Working Thread: against animal abuse

I’m new to creating Working Threads but I feel this needs to be opened.
I thought there was one but it was very old and might have veared into politics, I’m not sure.

Anyway, I don’t have any exact dates but I felt the general idea would be okay to start with.

Sekemet come, give the guilty a wasting sickness as you devour their souls, sending them to oblivion.
Belial come, allow the guilty to slip and be caught by the law
Bastet come, give knowledge and empathy to the ignorant and push away the idea of “animals are here to serve us” or “animals are less then humans”.
Remind them to care about all living beings.

This is just something small from me to start.


I’ll also add:
Mother Macha, keep our furry companions safe. Help them heal and shield them from suffering.
Lend those abandoned or hurt your voice and bring swift attention and compassion to them.


This YouTube channel is run by three different vet clinics in Texas. I’ve seen more and more videos of them saving animal abuse cases and a few where the animals are successfully taken from their owners.

Small steps make bigger and bigger ones. :slight_smile:

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U love animals, don’t you??!! Love ( and admire ) your kindness. Hope this thread takes pace.

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I’ve been making small donations when I can to this, and two others I know of putting Magickal intent in them.


I’m Vegan and the more you associate and empathize with animals the closer you get with them. You start feeling their emotions just like purple.


They’ve got your backs. :slight_smile:

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