Wish granting servitor

I’m having outstanding results with servitors and I’m experimenting on them,is it feasible to create a servitor with this ability,the ability to grant wishes and to make chances of something happening increase by 80 percent,probability and shit or just grant wishes

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Each spirit and each magic incantation for material desires can only open the door of opportunity to manifest your wish but whether you will step into it and do the work to manifest the desire is another matter. It’s not that simple.


Well said,it’s like a path of open doors so it’s not just a wish.

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Yes, people overestimate magic. They are like children in a candy store.
They do not appreciate what is most nourishing and essential.
They cast spells and sign pacts with demons, but these pacts have no value.
What we should focus on is rejecting every single weakness and strengthening the body.
There is no place for alcohol, drugs, addiction to medications, cigarettes, pornography.
Instead, good habits like self-healing and sports to strengthen physical body which is the pillar of existence.

Only then with a pinch of magic having a plan and putting work into it will our dreams manifest in the shortest way.

I think that currently thanks to the ancient manuscripts and gnosis of this forum we have enough knowledge to do this.

I am not saying that a person cannot manifest anything with weaknesses, but sooner or later the cultivator will hit a wall and no amount of pacts can change that.

You see, there is nothing more powerful in the three worlds than a man because a man is a representation of the sun. How powerful his light is depends on his cultivation.

Light represents power. Resourcefulness, inner energy, will, wisdom, strength, intelligence, and more.

The problem with people today is that they want to have their cake and eat it too. We call this stupidity and greed. That is what they are. Without exception.

:rofl::rofl: magic is supposed to grease the wheels and give opportunities to you, like me,I’ve been generating buzz and getting gig’s and meeting some interesting people.who love my songs,just opened doors really. You can’t wake up a billionaire overnight.even if you make a pact if you don’t do something or put in effort,you will fail.hard work is awesome.

Maybe the world is different in the world of artists and muscians. Maybe that’s why it seems so funny. Either way, we can’t get anything of value without sacrifice. This has been said since ancient times.