Why does it seem that all Left hand path practitioners are depressed and broke?

depression comes when collect much negative energy,mostly from other ppl ,broke is when channels are closed no money income, all that great ppl you talk about they ok,mostly depressed ppl go in drugs as way of escape for them advice magic mushrooms,many big occult and others writes etc tryed drugs thats why example we have sp much great stuff from other worlds

You started with an unnecessarily general expression. I would just back out of it at this point.

In this life there is no single approach that produces a universal cure to the human condition. Magick won’t make you a better person in itself. Religion won’t make you a better person in itself.

We are responsible for working on ourselves. Some do, some don’t. That’s all there is to it.


Just going to throw my two cents in for what it’s worth, but I don’t suffer from either.


Well remember some people have to work there way up from rock bottom. They have to find the right channels to get access to the basics such as shelter, clothing, food & Jobs. So until they can do that its not going to be pleasant journey. Im sure once they use there gifts to secure those things they will be on much better level to battle past trauma ect to get to a better place.


Yeah, lots of people are depressed and broke. Society’s being turned upside down and lots of us are scared.

Idk about you, but going the traditional route has never worked for me. So, why wouldn’t I see try something else?


All I can say is that not all of us are depressed and broke.

I paid for Jeremiah’s Patreon Tier 2 membership for about 2 months since it took me some time to digest all of the content
He does livestreams on Patreon where he will answer your questions
His videos cryptically align with some spiritual concerns that I have
The information he provided was so copious and very good, and he recommended some wonderful sources for occult reading (Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant)
He also warned of the traps which would be the inverted pillars, and this is very true
He is not totally contemptuous towards RHP either


@CovertCreator, I like you but I’m not sure I like this statement. Depression is caused by several things, research is ever ongoing on how the chemicals in the brain respond. A lack of serotonin regulation is one thing that causes it, and it is often referred to as a “condition or disease”, I dont think anyone chooses to suffer from this. Yes, the hiding under a dark cloud is a result of those depressing feelings, but I strongly doubt anyone chooses to feel this way…

Though I can understand why people would think this, as the word is thrown in for every single dissapointment one experience. I.e an influencer on the waiting list for en high-end birkin bag will say she’s “depressed” about it. One waking up with a bad mood, asked how the day is going will say “this is so depressing” etc. etc. All of those are feeling disappointment or any kind of discomfort, but nothing near depression.

So in my opinion, this would be the correct wording.

As to OP’s inclination; I think I understand what you mean, but the wording might is off. Also, even if it were to be true, wouldn’t it be a good thing? I’ve never heard of someone being perfectly satisfied and fulfilled with their lives diving into magick to make it even better. I believe most people come from a sort of lacking and are ready to take their power back, hence they work trough the “depression” or being “broke” and taking the wheel to turn that around and start their righteousness ascend. So in my opinion, even when I dont agree with the wording you choos, it’s actually a good place to start. It doesn’t where the motivation comes from, as long as the intent is to fix it, depressed and broke as you might be🤷🏽‍♀️

I am very far from being both broke and depressed. Although I am not exclusively left hand path. You can equally say the same thing for Right hand path practitioners because most people are just depressed and broke in general.


Nightside of Eden is intense.

Knowledge of the inverted pillars is huge.

Is Tier 2 the Vampire service?

I’m gonna Spitball here:

A lot ofagicians on the LJP look like Greaseballs, becausethey dont have to dress up to teach. We can literally do this from our bedrooms.

The depressed character you see is probably a throwback to the emo, scene.and goth kid stereotype of being n unhappy andnamgry n at the world. I see so mamy people using the"Dark and Satanic" stereotype that i roll my eyes a lot.

This doesn’t mean they are depressed or greasy or poor.

I know a woman who ran a credit repair and consulting business. She is black, and caters to thenblack community.

But, when.she started out, no black wpuld hire her for work. Theyd go to the latinos, whites, asians, never her.

So she started acting.lile a hood rat.

The blacks that patronize her connected with her persona which they cpuld relate to.

Look at how many lhp authorities emphasize the dark, etc. Its a buzzword. It triggers you to believe in power. Fills.your head with all those images of gargamel and genies etc.

Why also act.like you’re ooor? Because your clients are poor, lil. They can relate to you better.


Vampire service is $72/month and at least Tier 3

Tier 1 is $14. He will answer your questions during his livestreams which occur about a few times a month, less than once a week
Tier 2 is $32, but many posts for Tier 3 are available in this tier
Tier 3 is $72 and he performs a ritual every month or so for your consciousness to spin counter-clockwise which is the universe B vampire service
Tier 4 is $90(?) and he will do monthly predictions for your zodiac and I believe herein the exclusive server

He will answer questions on YouTube lives, but you would have to pay him for that

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What are your thoughts on the “conciousness spinning counter clockwise”?

I totally understand shifting ones conciousness to be vampiric, but I have no idea if the clockwise/counterclockwise is legit

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the traditional judeo-christian/islamic faith got us broked and depressed in the first place… that’s why now most of us try the LHP… it’s a new journey and we don’t really know what we are doing… some of us have succes, others not


Actually this is found in the eastern forms of Christian mysticism known as Hesychasm. In Hesychasm, the goal is to totally subdue the passions by reconnecting the spiritual heart of man to the intellect. The nous (Greek for “mind” but actually is more like the center of spiritual activity”) is said to be set in motion by constant repetition of short prayers. If we presume that the nous, the spiritual energy of man, is acted upon in such a way where the inner discontinuity in man between his head and heart are healed, and this leads to personal integration and domination of the passions, it wouldn’t surprise if something similar happens in the LHP through mantras and spell work and meditation, but the difference being, it is not mystical and holistic integration in order to silence the passions, but strengthening the spirit in order to make appropriate use of them by physical domination and dominion.

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I think you’re making a pretty broad generalization, but I also think you may have some incorrect assumptions going on due to one-sided thinking. You’re only seeing one side of the coin, so to speak, and only presenting one side, as well.

There’s nothing wrong with watching people’s content on YT, but you should also understand when you do so, you are only seeing the side/s of those people they are allowing you to see. Do you know any of those you speak of in person? If not, how do you know there aren’t many other facets to them irl?

Also, you should understand the people you mention, I daresay, are hardly broke by any definition. They are mostly, if not all, running successful businesses, which their YT content is a part of, so, instead of thinking of them as begging for money, think of them as charging a price for their services, as any business person likely would in most situations.

Consider the content itself, too. You say they all seem depressed, but you’re not watching rainbows and unicorns. You’re watching content based on LHP magick. Do you not expect there to be an element of darkness and intrigue in what is presented? How did it come to your attention then? Personally, if I was looking for some LHP content and somebody started trying to sell me on fluffy bunny rabbits and cupcakes, I’d quickly go elsewhere. The people who make their living doing this on YT do have a certain demeanor to pull off, if they want to engage their target audience.

Lastly, many people have ups and downs in life, why should people following the LHP be any exception? Not everyone has a perfect life. Some people are depressed, some people are broke, some people are addicts or drug dependent, but that doesn’t apply only to people on the LHP, and it doesn’t make them bad people, either. This path is not for everyone, but people who are on this path are often working toward bettering themselves in a way they see fit, just as people on other paths are doing. That doesn’t mean everything one wants is going to fall into one’s lap overnight. It’s a journey and it’s work, no matter what path one is on, if any at all, so I think you should try looking at things from different perspectives before you present a one-sided argument that lacks critical reasoning.


That is all interesting, but I still dont see an explanation for the clockwise/counterclockwise spin logic

There is a phenomenon that was written in Kenneth Grant’s Nightside of Eden. I think it is mentioned in the first or second(?) tunnels which are Amprodias and Tunnel 12 (Baratchiel/Baratchial?) where there is a phenomenon of spinning counter-clockwise, unlike clockwise which is the regular Sun or Tiphareth and the source of all life, and it hints at Thagirion initiation or the Black Sun which is underground and the Sun of the Qliphoth, so the direction would be inverted

After piercing through the Veil, you enter contact with your Higher Self (the Holy Guardian Angel) if RHP or if LHP, it is written that you disconnect the umbilical chord to God and are reborn as your own, and you connect with your Daimon. In A’arab Tzeraq-Thagirion, there is a lot of symbolism that concerns being “reborn” through Astarte or the obscene Black Venus. In Thagirion, I believe you meet with the Sun demon SORATH and then Belphegor. The outcome of Thagirion is being reborn as your own child, uniting with your Daimon, and therefore spinning counter-clockwise.
The counter-clockwise spin would be against the natural order of God or the Sephiroth. The outcome of the left-hand path is to become God by disregarding the usual order and creating your own. I suppose that is where the counter-clockwise spin emerges from.
Furthermore, in Ain Soph, there was said to be the thoughtful light which was of creation (clockwise) and the thoughtless light which opposed creation (counter-clockwise)
Jeremiah mentions “Black Brothers and Sisters” which are mentioned in Baratchiel again (I am not sure if I am spelling it correctly) and they serve their own interests and will oppose the current of humanity’s evolution or will be indifferent to it… not unlike the Thoughtless Light


Thank you for such a detailed response.

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Checkout Damien Echols, he was one of the West Memphis 3. He has a YouTube channel that teaches practical magic.

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