Winning the lottery with a pact?

Money magic is most successful when its used as a tool to enhance mundane efforts. Most commonly this means using magic to further your career and/or build a business. This is a good approach to take for a couple of reasons:

  1. There is far less resistance, in terms of the people’s magic competing with your own, so it’s easier to manifest a result.
  2. Its a better option for the long term. Sure the lottery is a quick boost of cash, but the real money is in business and coldly exploiting your fellow man for personal gain.
    If you were to ask a demon or spirit for assistance, they would likely encourage you down this route rather than the lottery.

When it comes to pacts you have a few options. You can make an offering, agree to perform some tasks for the demon… What ever you both agree on really. Think of it like a business agreement. You discuss the terms, then you both fullfil your end if the agreement to the best of your ability.
You should also bear in mind that the building anything on pacts is… Well it’s somewhat precarious and can easily end in disappointment. If you pin your business’ initial success on a pact, you’ll likely do well. But once the terms have been met the demon may choose to stop helping you. At this point you’re on your own and things can easily come crashing down again.
This is why I’d suggest you build a friendship with, or dedicate yourself to, a demon who’s goals compliment your own. This takes longer, but it’s the difference between going to a loan shark for money and building a good credit score is you can go to the bank instead. This approach allows for consistent ( and stable ) progress, as you work together.
If you have more questions feel free to pm me. I noticed lady Eva linked you to a thread on money magic, you’ll find alot of good advice there.

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