Why I am not feeling anything?

True that. Because you are becoming one… a god… you can’t really expect Hollywood high drama or special effects , right? You may get impressions, but your feelings about yourself are what spurs all the rest. Give yourself the space and time to get what you’re will is, then pursue it. Seem you are going at it fine, just chill and meditate all have said. Even I need to remind myself to do this daily and I sometimes just don’t. Meh. Don’t worry be happy.


What did I say? :smiley:

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something about sending an angry beast to spur some emotions… just kicked my funny bone all to heck. lolol

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Ah well you know I like people to know they have options lol

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yeah but the way you said it… hilarious! thx for the fun. :wink:

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Makes me sad no one has yet to accept that most sincerest offer lol

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pah… ppfftt ! :laughing: wonder why :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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For material goals, I’ve used to create servitors. It’s simple and effective. In the past I have done this kind of magick quite often. Maybe you could try that.

Sorry to interrupt there.
Serviator creation is advanced magick, as you create something that’s actually alive.
Link him some explenation, but i would suggest you stick to your reseurch and trainging of your mental abilities first.
Candle and Sigil Magick should be fine.
With Idol-Warship, i’d suggest you keep those for later aswell.
Get to know some physical elements,
craft a basic altar for yourself,
Those are starter steps i’d consider to be giving you some expierence for the difference between astral and physical.
Once you accessed Entitys to a degree of understanding them and having actual conversation, serviator work can be adressed, as by then you reach a point where you’re more capable of accessing something outside of you by your Willpower.




No need, it’s okay.
I find that servitors are essentially part of advanced magick, too. But, for some reason, even simplified techniques work so well, too. Speak from experience, I’ve just started doing magick and had great success just after 2-3 weeks. Now, many years after, I’m not sure would I ever get the same results as when I was only 18.

what’s a servitor? haha

simple explenation:
a Serviator is a non-physical Entity, bound and created by a Magician, to furfill tasks.
compared to entitys you evoke it’s basically similar to a passed away /dead person, or a foot soldier in demonic troups.

It is a living tool, and could be viewed a little bit like a pet. Except i wouldn’t suggest that point of view.
Serviators are especially problematic when during their creation certain mesurements of security was missing or wrong orders have been implemented into their being.
A Serviator can usually be destroyed by re-absorbtion into it’s source, similar to the way humans can re-integrate with their source.

Higher Serviators are usually not created by a single sorcerer but huge groups and time investment, basically that’s where it becomes a difficult discussion, since pantheons include both entities that show trademarks of having been created by mortals / Demons / Gods, and ones which clearly seem to be independent.

The next issue with this is in evokation, to a certain degree the sorcerer creates even those beings that well exist without him.
It’s a very strange issue to look into.
That’s why i considered to be advanced and not to be recommended to a beginner.




I’m ashamed to ask this but, can any advanced magician here can do a divination for me? To see if what I asked for Sallos is in motion?

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Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

I do not recommend the one linked to you (no offense to anyone at BALG). It is missing a great deal of instruction in significant aspects of the rite, specifically the Sign of Silence and the Sign of the Enterer. Those motions are much more than mere physical steps; that is where you will be learning to send and stop energy, one of the most important opractical uses for this rite as an exercise. The Qabbalistic cross is not at all like what is done in the HOGD, but the video claims the rite shown is of the Order. The god names are supposed to be vibrated during the drawing of the pentagram, not while performing the Sign of the Enterer, to activate the pentagram before you blast energy out through it; it is not a very good filter if it isn’t on beforehand, now is it? The instruction also does not tell you to connect the pentagrams in any way.

I would go with a more traditional source. I know there is a good deal of controversy regarding the HOGD’s current Imperator, but his book The Ritual Magick Manual by David Griffin has one of the best step by step instructions for this rite available.

I found that for myself, it comes with regular practice. Think of it like lifting weights for your mind. When you do it for a while properly you develop the senses needed to register those energies that you may not be registering now, just as you can lift heavier weights after you build muscle for a time.

Daily practice and planning, keeping busy, executing supporting actions, etc. Basically, if you do magick on a regular basis you tend to lose track of what you have done.

Another thing is to approach a rite with the attitude that it is already successful, and that you just have to do appropriate supporting actions (pre planned if possible) to move physicality into that reality. That’s why the celebration phase of a rite is often the most overlooked factor that causes people’s spells to fail. When you already know something is done, it is easier not to obsess.


Firmly agreeing there!!!
One of the biggest challanges once you notice your magick is actually working, is to learn to properly align it from end goal back to where you’re at currently.

I mentioned some details about serviator creation before.
This video isn’t exactly on that, but it will help you a lot in understanding it’s mechanics once you touch onto it.
It does support your way towards that aswell, and is teaching good basics.


