Okay so I know TGS is a top priority skill to know; but what magick can be done without it?
divination through use of the book of fate
I second the above, but include the pendulum as well.
More than one might think. Alot self-transformational work,minor sigil magick, some candle magick (though that can get you into TGS inadvertantly), some divination, banishing…
Can you do energy work without tgs?
I do.
Divination using the I Ching as well.
Yes. I have done plenty of energy work without having any clue what the TGS is (can anyone explain?). I really haven’t been working much with EA Koetting’s material. So a lot of the terminology still confuses me.
I’ve never used that method, though it may describe my mental state sometimes, I could always “see” (and that got stronger with use) and the methods I learned came mainly from energy healing and shamanic trance.
TGS is Theta-Gamma Synch, you can find info on here using search, someone may have a link or two handy, I’m cooking right now.
You can still perform magick without tgs, you need to learn to look or feel for changes during the enviroment or yourself during the spell or ritual.
An altered state is required for pretty much anything magical, though it does not have to be as deep as TGS for some minor acts of magick. All of the things mentioned above that can be done without TGS, actually put you in an altered state while you are doing them, usually a lighter state known as Alpha.