I cannot stress enough how important it is to work with and not against your own magick. When you decide to cast, baneful or not, the way to behave or react in response to your magick can make or break it. Those who are new to witchcraft or black magick often make this mistake, and even seasoned magicians have been known to err this way too. What I mean, is let’s say you do a money spell, if you do nothing to improve your financial situation, it’s not like the universe is going to dump a few pounds of pure gold in your lap. Turn in applications, whatever you can do, and don’t think about the spell! Baneful workings, same but different. For example you’ve done a move away spell or a some other type of dark magick. If you run into your target, don’t be friendly to them, and if they call hang up. If you go along with your spell, you’re showing deities that you’re serious, and you will get results. Another thing, is after a spell is complete, forget about it. Don’t even let thoughts of it enter your mind. Trust the spell to the deity you have called on.
But this is quite obvious and a basic subject when performing magick.
You do first everything you have at hand physically before resorting to more spiritual solutions.
somehow people think they are not in the physical realm so they just way over the head think magick does everything. U see people avoid physical life. saying they are being of spirit or wanting to marry demons /angels and don’t want to interact with humans. They are avoiding life. So it’s not so obvious. haha.
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Of course, do what you can in the physical realm first, but if that doesn’t work, and you’ve tried everything, then you can resort to using spiritual ways, but what I meant was to work with what you’ve done magickally, if you want someone out of your life, sometimes the cold shoulder you give after the magick is set in motion is enough to activate a result. I’ve noticed that something always happens whenever I do a ritual that goes against the grain, like a little test, so you have to pass that test. If your enemy comes over, don’t let them in. You’re busy, and don’t be too friendly. If it’s a money spell, instead of waiting for that call for an interview, go put in a few more applications. Thats what I was getting at.
I still find this common sense.
The fact that you need to point it out makes me worry about the intelligence of people.
My point is that magick is a tool, not a reality of living realm.
Lol, it is common sense, but anyone can make that mistake. The reason I posted this is to help ppl avoid that mistake. You could be in a social gathering with your spouse or significant other who doesn’t have a problem with your target,and it is human nature to not upset the apple cart in public or start an argument with your mate if they wouldn’t understand why you feel this way about the person, but even if you have to be coy and clever in your choice of words if you must speak to the idiot, that’s what you gotta do. And we can get lazy when looking for work and frustrated while waiting on that call, but you still have to work towards that goal.
U be surprise how many people don’t know common sense. =o) see them all day at work.
everyone got problems. that’s a given. magick can’t fix all without actually doing something about it in real world. People can’t escape into the occult magick astral plane. Since one is in physical form. you have to eat and make money. another common sense people in the occult seems to not acknowlege. Not saying you but many others.
like i said. common sense isn’t common sense to some. and like velenos said. someone’s taking it personal. Your advice to do actual living in physical realm combine with magick is common sense that some don’t get. They think magick is the only ingredient to successful outcome without effort. SAme can be said of law of attraction. they try to attract good opportunity yet they don’t want to do the grunt work to be successful. they want things handed on a platter.
I did not mean that in a personal way, not even. Especially when someone is starting out in magick, this is something that is important to learn. But as humans, we are not perfect, we make mistakes, didn’t mean to cause an uproar or controversy, and I did not intend it in a personal way.
I know. i posted similar message in another thread awhile back. I don’t mean you taking it personal. someone else. Fortunately my thread was lots more positive and welcoming. Since we are humans. it’s logical that we function in human life. Otherwise one can just suicide and be done with it, if they so frown upon human body. One must embrace the human form as that’s the choice we all made to live in, a human form in this lifetime. I know sometimes physical life is tough, cuz of all the odds against us to prosper, however, that’s part of the life lesson journey. Some just can’t handle it so they go into occult to avoid reality or some just gets drug up or alcohol.
Good reminder, people do tend to forget and not always back up their work, I’ve probably done that myself in the past.
If only!
And I didn’t take it personal wise pup.
It’s all good in the hood!
I found myself thinking about that and I have mixed feelings about working with your magick.
I get that in most situations you do have to take some steps alongside your magick to get things on track. Like if you do magick to get a job, you still need to apply, if you do it to find love you still need to go out or talk to new people and so on.
But I do think there are situations when actions are kinda limited. Taking the most common one which is bringing someone back / getting back with an ex.
Of course you could tell me “well take care of yourself, work out, dress nice or whatever”
Assuming you’re already doing all of this cause well, don’t need anybody to take care of ourselves. What else is there to do ? If there was any other actions possible, then magick would not have been considered at all
But I do get the point though. Doing stuff in the real world and not expecting things to appear out of blue.
It’s not just doing things in the real world, the spiritual realm will meet your efforts 150%. And magick done to get your ex back, to work with that, instead of looking great and yada yada, you show a complete disinterest and move on to your back up man. If the ex sees you happy especially with someone else, it really bruises their ego and puts a burr under their saddle. I wouldn’t even do that though, but it is an option. I just get on with my life and live well, as if they never even existed.
Yeah that’s my take as well living my life just like I’m not even doing magick. Was complicated at first but I feel like it gets easier with time and practice.
responding to the getting ex back. you can always improve yourself. be a better person. there’s always room for growth. Getting more knowledge, learning better social skills/communicating better. Magick work on the background influencing other dimensions/ spirit body/energy body etc…
It’s often said that our energy body gets sick before the physical body. we can’t see the energy body. well, most can’t. So in energy healing work. we focus on healing the energy body and the physical will get better. Same theory with acupuncture. they focus on healing the energy flow. we can’t see the energy flow however, we do things to get it flowing. think of magick working like that. magick working on areas we can’t see.