could replace them with a religion to control and prevent Humanitys spiritual advancement. The “God” of the bible is not the Source, but a massive parasitic egregore that the angels lost control of and now it just feeds off of us. Ya mindblowing, I know.

The angels and demons are two different factions of the same species. They are aliens and interdimensional beings. They are flesh and blood…but nearing the point where they will purely be energy.

I’ve confirmed this with people that are far more knowledgeable and advanced than myself.

i feel like nowadays there are people mixing in the religions and texts with the actions of hypocritical followers of said religions


Basically this:
jesus - let me in so i can save you from myself


thats the overall exoteric version sure, but the esoteric side is way different, Christ Consciousness attained, Jesus (Atman/Self Realised) taking in the sins (karma) of the populace at that time, imo

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I’m not saying everything about this religion is dumb, or everyone who works with it in some way is dumb.
Some do just fine with it.
But I can criticise a religion/ideology/movement or a part of it without demonizing or degrading their practitioners.


no i know, i just wanted to share my views

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YES! I have plenty of qualms with many religions but just because a persons belief system is flawed doesnt mean they are inherently a piece of shit.

Edit: also you reach a point where you realize there are far greater machinations going on behind the scenes that goes beyond anything to do with race, religion, creed, or whatever else. ONE entity is feeding off all of humanity…not to mention all the other crazy astral shenanigans at work.

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Not Source, but the entity that masquerades as the abrahamic god.


there are many religions, ALL of humanity? Atheism is high in europe…

maybe 40 percent of humanity lol

Even if its something else, the entity is real and feeding off all of humanity. I’ve confirmed this with powerful people from multiple different paths.

the math does not add up, im not negating an egregore created by human minds

also i dont believe its the same as the old testament god