Working with putti’s

I’m hearing baby angels voices from time to time, and every time I fall asleep, that’s the moment I hear them, being playful and I hear them laughing. I asked them if they were putti’s and they said yes, it’s a gift from god they say. How can I get them to fully help me, since there is literally no information about them, no sigils, no proper way to work with them. Their energy is similar to an angel/archangel, but weaker. Any methods I can use for an evocation ?? I’m serious about buying baby milk and offer it to them, is it a good idea?? They’re not like angels who seem so distant, putti’s ask me every time if I’m alright whenever I don’t feel well, which is the reason I want to work with them

Commercial baby formula is heavily adulterated trash, don’t offer that. Plain, untampered-with cows milk, which is made for baby cows would be better. They’re not human, they don’t care about vitamins and protein percentages.

However, a word of caution, bearing in mind I never heard of putties before, I would ask how you know they’re putties, and why should you trust these are what they say they are, or believe anything they tell you. How did they earn your trust?
They sound more like fae to me.

Uninvited contact can be fine, and can be parasitic. I’m not saying to not follow this rabbit hole, I’m just saying be wise, be educated about Parasites 101, and never stop asking questions and verifying against alternate sources - and trust yourself first. Parasites will tell you what you want to hear to get you attached, watch yourself.


Shall I do a frequent LBRP and find out if I still hear their voices? This is pretty much all I can gather

If you know what it is you want to contact, I suggest a banishing and the evoke what you wanted - without reference to the energy of these laughing voices - then compare what you get with the energy of the voices.
If you do that a couple of times and you get consistently the same entities, it’s reasonable to conclude you have what you expected.


It’s a type of artwork, not a type of entity as far as I was able to discern. I spent about half an hour and couldn’t find any reference to them being real entities or to anyone whose worked with or evoked them.

I was going to advise him, basically like you did. Banish, protect and attempt to discern what they really are and what their intent is.

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If you mean Cherubim, the “lowest class of angels” according to the xtian books, these are not cute babies or baby angels, they can appear as animal human hybrids. If you notice, they actually look exactly like most of the “demons” we work with.

This is one of the reasons, apart from the main one, personal experience, why I maintain there’s zero difference between ‘demons’ and ‘angels’. These are not separate races but more like political labels, by humans for humans, and rather meaningless except as tools for human expectations to overlay and filter the energies for personal reasons.

The old testament descriptions via the book of Eziekiel - vid below - descriptions stopped at the bit where the Cherubim are described:

Apparently their whole job is to keep humans OUT of the garden of Eden, i.e., to stop them becoming enlightened. So, human-friendly, no, they are not. All the more reason to be careful.


I’ll try and find out what it is, could be parasitic then … thanks anyways

Yeah - I went “huh, chubby baby angel art = Valentine’s day cherubs = romanticisation of cherubim”.

I think that could be worse - now you have either thoughtforms, animated by who knows what, or plain parasites using the OPs subconscious biases to get a foothold, or a myriad of other things. It might be benign, it might not.

@S_vi_Britannia any entity can pretend, right down to the energy they feel like, to be other entities. These are called impostors. Usually done by lesser entities so that they can feed on humans.
Banish and cleanse.

There’s no rule that says an entity, just because it’s on the JCI whitelist of those that “didn’t rebel against the JCI version of “god” (all gazillion of them),” mean you any good at all. There is lots of philosophising and wishful thinking, lots of personal worldbuilding, but your universe is your own, you must find out for yourself.


Well he asked if they were putti’s and they responded yes, which was kinda red flag to me in itself. I was like huh, telling you what you want to hear much…

I might could have taken the bite, if I could have found any reference outside of old artwork.


I’ll just add, the reason I mentioned fae is personal I guess…

If I hear laughing, I attribute it to hearing a faery cohort passing, and I look the other way. Those guys are not worth messing with and they don’t like to be seen - it’s really just best they don’t know you noticed them, in which case ignoring them and not banishing is fine. Live and let live.
You might find your house is close to a faery path you’re sensitive so you’re just overhearing them. Since I moved from a house that had a faery path going outside my bedroom window, I’ve not heard the laughing, so maybe check out your immediate area for energies and pathways like that.

Not everything sensitives pick up is personal. You sort of just go “huh, ok, that’s a thing” and carry on with your day. :slight_smile:

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They just tell me they’re angels, haven’t done the banishing yet, I’m using Damon brands magical protection to cleanse space right now

Well good luck, let is know what happens? :slight_smile:

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idk if the discrepancy is yours or theirs, but I second @Mulberry with good luck. I take my leave when things no longer add up. :grinning:

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Yeah thanks! Yup, gonna need that luck :stuck_out_tongue:

@Mulberry they’re still here, they’re saying that they like me and they eventually will grow up from baby angels to angels

i think its parasites, banish quickly

I banished twice already and I still hear them from time to time

Not all creatures that aren’t demon kings or archangels are automatically parasites.
No need to panic, that’s always a bad thing to do.
I’d say stay careful and try to find out what these entities want and how they make you feel.


I never heard of angels who breeds only the fallen onse

They make me feel good if I give them special attention, I become grounded and they thank me. They seem to care for my wellbeing. But what I’ll do is I banish three more times this evening and check and see if they’re still around, I literally never banish but this time I will

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