Wishing machine and subliminals experiment

I have been doing for 24 hours and experiment with my wishing machine but using a subliminal for more than a month for more than that month I’ve been having dreams the goal the subliminals that I’m using is called meta ability creation by mind audio Central meta ability creation I’m trying to achieve omnipotence and this are my results with the last 24 hours I’ve had 10 consecutive dreams instead of wondering these aren’t your normal phrase these are dreams that have to deal with the topic in hand godly power in one hand I saw Cthulhu in a monitor if I can sense my energy around my body and all around my psychic abilities heightened


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I’m going for a sort of low level omnipotence (thats the best I could do to sort of name it). This means I can’t do drastic things like stop the rotation of the earth or anything like that. With this power I could, however, still do almost anything. My progress is taking a while, but here are some occurrences that likely tied to it: 1.) I thought it was getting a little dark in my room while I was trying to read, and the lamp turned on. I had not heard a click indicating that the little knob turned, and I was across the room. 2.) Someone kicked a red bouncy ball, and I didn’t want to have to retrieve it (I was the one playing two-square) and it swerved around and rolled back towards me (at which point the one who kicked it intercepted it and ran back with it, so I can’t tell if it would have made it all the way back.) I hope this information will be of good use to you guys.
1 month ago (edited)•2


You’ve worked hard on magick for ages so I’m very glad you seem to have found your niche! :slight_smile:

Subliminals really work in my experience, they don’t have overnight effects but used consistantly, they can make real changes.


I have nothing close to that but I have had dreams and they have gotten more frequent and the energies are more
Another thing is coincidences are getting stronger


I listen to him every night and in the morning and all day :grinning::kissing_heart:



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Maybe he wants to work with you :slight_smile:

Also, I’m glad you found something that works for you, congrats :slight_smile:


Maybe I am a fan of Cthulhu and Lovecraft :grin::joy::grinning:


Today I felt being surrounded by large field of energy about the size of a refrigerator and it continues to be to expand it is my aura I are always been since I started this subliminals and using the wishing machine I have noticed in boost in Energy


And today I started using self-affirmation ritual to amplify the effects an idea I got at the Flynn air using the law of attraction and a technique created by Robert Bruce yelling out the affirmations into the astral with intent combined with wishing machine and combined with my will will amplify my effects


When to scratch offs I saw the scratch offs in my mind’s eye a strange pull this those specific scratch offs telling me to play them and they were all winners the wishing machine has increased my subliminals speed by great amount this Sixth Sense is amazing

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I had a dream that I hope you can interpret the dream was I was eating at a seafood place and I was waiting for the tech and there was a crime scene there were three dead bodies and in the Dead disappeared except one I told the person who was next to me if someone doesn’t take that dead body away from this place I will I snap my fingers and the body disappeared and within the Dream I Dreamed that I was a beam of light in a war zone and I transformed into a being riding a horse with a red cloak and a fiery sword and the odd thing was that I heard booming say booming sound and I and in my back a machine gun I was riding this horse and the sound kept was booming and booming and I felt a frill that I never felt before can you interpret this dream

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I had this dream and a form omniscience start manifesting the information just comes to me now and this has been since my last post

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woooo :star_struck:
Well that’s interesting :astonished: