Wonderings of Morrighan

Who is the Morrigan in Celtic mythology?

Her symbol
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If you’re not familiar with the warrior queen, she was one of three war Goddesses that featured in Irish mythology. The other two Goddesses were Macha and Neman.

Although the name by which she is called tends to change depending on who is telling the story, she often referred to by several different names:

  • The Morrigan Goddess
  • The Celtic Goddess of Death
  • Morrígu
  • The Celtic Goddess Morrigan
  • Great Queen Goddess Morrigan
  • The Morrighan
  • The Morrigan Celtic Goddess
  • The Great Queen
  • The Queen of the Triple Goddesses

Goddess of: Battle, prophecy, fertility, and sovereignty

Not necesarry your warm and affectionate sort of goddess(with me she was so patient and loving tho XD ) ,without whom the king would be powerless.

Going deeper into Morrigan (or The Morrigan as this may have at some time been a title) we find that she is also a triple goddess, who
along with ether her sisters Badb, and Macha or in some accounts Nemain the Venomous, and Fea the Hateful, play a shifting role in
scores of myths and legends.

Name: Morrigan / Morrighan / Morrigu / Morgan / ‘Great Queen’/‘Phantom Queen’/ Queen of fairies, Matron and Queen of Witches.

Father: Aed Ernmas

Dark Goddess, Crone, Battle, warrior

Element Earth- Realm North

Symbols- Crows/ Ravens/ Wolf/ Horse/ Vulures/ black dogs

Battle weapons, sword, athame, sickle, caulron

Waning and dark Moon

Colores Red and black, silvery-grey

Herbs Mugwart, Trees, Yew. and Willow

Stones Moonstone and Clear Crystal

Goddess of Magick, Divination, inspiration healing, banishing Shapeshifting. Goddess of war, death, and life

Sacred to Her is blood, esp menstral blood,red bloody meat , raw, red wine.

Morrighan is also closly associated with Tuatha Dé Danann

She is Goddess of rivers and fords

Here I will go and write about my experience with this lovely queen :smiley:

So she came at a point in my life when I was destroyed , no confidence , full of anxiety felt powerless .

Crows are her animal totem and how she got my attention :slight_smile: .

She is great at changing people offering them rebirth and guiding them trough the must have transforming changes within yourself offering death and rebirth .


So my journey into astral projection starts here,

Full of smokes and energy drinks, I started to sleep just two hours ago.

It was a day I decided that I fully recognize Morrighan and I want to walk her path, The path of a warrior!

Is the one I resonated with the most and what I wish to do in this point and time and life, just journey not into the darkness, not into the light, but in the middle :slight_smile:

So my heart is racing and beating very much irregular XD (need to check that shit once I go to the doctor haha ) my mind is full of thoughts making me unable to sleep lately, felt that my mind is fractured into thousand pieces.

after today I decided I should side with The Phantom Queen.

I perform a basic invocation before I go to sleep. visualizing her energy coming into my root chakra and filling me up with hers.

I try to sleep as loud birds are everywhere (live near a tree and the fuckers never stop singing ) Find it hard to fall asleep or relax not even a slight chance of Astral Projecting =))).

Anyhow after a while just before falling asleep after maybe one hour of trying to relax XD
I sense an energy that just took me out of my body, ( tried many times before by many other entities =))) but there has been almost no success, the only one that kinda manage to do it was Arachne, and Morrighan.

So I started to flow out of my body this time without anything holding me down, no idea how was possible as I wasn’t even that relaxed or into a trance at all.

I realize what is happening, the first thing I looked at was on the side of my wardrobe where was meeting the wall, like a 10 centimeters opening, and started to see if I fit =))) and check it for dust XD.
Then I start to get excited and I feel myself going back to my body slowly, I’m like fuck no finally managed to do this thing and all I got from it was checking my fucking wardrobe for dust !!!
and I start to swim like in fucking cartoons, just trying to avoid the current sucking me into the black hole ending my Ap.
Seems that I managed to do that something was over my eyes like cloth but I would kinda see what’s around me like in my mind’s eye or something, strange stuff.
Then I hear a boom, feeling all through my body, and then another one and another one and I realize that someone was spanking me, like very much beating my ass =)) could not see who it was but had no to guess XD . I turned around angry and told it to stop is enough and embarrassing, but was very much deserved, been a bad boy XD living a hopeless life lately.
After that I went to my other room and tried to light up the switch, didn’t work but how could it be ?
It all felt so real, went to the kitchen and picked up a water bottle and placed it on the ground just to be sure I wasn’t sleepwalking or anything :D, then I opened my entrance door and went a bit on the stairs (wanted to go into my neighbors place to notice around, but it felt so real and vivid that I thought I’m sleepwalking or even awake, so I went back.

That’s where it ended cause I got excited, and I a vision came into my mind that I should post my experience :smiley: so there you go! hope is not to scrabbled or hard to read , is how my brain works , all over the place :))

uh almost forgot , there was a really pleasant singing in the background at some point like chanting or something like that , really lovely to be fair :smiley:


This journal is right up my son’s alley. Great work!

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I absolutely love The Morrigan. I find her one of the most interesting of Irish Gods and Goddesses. Along with the god of the sea, Manannan Mac Lir I believe she is one of the most recorded Irish Gods from Irish Mythology.

Does the term wolf mother. ring with her?