Why don't the light side help with what we want

Why can’t I call jesus to do anything but you call a demon and apparently this stuff works.


I like to believe Jesus was a magician who ascended and had desciples.


Demons are not the “dark side”, not entirely at least. Lucifer for example is the “Light Bringer”. The god Yahweh (who Christians and Jews worship) tends to act like a dirty cunt, tricking people into thinking he’s super strong, when in reality he’s fookin disabled. Gods help us becuz it benefits them, among other things. And we don’t just summon demons to get things, we call Norse gods, Greek Gods, Hindu gods, and many others. You can even summon Spider-Man from a different dimension.


It’s because of how they call.
Some are actually successful with Jesus but don’t act like their his bitch.


Invoking Jesus abilities is like invoking godform…allmighty…allknowing…omnipresent…eternal etc etc…even an atheist could invoke such abilities and become one with them…
Will and imagination


Depends on how you believe. Jesus is just another Spirit to me so none of those things would apply if I decided to summon him :wink:


If i focus on his magical abilities then it is possible…i don’t have issues :blush:

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It’s not about who you call, but how you call.

Organized religion restricted and limited the communication between man and the divine/spirit, within one form… prayer. Which is simply begging until you get an answer or get bored to death and give up. That’s of course, the option they give to the masses. Not what they know and learn in secret.

With magick, you can call any spiritual being you want. Not because any of them answers and others don’t… but because your knowledge of magick guarantees a contact, and from there you can take it anywhere you want.

If you feel that Jesus would be best to get you what you want, then I think you can ask him.


Well of course lol because you see him that way. It’s logical that he would be as you see it.

It’s no different than if I called on Belial thinking he was going to be a fire breathing, monstrous creature from Dante’s hell, that is how he would appear, because I see it that way.

It’s probably why the average Christian doesn’t get dick from Jesus. They believe in him but also truly believe they are not worthy. Now I know Belial would call you a pussy and walk away, why would Jesus do any different :joy:?


If you know how to…also keep in mind that delusion it is to think you would call forth Jesus and He would appear to you as merely the demons you evoke come to you.

Just focus on working what you have been working that is working for you.

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It’s all in the head, so if he sees Jesus as some superbeing this would probably be true but if not, not so much.

Just depends on how you preseve the world @Specialop.

Never imagined supreme omnipotent being or any lesser spirit as a dickhead bitchslapping people in a whimsical way nor did I imagine them as slave masters :grin: not my cup of tea(or any other beverage) :wink:
Like your way of thinking :clap::clap::clap:

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Christianity is a man made religion.

  • Jesus isn’t his name.
  • It’s very questionable whether or not he even existed.
  • Probably cause it’s all bullshit.
    Go with what works, abandon that which does not.

Those that dig deep enough, figure it out that it’s all bullshit, and usually become Sorcerers because of it.

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Either he sees Jesus that way or not, keep in mind that the fact and truth won’t change, no matter how the Satanists, and AntiChrists does and acts, the truth remain the same.

Though there is a way to do it, but not via evocation, there is an actual rite for it and in that case an Archangel would come (not a common one as Michael, Gabriel etc). But for man to merely behold Christ, not in this plane nor in the astral, it’s not possible.

I have ascended very high, entered those higher planets, yet each time I try to reach the Highest Planet (Ain Soph) to meet the Mystery that populated the Universe and Christ, I always fall back into the body.

Last time I tried it was around this time last year.


Religion itself is human idea.
And to call anything bullshit which you have no full knowledge about isn’t cool.

Jesus didn’t come to set any religion. Nor did he sent any to do so. It started with his disciples, who wanted to separate themselves from the Jews who killed their master.

Then Muhammad came and scatter everything.



It’s so funny how people have this belief.

I read the Goetia and see how they were all described there…got freaked out but still wanna go for it.

So Paimon came to mind first but went for Belial, I was expecting his description in the book but he came as a armed Roman soldier instead. Why didn’t he come the i had imagined? So i don’t share those belief.

When Paimon came he came as described in the Goetia. If I had Invocate him first I would have believe that what U have in mind is how they will appear.


But i have full knowledge.

Educates on the true origins of Christianity and how it came to be developed.

How nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say he came to die for our sins, that’s an entirely Christian Interpretation.

The accompanying website, is basically the book, I use it for quick reference to educate dumb Christians. It is very well referenced.

I am very impressed with this book.

Beyond Belief -
by James McDonald

Starting from a neutral position, this book looks at claims made by Christian leaders over the centuries and analyses them in the light of modern scholarship.

Erudite yet mischievous, the book’s scope is wide, from early history to the present day, from America to China, and spanning many different disciplines. Many of the conclusions reached will shock devout believers, though all of them can be verified with reference to sympathetic works by biblical scholars and theologians.

A recurring theme is that of open secrets – facts well known to historians and other academics in the Church, but kept from the faithful masses. These open secrets are not actively denied, just avoided so as not to cause offence to those who are familiar only with the Sunday-School version of events.

Many Christians see their system of belief as dating from the earliest times, but this idea becomes difficult to sustain in the light of when and how key doctrines were established.

Many ordinary Christians would be shocked to discover, for example, the prominent role played by violence and forgery in developing and promoting Christian doctrine.

Whatever one’s own religious beliefs, the Christian Churches provide huge amounts of material for the enquiring mind.

Repercussions from crusades that happened over 900 years ago are still in evidence today.

The division of the Roman Empire in early Christian times also reverberates to the present day. To a large extent, the history of the Western World over the last 2,000 years is the history of the Christian Church. Without a proper understanding of the role of the Church, it is not possible to truly understand the history of Europe, the Middle East, or indeed the Americas.

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You see what you believe.

Thank you for the insight. You have your truth and I have mine.

It is more complicated then this and your subconscious is part of this as well. Being a part of us as much as separate, they really come as they see fit. Man gave them their original forms we latch on to but they don’t stay that way.

Says the one who calls others beliefs BS.

And this is why it is flawed. Tradition is something that is done mindlessly, because it has always been done. It is no questioned and it does not evolve.

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^^ this.