Working with Nitika (best method?)

Hey there! I’m currently working with Nitika using the Cashbook method (started a few days ago).

My question here is… I just had the idea of calling upon Nitika by using Geoff’s method, and during/or after the NAP ritual doing Cashbook daily exercise as a mean to strengthen it. I truly feel like it’d be a good way to go, but I’m wondering if maybe I’m a bit blinded and it is too much instead. What’s your take on this?

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Hello, i dont think there is a “best method” per se,
but i preffer the NAP method, because the NAP book have thecniques for give more energy / power to the rituals (in the other chapters of the book)
As any magic you do, the more times you do it, and the more comminment you use, you make it strong.

I dont think for my experience that one need a very strong method at least for the first time. Both methods, Cashbook and NAP ritual are very enough to call the spirit and make the petition, unless you want to evocate the Genius and communicate with him. And i think the NAP method could be used for communicate with him, if you add space to adresss that communication, perhaps a tool like a crystal sphere, mirror, etc

As a genius spirit i think its very close to our plane, and communication with him its easier in comparation with other spirits.