STILL not a god, and nope, this just makes him a bully.
The so-called god that commanded and did the stuff in the bible (if you want to take the position that he’s real and he’s a he) is based on his very acts and commands NOT good.
I personally have judged him on the grounds of his acts and commands to be (if he exists) a psychopathic entity (and fraud)
I strongly suggest you read the Old Testament if you wish to know why I think this about him.
Start with genesis and go all the way through and make notes if it helps you of every vile despicable unjust thing he did or commanded.
Start with the fact he sentenced people to die just for eating a piece of fruit and gaining knowledge. All they did was eat a piece of fruit and then we all have t die even though we didn’t even see touch or eat that fruit.
Then continue on, where he says women not only will you die but I’m gonna be really nasty and make you ave pain with every baby you give birth to. He already sentenced eve to death then he adds another sentence for the same crime on to her.
Then go on to the great flood. Drowning all but 2 of each animal species animals that didn’t eat of the fruit that didn’t do anything evil and never sinned (also drowning innocent plants as well).
And with all that I haven’t even got out of the book of genesis. Haven’t even reached Abraham yet.
Read your damn holy book ALL the way through and note every unjust act your god did and that includes killing his son Jesus when all he had to do was forgive humanity. After all he already had punished humanity with death. Is it right to keep adding more and more on top of it even after humanity paid the punishment price over and over again and again.
I dare you to read and take notes then go over your notes and ask yourself “what if it was a human did that???”
For me between the false teachings unanswered prayers and the holy book of atrocities…. Enough said.
Add: and for all that I only wish if he were real that your so called just god would be overthrown and killed for what he’s done.
If he was human we’d have executed him for all he’s done (for crimes against humanity).
Add: and with that I conclude the if the god of the bible is/was real why I’d hate him or why I do (if he is).
Well, the kill count for “god” is hilariously higher than satan in the bible. Anybody, spirit or person, who claims to be a moral authority than immediately talks about how jealous they are. Like, stop it right there. If you’re jealous you obviously have work to do and shouldn’t be saying anything.
A source of truth should be self evident. Demanding worship is childishly egotistical, and killing those who disagree is peak insecurity. Plus theres the whole “lemme remove all mention of my wife but somehow in my infinite wisdome forget to remove her from the bible” thing (Asherah).
Plus, any spirit that claims certain words on pages are the definitive authority on anything sign their own death warrants. How? Over time, supposed knowledge is seen to be the thoughts of a people (in this case, bronze age folks) who are binded and bound by their outdated beliefs.
Only beating a slave XYZ times a day isn’t holy or pure - it’s evil and shitty.
Telling women to stfu and sit in the back of a church isn’t divinely inspired or wise - it’s insecure masculinity who can’t stand equality.
Killing an entire town because ONE child called you a bald man isn’t divine wrath - it’s petty, vindictive and cruel. What the fuck does a town or other childen get mauled by bears because some dingleberry insulted a prophet?
I don’t hate the god of the bible. I just find him insecure, narcissistic, egotistical, petty, vindictive, cruel, sexist and needy. All people can do better than him. (I can’t understate how disgusting the whole “worship me” thing is. Hmm, almost like somebody knows they will fade without worship. That doesnt sound all powerful to me. )
Lastly, the god of the bible is literally tracable to religions and people that existed way before the Israelites differentiated themselves from the Caananites. Anybody who thinks the god of the bible is something cohesive, and not a zombie ripoff of other cultures has a serious amount of learning to do. If you dont know the origin of the bible character you shouldn’t even be replying. You should be reading, learning the etymology and doing the work.
Ooh gonna make me justify slavery that’s a good one. Well it’s pretty simple really the Hebrew and Greek translations and words means bondsman or contract servant.
I don’t think I have to explain how money was much different back then…at least I hope I don’t.
Nowadays CEOs provide money but back then Kings provided a lot more than gold or whatever, it was much more complex.
The closer people were to that time the more they knew the true meaning of what slave meant. Plus like I said you can look through the book about the treatment of “slaves” it was far better than any modern form of slavery (even the Asian slaves who built this phone.)
If you wanna understand how a word can change overtime consider the word GAY, originally it meant happy but people started to associate it with homosexuals as well as an use it as a gay slur.
Same with faggot - it means a bundle is sticks but people use it incorrectly so the word changes. It’s the same case here, the Bible uses a Hebrew word meaning bonds men or (that’s time’s version of) an a employee. And then it tries to establish and define good treatment so that it cannot be taken out of context.
That’s why in employee hand books we have explicit rules to define how to treat the employee and what abuse is.
They had the same for “slaves” back then. The white racist in America took out any verses that would give the slaves hope any left all the verse out of context that said slaves should be obedient, then they broke the law of God and treated them worse than any group of people (arguably in history) so now when we think of slaves we associate it with the tragedy of America rather than a bond contract or employee situation where the king was providing worship, food, shelter and water in exchange for service.
1: Corinthians 7:21
21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so.
Colossians 4:1
1 Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.
Exodus 21:2
2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything.
Galatians 3:28
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
If any of those verse don’t work for you:
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
This is literally the Golden rule and is prominent throughout all of western society, anyone with common sense knows they do not.
You can look up the slaves Bible.
We discussed the justification of slavery using the The Bible in my African American history class my teacher was Christian and so was the majority of the class (we took role for who was).
Everyone agreed the racist purposely instilled slavery through the slave Bible. One of the major parts of slaves freeing themselves was stealing a copy of an ACTUAL Bible and teaching the other slaves the truth.
There’s still plenty of criticism which is good but I think it’s important to note slavery isn’t dead even today. Obviously it’s horrible but it’s legal under certain jurisdiction. Watch the documentary 13th if you wanna see how it’s still alive and well in America.
My best friend’s black fraternity (Kappa alpha psi) is Christian based, they are all men of God and even have to memorize scripture. He has black Jesus in his house. I think we can agree Kappa alpha psi, a black brotherhood created for descendants of former slaves wouldn’t make their society based on the Bible and faith through Jesus Christ if they did not believe it was inherently true or an optimal form of being.
I mean you can make that argument but I think you’d be doing the black population and yourself a disservice.
Personal story during my initiation into the Golden Dawn I also pledged myself to my city went through a lot of Gang territory and “sets” (blood, crips, and some Mexican cartels). During my initation I had to prove I wasn’t against oppression and slavery if any kind, you don’t really have time to give an entire thesis or essay on the injustice of African Americans and minorities while doing this.
I’m 25% Filipino (you can look into the oppression of Filipinos if you want) but I pass as white, sometimes I’m mistaken for Mexican (a lot of people tried to speak Spanish to me).
I just wanted to make it abundantly clear I am against slavery in any capacity - me myself, I do not wanna be a wage slave or employee but until we can get robots to do everything people are always going to play the role of the working class. Through the teachings of Jesus, the Bible, and a Mexican minority named (Dan pena) I know how to treat people right and give them sufficient lives (great benefits, and awesome pay + vacation).
Proverbs 19:17
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Isaiah 58:10 (NIV)
“And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”
I’m actually pretty anti-authority in basically all regards, I really only answer to my God.
Part of the mysteries of crucifixion I experienced during the Golden dawn curriculum was being/seeing/feeling Jesus and the weights of the world on my shoulders. The point of the rituals is to establish YOU as the heir to what Jesus did, although I am far from perfect I am doing my best to atone for the sins and change the world for the better it really wouldn’t make sense for me to feel Genocide, rape, slavery during my initation to then be like “Oh I think imma just keep that going!” Ya know?
Please note the chaplain who gave me the new testament and Psalms in the hospital was a black woman, she did a prayer and gave me the book for free. I like studying the whole Bible all someone really needs is the new testament, but Psalms is great as it worships the Lord.
Psalms 94:23
He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the LORD our God will destroy them.
Set my people free!
One of my favorites:
“God does call the qualified, he qualifies the called” - Royce Da 5’9 - Overcomer
If you wanna stalk me you can, I have a journal - I shared a video about my experience through initation, you’ll have to forgive me as I cried at certain points of the video but I describe my initation and some of the horrible things I’ve experienced and seen as I’ve progressed.
Note: I summon demons, angels, have worked with fallen angels, Santa muerte and more.
I’m spiritual non-religious but my family has a covenant with The God of the Bible and Jesus is my lord and savior!
Side Note: Hip-Hop >Every other genre of music
I wouldn’t be following YHWH if I felt he was trying to perpetuate slavery spiritual or physical of any kind. But people are entitled to their own opinion, free speech baby
@Titan.M what I don’t get is why you’re doing things like Qlippothic initiations ( all in one night) but you still want to align yourself with YHVH. That’s contradictory and I hate to say it shows a real lack of understanding of the Qlippoth, and kabbalah.
It’s like why would I want to take a bath and go roll around in horse shit after.
It doesn’t make sense.
I mean do you man but it just seems strange as a bystander. That’s all.
What crimes against humanity did he commit? Do you have scripture or are you making the same argument as the other person that the God of a people is responsible for all their actions?
1 Corinthians 10:13
13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Everyone is saying God is so horrible and I guess if you say “well God created Satan and he is the one who tempts us and makes us do evil” I could maybe understand better, but even then yeah.
But how would God teach us good and Evil if free choice wasn’t an element and we had a perfect example of what NOT to do - aka Satan.
Note: I’ve contacted (what I believe to be Satan’s oldest form Azazel)
I don’t blame Satan, he’s just doing his job as an archangel of darkness, death, and wickedness. But at the same time realize there’s scholarship that implies Satan or Samael/Azazel/Lucifer? Is the one who destroys you in hell or tortures you or whatever is your fancy.
So it doesn’t really make sense (in my opinion) to go worship the embodiment of everything that will lead to sin, wickedness, and destruction, unless you were in it for the power and you didn’t care about eternal life…
Just gonna chime in to say that hate of an entity as abusive and toxic as the christian Father is entirely warranted. The whole “original sin” bs is ,imo, classic abuser talk of “you’re disgusting and noone but I will ever love you” so I’m pretty not cool with someone masquerading as the source of all love to abuse their followers personally. But to each their own. People like @Mulberry have said this much better than I have so I’ll leave this here.
Alright, editing this to say that “god has the right to attack you” is just completely against everything I know about the lhp. With all due respect, you sound like a slave, not a god.
Well let’s start with drowning the human population except for 7 people. That is still mass merder irregardless of whether the humans were behaving badly or not.
So in answer I’ll start there and end there for now because I have to go do some stuff this afternoon so can’t debate all day.
crime against humanity = mass Merder.
Excuse the spelling this forum has a censorship program that doesn’t like the correctly spelled charge so mass merder it has to be.
Mass merder is definitely a crime against humanity and illegal virtually everywhere
@Titan.M what I don’t get is why you’re doing things like Qlippothic initiations ( all in one night) but you still want to align yourself with YHVH. That’s contradictory and I hate to say it shows a real lack of understanding of the Qlippoth, and kabbalah
I mean you can say it’s contradictory and I think Christians would make that same arguement. I am spiritual non-religious, if I was a hardcore Bible thumper I wouldn’t be on this forum.
Where’s the lack of understanding, I want to push my soul and self to the limit…
God gave me and everyone else free will, I can do whatever I want I just have to face the consequences, if I wanna do the Qlipoth in one night I will (and already have) I see it as a way to test myself.
God let Satan do everything to Job EXCEPT kill him.
You could make the same argument about my ghetto initiation, if I’m a man of God why am I going through a violent initation like being jumped in, I wanna test myself and show courage in the face of evil and malevolence.
I think it is you, who has a lack of understanding of heroic and shamanic initiations and because I am not easy to understand it’s easier for you to write me off as contradictory and maybe miss-informed.
Even if I am contradictory I am not perfect so what do you expect?
Yeah if you compare me to Jesus I am far from perfect, but I could say the same about Satanists. They walk in the footsteps of (supposedly) the most wicked, powerful, and evil. Yet they’ve never done anything illegal, gotten into a fight or even stood up for themselves in front of bullies.
In truth,there was only one christian and he died on the cross.
Friedrich Nietzsche
YHWH is responsible for genocide just cuss people pray to worship him and use their faith in him to justify their actions?
he’s guilty of genocide because of the flood myth
or the taking the first born of all the Egyptian babies,
Or claiming to be all loving but sending people to hell instead of enlightening and caring for them.
Not because people under him.
I guess the best question is if there is an all loving all knowing “God” why do we feel he has to be synonymous or the same as the abrahamic God instead of just doing away with organized religion and things that say “we have to give him a name/gender/know what he’s thinking”
Just to make it clear, according to lore, the figure of “destroy humanity” appears in several pantheons, not only the judeo-christian.
Zeus was talked out of destroying humanity by Hermes and is not as if he didn’t try before. Hades wanted to crush all of Athens because one guy was so good of a healer that he healed death. You can find such stories on several pantheons, since most ancient lore paints their gods not as paragons of virtue but of what is true about humanity itself.
According to Mexica lore, they live in the fourth world because the gods destroyed the previous three. And so on and so on and so on.
The Selknam creation myth portrays the cycle of day-night as a fucking rape-chase, if I’m not misremembering.
I’m sure there are many more examples. The gods are always dicks in most cultures. That’s why they’re so sexist: because ancient societies were dicks to women.
Well let’s start with drowning the human population except for 7 people. That is still mass merder irregardless of whether the humans were behaving badly or not.
So in answer I’ll start there and end there for now because I have to go do some stuff this afternoon so can’t debate all day.
crime against humanity = mass Merder.
Excuse the spelling this forum has a censorship program that doesn’t like the correctly spelled charge so mass merder it has to be.
Mass merder is definitely a crime against humanity and illegal virtually everywhere
Three things, one merder is when it’s against the law not just hard resetting the entire planet.
Two you do realize you don’t have to read the Bible literally, that’s the same pit-fall fundamental Christians fall into, do you also believe two people started all of mankind and there was literally a talking snake, maybe there was I’m just saying you are allowed to think beyond literal interpretations.
Three God is the creator of the law, civilization, and all of being he cannot merder anyone as he is not bound by anything so trying to attribute the same moral codes on something that is beyond the realm of existence itself is foolish. But I’ll give you God’s justification for being able to do whatever the fuck he wants from the Bible
Job 41
Can you pull in Leviathan(A) with a fishhook(B)
or tie down its tongue with a rope?
2 Can you put a cord through its nose(C)
or pierce its jaw with a hook?(D)
3 Will it keep begging you for mercy?(E)
Will it speak to you with gentle words?
4 Will it make an agreement with you
for you to take it as your slave for life?
Will it keep begging you for mercy?(E)
Will it speak to you with gentle words?
4 Will it make an agreement with you
for you to take it as your slave for life?(F)
5 Can you make a pet of it like a bird
or put it on a leash for the young women in your house?
6 Will traders barter for it?
Will they divide it up among the merchants?
7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons
or its head with fishing spears?(G)
8 If you lay a hand on it,
you will remember the struggle and never do it again!(H)
9 Any hope of subduing it is false;
the mere sight of it is overpowering.(I)
10 No one is fierce enough to rouse it.(J)
Who then is able to stand against me?(K)
11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay?(L)
Everything under heaven belongs to me.(M)
12 “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs,(N)
its strength(O) and its graceful form.
13 Who can strip off its outer coat?
Who can penetrate its double coat of armor[b]?(P)
14 Who dares open the doors of its mouth,(Q)
ringed about with fearsome teeth?
15 Its back has[c] rows of shields
tightly sealed together;(R)
16 each is so close to the next
that no air can pass between.
17 They are joined fast to one another;
they cling together and cannot be parted.
18 Its snorting throws out flashes of light;
its eyes are like the rays of dawn.(S)
19 Flames(T) stream from its mouth;
sparks of fire shoot out.
20 Smoke pours from its nostrils(U)
as from a boiling pot over burning reeds.
21 Its breath(V) sets coals ablaze,
and flames dart from its mouth.(W)
22 Strength(X) resides in its neck;
dismay goes before it.
23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined;
they are firm and immovable.
24 Its chest is hard as rock,
hard as a lower millstone.(Y)
25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified;(Z)
they retreat before its thrashing.(AA)
26 The sword that reaches it has no effect,
nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.(AB)
27 Iron it treats like straw(AC)
and bronze like rotten wood.
28 Arrows do not make it flee;(AD)
slingstones are like chaff to it.
29 A club seems to it but a piece of straw;(AE)
it laughs(AF) at the rattling of the lance.
30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds,
leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.(AG)
31 It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron(AH)
and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.(AI)
32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it;
one would think the deep had white hair.
33 Nothing on earth is its equal(AJ)—
a creature without fear.
34 It looks down on all that are haughty;(AK)
it is king over all that are proud.(AL)
God can make the emodienment of chaos his bitch his powers and understanding of the nature of reality is far beyond our comprehension.
Imagine you were a parent and your child questioned why you slapped them for lying about stealing. The child may not understand but you must punish them for them to understand.
Sure you can be a snowflake and explain why stealing is bad but there has to be consequences to actions, if humans are ruining the world, God’s creation does he not have the right to rid the world of it’s disease?
I’m sure there are many more examples. The gods are always dicks in most cultures. That’s why they’re so sexist: because ancient societies were dicks to women
Order is one part tyrannical and one part wise king to disregard one or the other would be foolish. That’s why I made this thread to educate myself and have civil discussion about people’s criticism of my God.
Also it’s important to note Jesus Christ also criticizes the Old testament.
Order is one part tyrannical and one part wise king to disregard one or the other would be foolish.
The hell has this to do with anything I said?
entities you guys worship for that matter.
Btw I’m pretty sure the way YHWH asks to be worshipped (submission and groveling) and the way we show our gratitude and respect to the entities we work with are vastly different but to answer your question I’ll say this. Not once have I ever been compared to a child on the lhp but everytime someone explains why YHWH is better than me It’s like I have to be some ignorant dumbass who cant take care of himself for God to have any value to me. It’s degrading and infuriating to say the least.
The hell has this to do with anything I said?
Because the spirit of the father is order - I’m referencing Jungian psychology, mythology, archetypes, and Jordan Peterson (a clinical psychologist with a PHD).
Because the spirit of the father is order - I’m referencing Jungian psychology, mythology, archetypes, and Jordan Peterson (a clinical psychologist with a PHD).
Still nothing to do with ANYTHING I said.
But I see now. Do not reply, I’ll see myself out of this thread.
what does the bible say about working with demons
and tree of the nightside