Why is magic so limited?

I think you would actually find that many of the wealthiest people in the world have or even still do use magic. Did it help them however… ? I leave that question hanging for you to determine. The same cant be said in regards to the poor and poor NON magic users make a up a massive majority of the human population.


My TLDR on just the limits of magic:

We live in a physicalist universe, just not a reductive materialist one as it relates to consciousness, and so we’re stuck dealing with laws which are just as tight as anything we’re used to in physics, chemistry, and engineering, and what’s worse - it takes a lot of private experiences to figure out what you personally have to work with or don’t and it’s difficult enough to try to find your way through those weeds that most people give up. Even those who don’t give up are still dealing with a universe that’s lawful enough for us to predictably send a probe out to Pluto by mathematical calculations back at NASA or be able to make transistors several nanometers in size that hold up without too much quantum tunneling. If everything in the physical world is that rigid and lawful - why would this be any different. While it could be that there are large swaths (like 30% rules) I’m not even sure that’s the case, and a lot of people are forced to just be experimentalists and invent their own wheel.

My larger unpack:

I have several thoughts on this:

  1. To actually do well financially by typical means you have to throw most other things overboard including interests in much of anything other than your profession and possibly various social climbing and status-hacking tools. A lot of people here are philosophically and creatively oriented, ie. not a group that typically does well in a ‘devil take the hindmost’ economy.

  2. I can’t help but get the impression that something similar to Karl Friston’s free energy principle is at play here. I think in his focus he’s more interested in the ways in which systems reduce uncertainty and how Markov blankets work but I see something to the effect that evolving systems, such as ourselves and the rest of nature, are working to gobble up unused energy. In other animals the competition is less fierce, what technologies they have are limited (mostly what would be referred to as phenotypes), whereas we’re in competition to eat as much of the commons as government will allow us - for the sake of depleting a resource before our opponents do. Magic in that case is a couple different things:

a) Taking advantage of an orthogonal energy source that’s less obvious at ground level but which has its limits of function.

b) Attempting to work with non-physical forms of intelligence in order to strike up mutual aid relationships.

c) Probably the most credible way of using magical systems in terms of getting payouts that work, attempting alchemical enhancements to your own functioning, which looking at Michael Levin’s latest work on bioelectricity through ion channels being predecessor to neurons I’d say this essentially amounts to a kind of biohacking.

d) You have to also consider that other plants, animals, and entities might depend on that energy we’re trying to tap into and also might be much more competent at guarding it than we are at accessing it.

  1. There’s a lot of bad advice and a lot of hype in the magic world still, even with as many serious academic authors as we have and likely so much of that comes down to just how many rules there are to drawing on this energy as well as how many people could come up with beautiful systems that do nothing and it would take many people a long time to figure that out. All kinds of people have really beautiful and creative systems that might work for a few people, not for others, with no way of knowing ahead of time who’s who in those categories and from what I’m seeing it seems like this is a process that spins up between your self-aware consciousness, your subconscious processes, and your deeper animal liability such as going concern (which are in a technical sense more of the subconscious but in a way they’re a bit more like Freudian id telling you that your burning the balance sheet where as the Jungian subconscious seems to behave more like Iain McGilchrist’s take on the right brain such as full-court vision and view of broader details that our more common consciousness doesn’t pay as much attention to).

Magick is only as limited as the being that uses it. In its basic form as a tool that tool is limited to your ability to use it. In its truest form or what I feel is its truest form it is a means of transmutation by which you remove gradually limitation and expand your capability to better use it to get what you want. I’ve seen an absolute nobody with no real prospects in life do the otherwise impossible with skilled application of magical power and I’ve also seen people destroy themselves with it because they didn’t work to expand themselves and instead played with fire.

It ultimately has nothing to do with spells or rituals or words of power. Those are all useless without a basic understanding and set of skills to use them and once you know enough and have enough experience you can do without most of the flashy showmanship that you use in the beginning and just do stuff. You want to do aware without mundane work to augment magical work then you have to go all in on developing those skills and that is very hard to do in standard life in a failing society. That is more the path of a hermit monk.


But we all do magick though 24/7, both rich and poor because everyone has desire and thought.

The difference is in what affect the thoughts and personal attitudes and opinions have on the intentions toward those desires.

Although the non magic users may make up a massive majority of the human population, they are simply unaware of what difference their attitude and opinions make.

It’s easy to assume that a naturally wealthy person thinks differently than a poor person. The same can be said about a confident person or a happy person etc. It’s all in the attitude and intent whether a ritual from a book is used or not


I understand what you’re saying, but it’s not magick that is limited.

The vast possibilities, the huge changes, the very thing that could make one believe magick is limited despite all that, could be the person themselves.


You are the ultimate source of power in your life my friend, magic is the tool that we use to manipulate it. There are people on this forum that try using magic but have no belief in it, which will only serve in blocking the energy of it. Once you have an intention, perform the ritual and don’t get in the way of it?? You simply give it a chance to work by letting go of it to weave its work. It will then motivate you with ideas, opportunities will open up but you must back this up with ACTION!!

I think many magical practitioners have developed a deluded outlook on the great work and therefore expect miraculous events to happen when in reality, Spirit (which is the pure energetical essence we work with) will take the easiest route possible to achieve its outcome. Yes, we have to be serious and be prepared to do whatever is necessary ourselves then spirit will meet you half way and help you achieve your goals, although there will be quite afew times when you won’t need to lift a finger as everything will just appear to fall into place without any effort at all.

Spirit and life itself are very similar entities, they will emulate us so be prepared to apply effort when needed then you will find it will also work better for you in terms of incredible occurrences happening at times, this attitude will tend to make you ‘Very Lucky’ when all others are moaning of a lack of results.

The young magician limits his own creative source, the experienced practitioner however knows anything is possible, therefore there are no limits


That’s exactly the look I made when I read his post. Especially after recently manifesting a windfall.

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It will be what you think it will be.

Forgive yourself. Through affirmations, purple candles or whatever. “Forgive yourself” is the answer I get from the gods when I complain about my life being difficult. The energy of forgiveness cancels the energy of suffering. Like water quenching a fire. Maybe you think you have nothing to forgive to yourself, but you still may have subconscious gilt.

If you don’t forgive yourself what’s the point of doing prosperity spells? Why would you give yourself prosperity or obtain it from the Universe if deep inside you hate your own guts?

But I know… it’s difficult. I’m still at it.


real magick you cant buy its in you you only need to find it

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Lol. My life is not hard but i expected more from magic.

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for me magick is drive, it pulls me and my desire closer or further away. thats what it is

when given the key all of what you want will be at your feet, youll feel it and boom, youll be led to your destination, the journey and the success will be determined by how your subconscious is rewired and the effort you exert from your drive if you do it correctly, honestly i’ve spoken to much but real ones know

I resonate with you completely, I’ve experimented with many systems, some do work for sure but I always felt something was missing, magick has become way too complicated, when in reality it’s not that complex…

I don’t follow systems anymore I’ve created my own rituals and system I suppose, which appearantly I’ve been finding my way too for lifetimes, developing magical powers is definitely a process, and it is possible to do things such as telekinesis and elemental manipulation, human DNA just hasn’t adjusted to it yet, we’re still very dormant, but with practice you get there…

Magick mushrooms really helped me on my path, so if you’re having trouble with magick and improving your life with magick, consulting the mushroom guru can be very beneficial


Rewiring your subconscious is the hard part. It is easy to sit around and wonder “why magick doesn’t work” and “what am i doing wrong.” People just think, call up a demon through evocation, if it doesn’t work, then forget it, that magick stuff was all made up anyway.

So much of it is mindset, but people often don’t realize what part of their mindset is getting in the way of making the magick work. So many people have a bunch of beliefs and value systems that effect their interaction with the world, but without knowing what is standing in the way, it can be hard to even know what you are supposed to be doing to make things work.


I just wanted to chime in here too.

Magick is hardly limited. I have done things, documented on here and not, to help steer reality in the direction of my own Will. I have helped my Uncle make a ‘miraculous’ recovery from cancer, where he healed so fast even the team at the cancer center was astounded (especially considering his age). I have used energetic arts to change the perception people have of me, and have even disasters come out in my favor. My brother got in a car accident on the Highway and came out of it with only a dick-shaped bruise on forearm, when the rest of the car was totaled. He was sore for a while, but didnt have any major injuries. When my car(s) break down there is always someone conveniently close that wants to help me. Its gotten to the point where if I tell people in my personal life that I have a prediction for them, they no longer laugh it off.

You speak of struggles and the elimination of them. Food, bills, personal happiness, but all those things are projections of the magician practicing. Those are their own ‘Karma’ that they have to figure out and right on their own. Magick can and will help with those, but a lot of people on the path struggle for various reasons of their own design. They are their own worst enemy. People are inherently flawed, and it can take a good amount of -psychological- work and understanding to overcome some more of the mundane issues so that you may grapple with them magically. Though it is not a prerequisite. It just helps. A lot.

You can be a strong magician. Speak into the universe your Will and make it listen. The path is just that though, and everybody grows at different paces. That is the hard thing about magick. Its a skill, a learnable skill with a rich history and so many ‘traditions’ and takes on it that even starting can be challenging. The key point about becoming proficient in something is practice. Sharpen your mind. Cultivate awareness of your own internal energy and then external forces (and be able to distinguish the two). That is a good start, imo.


If you want money try Wealth Magick by Damon Brand.

And “Living God” is a metaphorical term imo. Of course people will disagree because theoretically it’s possible to become a literal omnipotent god.

My advice to you is that if you came here in the hopes that you say 2 Magick words and the world is yours then your in the wrong place brother. I know people make it seem like it’s that simple but it isn’t.

Any spiritual quest requires effort. Buddha didn’t Buddha just by sitting. The power is there but Accessing it takes insane effort. And even then let me be the first guy to tell you MAGICK IS NOT A SCIENCE. I might as well be called a pseudoscience.

I’m sorry if that was too rough but if you can’t accept it you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

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I’m not sure that is really a good term to use to explain the type of work that needs to be done. The term you want to use is mindset.

Psychological brings back the idea of discussing past “traumas” that really aren’t traumatic and taking bad advice, while ignoring giant energy draining monsters in your vicinity.

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I know this is an old post but I think one big problem is we all want to find the next best system and use pre-made systems, sigils, talismans and hope they work. Like anything we need to do stuff that suits our mind, body, life. The most powerful magick I have performed has been magick I cooked up myself and just went with it. Its been the quickest and most powerful out of any other system. Why because its your own creativity at work when doing it yourself. Be creative, try your own stuff based off a foundation. Learn foundation and then go with it. Do stuff you feel is right and what connects with you more and what you feel connects you to the spirits or energies more. Magick starts within just like your a god form magick likewise is in you. You can say some people high up use powerful magick thats ancient and your right most likely but it all started from within. Sadly the current world is a world where we look for stuff to be pre-done and made easy and think that doing it ourselves wont work as it has to be pre-made by professionals… no one is professional in magick its all just experience but a personal spell can out trump the work of a more complex system. Practice and practice and practice is also key.

You can say a chant you make up and it does nothing. Apply intent and try it. Now do it daily for a week and see what happens. That random chant now turns into something much more powerful because the belief from repeating it with intent has set magick into motion. In Demons of Magick the word of power HEE AHH REE is just mumbo jumbo but add intent and chant it over and over and you have something that gives feeling. Now apply motion or feeling into it and it becomes even more alive.

Go for a fun or do exercise and do magick while your under stress. Try new things. Do not just believe that you should do a boring format to a ritual, improvise and add what seems more fun. Chant, dance, play drums in background to get your mind into a magickal state. Do you think magick involves hearing chants or drumming? then do it. Do you think magick involves being in a dark forest to work? then do it. Do you think magick requires a salt circle or pentagram and candles? then do it. If it makes you feel magickal and gets you into that state just go with the flow. Dont fight what you feel is natural. Embrace it and go with it. It will either work or not simple.

Do not also ask for things like owning a stately home while your on the wage of a delivery driver, it just wont happen like that. We can do anything really but you at least need some ground work prior. Can you get a girlfriend by sitting in all day? magick will help but they just wont come knocking at your door.

A problem a lot of mages face which I think Jason Miller addressed in his financial sorcery book is we all do magick for quick money gains to pay a debt or get extra cash. But we dont always do magick for the long term gain or bigger picture. That is why you see people who are broke or near it. We can be the most magickal mages going but if we dont plan and use our abilities its wasted.

Ultimately make up your own invocations, chants, mantras, spells, sigils, talismans, systems etc. Adapt and learn, try, try again, again, learn, repeat etc. If you find someone elses work doesn’t work then scrap it or learn from it and change it up or make your own version of it.


Funny that I should stumble across this post. Earlier it was channeled to me that it is impossible for me to ask for too much in life, and thus this prompts me to start manifesting another goal. I’ve managed to extremely well with magic in the two or so years that I’ve been working with it. You can land a 12 bedroom house and eat quinoa and scallops every night as long as you will it. Magic has no limits as long as you comport yourself accordingly.



It’s very simple…

People get into the magic and start to feel like they are becoming powerful… and then boom!

All of sudden people learn real quick that it’s a lot more harder than it it looks.

There comes a point to where you have to meditate to learn how to manipulate energy. And then there comes a point to where you need to learn how to deal with psychic attacks. And then you realize that your mindset is flawed so then you have to train your mind for a couple of years so you can break blockages. And then you start to get burned out and take long breaks on performing magic… And then aw crap something happens with you car so then you need to focus on working your job and so on and so forth…

Alot of stuff needs to happen along the way in order to really become a “ living God “

There are very few people with great abilities, but unfortunately most of us live in a society where the government wants us to stay focused on physical reality so much that we don’t have enough time for human spiritual evolution.

Most people become angry and try to reach there goals faster using anger to, but that’s not the way to go if you really want to be great.

Also people who have these awesome success stories are very very rare. 90% of these “success” stories are usually from people who were already in a good position to begin with, or had past on inheritance.

The world always finds ways to test the truly deserving, but man you just got to preserve. There’s too much noise out here and so much tv subscription services and technology, it’s very easy to get distracted.

Like right now I should be meditating, but god damnit! I just got a subscription with shudder and I want to watch scary movies right now… but then I feel bad for not meditating, so now I’m on here trying to make myself feel better by using my current knowledge to answer this question… you see what I’m saying? We just have to focus.

I’m gonna force myself off my phone now.