Working With Duke Sallos

Hi, I am brand new to summoning and working with demons. I am in a very bad and difficult predicament and after searching this and other websites I have found Duke Sallos, whom I believe is the right spirit to work with.

I have performed two summoning rituals based mostly on information gained from an article on this site. I performed the second one more as a way to clarify my requests and to hope for a clear sign that He has heard me and is willing to help, as it is very difficult for me to perceive anything supernatural.

Have any of you worked with Duke Sallos? I believe in Him and know that He has great power, but can any of you give me any advice or pointers? If He does choose to grant my requests I want to make many offerings to him, but I am not quite sure how.

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As general tips, assume that those 2 rituals were a success and, about offerings, you may either embrace EA Koetting’s paradigm that the Spirits are power, and power wants to act, so they’re satisfied with carrying out tasks suiting each one of them. Otherwise offer the same candles and incense used in rituals, or a bit of your energy.

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Duke Sallos is one of my main spirits that I’m working with right now to continue to grow love between my boyfriend and I, genuinely.

I’ve found that Sallos is pretty easy going once you get to him, but you must make an effort. He’s a demon of love and relationships and he’s willing to work with you if you’re willing to continue to work on yourself in those areas. If you have a partner already, he expects you to continue to work with them and he’ll give you that boost that you need to grow that love between you two.

If you’re looking for a romantic partner because you’re single, I believe self love and appreciate and being the best version of yourself is what he is looking for, though that may be something you want to talk to him about.

He is VERY much about building a relationship and in order to have any genuine love or relationship in your life, you have to put work into it. Love isn’t easy and can be vicious. I have a feeling there is a big reason why he rides a big ol’ crocodile.

As for offerings, I usually go with what S. Connolly has in her books -
Color - Green
Incense: Sandalwood
Metal: Copper
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth

I have a white seven day candle with his sigil on the outside with a crocodile

I light that whenever I do things for my BF (cook, make artsy gifts, write love notes, ect) and the act I feel Sallos appreciates and approves of.

As for normal offerings, things related to love. Fresh roses, rose quartz for the rocks, and love poems I keep on his altar.

Hope this helps!

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Sorry if this is off topic but where did you get that candle??? I love it!

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So the candle is actually from the dollar store and then I made the decal with my Cricut! I’d love to make more for people, honestly, as its a lot of fun and I do candle magic a LOT and connect with my demons a lot that way.



Oh do you mind if I message you?

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Go right ahead! :slight_smile:

He’s, again, a very patient demon once you get a hold of him. Everyone’s experience with the demonic spirits are all different, and that also is with how you work with them. It seems like there is no ‘right or wrong’ way to work with them, but whatever works best for YOU.

I like altars because its a constant, visual reminder that the spirit is one you are working with. For offerings of copper or roses, you can simply place copper (you can do pennies, I don’t do copper at all) or a vase of roses on his sigil. You can simply draw his sigil on a piece of paper, chant his enn while focusing on it, and tell Sallos you are offering these objects to him for whatever you want,then place the objects on the sigil. I believe the energy transference happens after all that and the energy of the physical object is transferred to Sallos in the spiritual realm. Then after 24 hours or so, I’ll remove the object. Flowers I keep constantly and I’ll refresh them when they wither.

I offer things to demons even before I ask them things because I like building relationships with the spirits, but that is how I operate.

If you are offering something to him in return for him doing something for you, let him do his thing FIRST, then give the offering. Think of it like a transaction. But I would also write down your request, sign it with your name, his sigil, and then offer it up to the spiritual realm via burning the paper, burying the paper, dissolving it in water, or letting the wind take it up. I work with the element of fire the most, so I burn everything.

Another really good demon to work with reconciling friendships is Duke Gusion. I haven’t worked with him but it seems like his original purpose is," He can answer questions and tell you why you ask them. He conciliates and reconciles friendships and gives honor and dignity to those who seek it."

He might be another one to look at for helping in your friendships.

Remember, demons enjoy working with us, as any friend or business partner would.


I love your candle!