Why's everyone hate YHWH...I don't understand

There are lots of gods who’ve done similar things, including Zeus. Many pantheons and groups have stories about the end of most humans. It’s seems to usually (I’d say always but I’m sure there’s at least one example against it) be the male god who wants the most power.

Just because you put “Respectfully” or “Not to be racist/homophobic/an asshole” in front of something, doesn’t make it okay. All you’re doing is admitting to wrongdoing and saying you intend to be excused for, in this case, not being respectful.


You seem to just ask these questions in attempts to push your agenda of “God is Good” on everyone. What you forget, however, is that many of us have also studied that book you’ve been defending. While you can cherry-pick where you believe YHWH is justifed and attempt to justify anything we say against him, in my opinion you’re borderline preaching with all these bible quotes in direct response to people’s objections. You know very well, and have known very well, why people are against this corrupt cretin of a god.

Simply, it’s because he’s an asshole and the religions he’s inspired aren’t liked by many people on the forum. Some of the gods I work with have also been assholes and murderers, but I like them better and they seem to often have reasons for their actions, perhaps I just like how they treat me better (with respect).

Edit: I don’t “hate” him, I just don’t care for him at all.


Boom. Succinct and wonderfully put, I could not have worded it better myself.


The biggest difference is no one as far a I know not even Zeus to the best of my knowledge said Zeus was all good all perfect like is claimed about yaweh. If they did I’d have issues with him too or any deity for that matter.


Such a great point! This god is portrayed as always being right.

When I work with a spirit, even I acknowledge where they’ve done scary/non-moral things. I like a certain category of ‘sketchy’ spirits, so I do it more often than not, but no one says Forcalor is all amazing or Set is without fault.


Looks like we lost another one :pleading_face:


Yes I was joking.

I have agenda that God is good?
I’m pushing it on everyone? …okay bud.

Lemme ask you how would I know you guys studied this book unless we talked directly?
Last time I checked we didn’t have access to the statistics on how many Balg users have converted from YHWH to Lucifer or Satan or LHP. If we do have those please enlighten me.
Rather than ASSUMING why you guys are do not like this God I’d rather ask you directly and hear from the horses mouth. I have an entire thread asking everyone who they think Lucifer is:

But you know I’m trying to convert everyone to YHWH using the same method? C’mon now lmao.

The fact that I am preaching because I am using Bible quotes is actually laughable and I cannot believe I have to explain how supporting a thesis or arguement works (even though I gave an example of me doing the EXACT SAME THING using Sasuke Uchiha as making and arguement that he is a God based on the data books.

Again I cannot believe I have to explain this but here it goes.

Thesis: Krishna is the supreme being if all of existence and his scripture says so.

“A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.” (BG 5.29)

“O son of Prtha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men.” (BG 7.10)

I’m sorry I ASSUMED you knew how philosophical and arguementative discussions worked. Assumptions make an ass out of you and me :wink::+1:.

I set the parameters of the question to avoid any “YHWH is bad based on my personal experience, Lucifer is good!” I wanted to see if anyone had any actual references. To my knowledge only two people in this entire thread used an authoritative figure (minister) and scripture.

They didn’t just say “YHWH bad and I said so, listen to me because I’ve had a bad experience with them!”

They actually presented evidence beyond their personal experience. If I just wanted to hear people say YHWH is bad I could’ve just used the search function (I know even us regulars forget about it).

Did you have anything constructive to say or?

I still work with plenty of Demons and fallen angels pardon me if I am questioning the servers majority beliefs. I can make an entire thread of what I believe an adversary to be and how to assume that role.

But in a philosophical arguement it’s called playing devil’s advocate:
If you play devil’s advocate in a discussion or debate, you express an opinion which you may not agree with but which is very different from what other people have been saying, in order to make the argument more interesting.

Please reframe from making tasteless jokes as I’m trying to ascertain the truth through philosophical technique based on my experience working with adversaries.

If you know how to act or assume the part of “adversary” you can do so within any context or given social group. It’s the wolf in sheep’s clothes, “keep your friends close but your enemies closer”.

To paraphrase Rick Sanchez: “It’s not about being on the winning side of the war, it’s about moving between both as to play the middle man”.

Did you have proof to support this claim? Or were you just derailing my thread to make what I think was a joke.

I’ve always said i would actually have no “beef” so to speak with that God, only if he didn’t present himself to be the superior, all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, all present and by far the most hilarious to me is omnibenevolent (all loving). An excellent point that @DarkestKnight made here is many of the pagan gods were ruthless and promoted war and killing too and i wholeheartedly agree with everything he said but it reminds me of an interview once conducted with Stephen Fry, he made an excellent point on this.

He gets to the point in this video after discussing the destructive and injust side of that God, he discusses the greek and roman gods. He states he wouldnt have a problem with that, why because they didn’t pretend to not be human in their apetites. Same goes with Odin and other beings they never claimed to be saviours, or all loving, superior beings. Yes they relished in their knowledge, their stature, their power, wisdom and strength but what you saw with them is what you got. A god of war was about war, a god of mischief caused mischief, a chaos deity caused chaos and so on.

However lets look at it like this then, a god that is super hypocritical, judgmental and portrays himself as something he’s not which is a all loving, merciful god. Let me ask you if a benevolent, merciful and all powerful being like that exist would it.

  1. Send Bears To Kill Children
  2. Turning Lots Wife Into Salt
  3. Comitting Genocide
  4. Ordering His Underlings to Kill Their Own Children
  5. Killing Egyptian Babies
  6. Killing a Dude for Not Making More Babies
  7. Killing People for Complaining About God Killing Them
  8. Everything He Did to Job
  9. Instructions For Slave Masters

How about one of the most vile ones ive ever read and ill cite the various sources for this, about you are blessed if you take the infants and children of the enemies of God and dash them against rock’s to death.

Psalm 137:9

“Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones
and adashes them against the rock!”

Psalm 137:9 — The New International Version

“Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks”.

And this goes on and on throughout several versions of the biblical text, the majority of the atrocities commited were literally ordered by God himself and no one can pull that bullshit of “it was the old testament” like come on really. A all knowing god didnt realise times would change, all loving god and all seeing god decided to become more politically correct, does he have to install an update every couple hundred years no not at all.

Lets keep going shall we …

2 Samuel 7:11; God, through Nathan, says he is going to punish David’s affair with Bathsheba by making all of David’s wives prostitutes. God making David’s wives prostitutes, despite what His own law said, is not moral.

Leviticus 26:29; God describes how he will punish people by making them eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters. Any God threatening to force people into cannibalism on their family is not moral.

Genesis 7:21–23; God drowns the entire population of the earth (except for Noah and his family): men, women, and children, both born and unborn, because they were “evil”. I don’t know how unborn children could be evil, but whatever. Killing the entire population of earth, including innocent babies, is not moral.

Deuteronomy 21:18–21; God demands we kill disobedient teenagers. Stoning disobedient children to death is not moral.

Exodus 21:20–21, Colossians 3:22–24, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Peter 2:18; God legitimizes slavery by saying it’s okay to own slaves and to beat them. Slaves are told to obey their masters just as they would obey Jesus, even if their masters are harsh. God blatantly supports slavery. Supporting slavery is not moral.

This is still not even a fraction of all the evil stuff, now i agree a lot of the bible’s evil is commited by man and sometimes of his own accord. However are we going to ignore the evil god did in the text, plus the disgusting acts of rape, m*rder, slavery, war, cannibalism and so much more he literally commands of his followers, forces them to do it otherwise they will suffer his wrath.

Personally when i approach a god of war, i know what he represents and ergo work with that force accordingly and cautiously, at least with that being what i see is what i get. At least he doesnt judge me and comdemn me to an eternal place of suffering, torment and torture, or even command for people like me to be executed. Now if God said

“I am he who condones war, rape, m*rder, slavery, suffering and the destestable things you cannot fathom” then okay fair enough, i mean its not for me but its honest. Rather he becomes a deceiving narcissistic and psychopathic liar, claiming to be merciful and loving, claiming to be the highest of the high and that he has the right to judge us.

I swear by every fibre in my being, heart, mind, body and soul, if i am wrong and this maniac is the one true god and i am to be judged. I will jump into the fires myself just after i spit in its deceiving presence and renounce him with pride. Id prefer the fires of hell over sharing an eternity worshipping such a capricious, evil, tyrannical, sickening god.

Another thing a lot of people like to do is argue about the time and culture, yes that applies to the people, not to the timeless god whos omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omnipresent and omniscient. He’s supposed to be a superior being if this is the best work of a loving, supreme, superior god then i am not impressed.

I respect your right to believe what you want, but you asked why ? You asked the people of this forum why we feel and think this way and here is my answer. So no excuses when it comes to the evil acts he commited or commanded his followers to commit of course excluding the atrocities man committed of his own accord which in comparison, doesn’t even compare to the evil this being did or commanded to be done.


I think this is a valid point and I’d love to PM you about YHWH’s God as a few people have alluded to this. I have done Qabbalah study and that talks about an entire side of God or existence being negative or feminine. One part is Binah in the supernatural Trinity.

That being said I am well aware The Bible has been revised and translated multiple times.
I am far from a blind Bible thumper follower and I’m constantly doing research. That being said to disregard the entire book would be a tragedy. It’s the most reference texted in the world and is the basis of all law in the West. I think there is value in the stories and you can read it so many ways and even symbolically to obtain a different meaning dare I say occult or esoteric one that the sheep in church will never have.
That being said you could also study the entire Bible to have ammo for arguements or in the context of the law understand the moral and philosophical underlying that wen into the foundation of society.

Do you surmise just because a person doesn’t quote scripture verbatim and specify book, chapter, paragraph and verse that like a jehova witness at you door that they haven’t read scripture?

Just asking out of curiosity because although I can’t quote passage and verse by wrote I have read it so I wondered where you got the idea only 2 people here have read scripture if not from a false perception that you have to know the paragraph and sentence number or you don’t know it. You can know it without knowing it’s paragraph and sentence number after all.


Added fact: I cut corners in text writing not because I am uneducated but cuz I like to cut corners cuz I write too long answers as it is and shortening them by writing cuz iinstead of because it’s just my thing. That said I have read the Bible all the way through more then once but I don’t n add he a habit of it anymore. So don’t read lack of education into my stylings it’s just a way to cut things a tiny bit shorter than they otherwise would be.


The Invention of God Amazon.com

Man, I’m not making fun of you, I made a point about the god that your title mention, that’s all :woman_shrugging:


I have plenty of reasons. Some philosophical. Some spiritual. And some personal. But the thing is I don’t owe you an explanation. No one does.

The fact is you are on a forum designed for people who follow these edgy demons and ancient gods. You are the minority. Technically, you have the right to be here so long as the admins have no problem. And I get that you want information, but this post does not come off as respectful. It is the equivalent of me going into a church and saying “Why all the hate to Satan?” Course, I don’t believe in a literal Satan. The point is, it seems as if you have walked into a space that belongs to another group and have decided to insult them.

I don’t know what the bible says about this subject, but in Laveyan Satanism, number 4 of the 11 rules of the Earth states to show respect in spaces that are not one’s own, or else don’t go there. And if you follow YHWH, then this isn’t your space.

And it’s rather hypocritical to call other people’s gods edgy when your profile pic is Sasuke Uchiha. He’s basically the icon of edge lords. The figurine in my profile pic, I designed myself.


…You were not personally targeted to give an explanation. OP can ask whatever they want on a general thread.


Hey Kendall I really appreciate you typing this all out as it’s exactly the kind of reply I wanted to see.

I’ll be honest you may know the contradictory nature (given the supporting verses) better than I do.

I also enjoyed Stephen Fry’s response, I think my main problem with what he says he confuses our self awareness of death and self consciousness, as well as good and evil nature itself. Cancer is nature and so are the animals that burrow itself in children’s eyes.

It’s very common for apex predators to go after the weakest or youngest animal within a group.
A wolves do not care if a deer is only a few second old, it will survive at all costs.

We can get into the nature of the animal kingdom on a different day but just know rape, death, disease and cannibalism are common within the animal kingdom.

I don’t have time to research all the verses or events you brought up but I think I’ve already provided scripture and have scripture that explains why God gets a pass on all things moral. But I think you make a good point that maybe you shouldn’t follow a God if his commandments are immortal to you.

Although I do not partake in this I can see the problem with it. I mean to play devil’s advocate if the enemy is Satan or some other God and in YHWH’s opinion they are false idols or the embodiment of evil. Then maybe killing the baby is the correct thing to do as it will not perpetuate the “disease” of sin on the planet.
If you look at it through the lens of spiritual warfare maybe during times of war you can justify killing babies I don’t know, just a thought. If you do not kill them they’re just going to be indoctrinated within YHWH’s current.
Also read literally most would say this is pretty horrible but given translations and the fact I do not read the Bible LITERALLY. I would say TO ME when I read this, I see it as saying to kill the infant state, ideas, or life with which your adversaries give birth to.

So if someone has an idea of how to worship a false God I should kill that idea immediately and violently.

Me personally, I do not kill babies physically, I actually don’t kill anyone physical. If I wanted someone dead (learned this from Lady Eva) I should speak to, recognize, or act as God to go about getting that process done, I should not be a animalistic ape and merder someone physically. I think me and you both know the benefits to using magick over ape tactics so just something to think about.

Hmm this is actually a really great point why would the most intelligent being of all time have to evolve or update his gospel. I work under evolutionary psychology so for me myths, and religious text are the interpretation of the unconscious or archetypes. Spirits in my mind are things you cannot see but that have an affect on reality, religious myths and even magickal ceremony is the best way to describe what reality is and how to go about being. So I think the update that’s installed could be humans attempt to evolve past their archetypes or previous mode of being.

Maybe that’s why God sent Jesus to preach new and updated lessons (which Jesus does summarize and criticize the OT). The NT is definitely superior as a "How to be and act’ guide.

Maybe that’s what YHWH is trying to say in the Bible but he is all loving to his followers but he also shows tough love?


I think this was a great point and hypothesis.

Slave scripture, you can look above as someone asked me how slavery was moral or justifiably:

Also having to do with sin and evil:

My justification for being “contradictory” in nature, I am spiritual non-religious.

God gives this justification for Job when Job questions him:

Note: It wouldn’t let me copy the full quote

I believe that verse is sufficient for everything God does, he is above the law he’s creates a he’s the most powerful being in existence and can slay chaos itself.

Off topic: I’m a big fan of your work, you also did a 9 demonic gatekeepers ritual for me maybe a year ago that was really powerful. And your the original person who taught me about Azazel, I also used the method you developed to connect to him.

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I wasn’t making a tasteless joke.

I have enjoyed all your posts since the time I’ve been on BALG, which is less than a year.

In fact you are in my list of top 10 people who’s posts I actually do enjoy reading and read in its entirety even though they’re mostly very long.

This thread threw me way off. So no not making a joke or derailing your thread. Not everyone is out to get you my friend.


Mod hat on:

Please be aware that the purpose of this forum is for the open discussion of all magick. It is NOT strictly LHP, even if most of the members, and its co-founders, are. This space is for everyone. Period.

Don’t be trying to tell anyone this “isn’t their space.”


Yeah no shit bro, don’t reply if you don’t want to lol. I’m asking for a reason. I do not have to justify doing curses to Christians but if you are going to reply play along don’t take it personally lol.

In what way was it designed for edgy demons or ancient Gods, E.A. has angels in his book evoking eternity and he teaches the LBRP (that’s who I originally learned it from). Plus we have a white magick section so this is a REALLY poorly constructed argument.
This site does not discriminated against any sort of practice except maybe the idiot who made the news and anything that would get us in legal trouble.

I’m sorry I didn’t see the sign that said “SATANISTS ONLY NO YHWH FOLLOWERS ALLOWED”. I am insulting no one stop it.

Good thing I don’t follow that book or that dudes cult.

This is an opinion you have no concrete proof Sasuke is edgy tmyour just attributing that to him. But yes I like Sasuke he is a lone wolf and true adversary I’ve also worked with him.

Cool profile picture.

No this is an assumption and even if it was true I have ever right to speak my truth and to question everyone.
As a seeker of truth I ask hard and uncomfortable questions.

Also you’re going to be the minority in a group full of black people? Cool…ask hard questions that are uncomfortable that’s what I do in all settings.
I’ve been the whitest person in the room or on the field multiple times, if I disagree with my black friends or an aspect of black culture I’m going to question them and ask about things. Just cuss you are an minority doesn’t mean you are wrong or even have to respect the status quote, have you ever listened to a Malcom X speech he is not afraid to offend people or “show respect” to a culture or status quo he doesn’t agree with. Respect is earned everyone is human beyond race, religion, or anything else. But I do not respect people just cuss I’m a minority or odd one out. There’s some GARBAGE rap I’ve studied it extensively if I hear garbage I’m going to call it out as such I could care less about what color the persons skin tone or if I am mostly white. I’ve studied black history especially Hip-hop and inner city poets, either I’m going to be corrected on my ignorance and then educated or my truth and IZM will overtake theirs.


I’ll add the book to my reading list thanks

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