Why I Chose The LHP & Why I Became A Black Magician [Video]

Why I Chose The LHP & Why I Became A Black Magician [Video].

In this video I go deep into why I and many others became black magicians, why we chose The Left Hand Path & how it is the ultimate path to power, ascent and godhood.

All this and a load more.




So many of your videos and lives have helped me continue to push in path. Just like this one.

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Wow this is great! Thanks for sharing with us C.Kendall. I like the history channel educational video feel to it. It’s reminds me of shows I have watch with the kiddo.


Cool, thank you for sharing the video Connor. I find them to be rather interesting.

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Wow yeah very interesting man, thanks for sharing. :+1:

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Thank you I’m glad :smiley:

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Thanks sister :blush:

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Your welcome and thank you :slight_smile:


Glad you enjoyed thank you :smiley:

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Will you make a video about unleashing the outer abyss entities as well?

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I am currently in the beginning stages of uncovering that path-working, it’s going to take quite a while until I can fully digest it all and bring it to the masses but don’t worry this is currently a work in progress.

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This would be interesting to see your progress on for sure!

Your currently working with Santa Muerte too right? Are you going to be posting on here your experiences with her? I’m very curious what she taught you