Working with Lucifer if you are an Odinist?

I am an Odninst and follow the Norse Gods,
I have been having a pull for months now and have come to realize I believe it is Lucifer.

I respect and am devoted to my Gods, but the draw and interest is pretty big, can I work with Lucifer and be an Odinist?
I do not wish to alienate or offend Odin or the other Norse Gods…

Any advice?
Thank you,


Ask him! :+1:

Rune drawing, or ask to be shown the answer in a way you can understand, something like that. :smiley:


Thank you good lady, I was just not familiar with him to approach but through loads of research found this Diety to be much maligned and no who or what we were told he was, and his energies are powerful and glorious…
I just did not want to offend my Gods by turning to him as well…
I appreciate your response greatly…


Odin and Lucifer are very similar spirits according to my UPG, hell, they might even be the same spirit. Lucifer is okay with me working with Odin. And Odin regularly encourages me to learn from and work with other spirits. Remember in the Edda, whenever Odin needed knowledge, he didn’t go to the gods. He would go to the Jotünn.


I have rarely worked with Odin himself but I have worked with some other norse gods, (Thor, Freija, and Skadhi mainly) and they have never had problems with me working with any demon, or other pantheon of gods.


Thank you good people, after much reflection Odin would not deter you from knowledge or the search of, so I shall move forward to see if I can establish a relationship with Lucifer as well…

:slight_smile: Chris

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Let’s be honest, he’d find Lucifer’s mum, pump and dump after running away with the secret methods lol! :rofl:


I thought long and hard on it as I just came to the conclusion that Odin nor the others would not want me to pursue knowledge in other places…

I will however to remember to always keep respect and reverence to all :slight_smile:

Thank you for your input …


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ROFL!!! now that is some funny stuff…

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I like you already lol