Why do witches dance naked? - Serious Question

Ahhh! I see, thank you. I’ve not dabbled in black magic, so, am bookmarking your post as a reminder to further research this.


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Yes! I thought it was a star.

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So, I stand corrected.

Lilith does exist! :fire::exploding_head:. All day yesterday, ancestors were telling me and snickering at me every time I asked. :joy::sweat_smile:

What I get for asking stupid questions on why witches dance naked or don’t understand sarcasm. :roll_eyes::hot_face:


Interestingly, I have worked with Lilith. I would call her the mother of darkness. In a dream she made it clear she is the mother of darkness AND light. Perhaps you are onto something.
Maybe the Kabbalists wanted to demonize the feminine aspect of the divine feminine that didn’t simply submit but questioned the man’s authority. Not in a feminist way, but in a challenge to make sure he was being an actual king and not just using divine authority to force a submission. :thinking:

Similar to Kali being an “aspect” of Pavarti, but clearly her own divine being.

Much to think about.

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Mmmmmm. Interesting!

I wrote this back in February on my personal social media page:

the apocalypse of eve
when God ceased
to answer
the prayers of His

i am Lilith

HOWEVER!!! What I wrote was metaphor for what I was going through at the time. Breaking away from the demands of society and living my authentic self.

I am not Lilith. However, am interested in this Kali person.

Ancestors are shaking their heads and the elephants are starting to gather in protection mode.

I’ll be off a hot minute, not that it matters. She may be the secret to the heartbeat of the willow wind we seek.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!!! :grin:


That sounds like a beautiful mantra for magical work for a woman. I don’t think there is anything wrong with embracing the inner Lilith and connecting with Lilith herself. I just find issue with certain types trying to make her into… Something she’s not.

The reason for the protection mode is probably because Kali is a force to be reckoned with, lol. I have only had one brief encounter with her. She’s intense and fierce. She’ll give it to you straight, no filter.


Bring it! My type of woman.

I can be like a wall if needed.


Don’t forget about the powers of the Dark Lord of the Sabbath and the power of the dripping cock

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While I appreciate your input on this, there is more to the “Dark Lord of The Sabbath” than a dripping cock.

You’re wise too learn this - because he’s a complex being.


In article it states:

Ritual nudity is not exclusive to traditional Wicca. Amongst those groups that do, only some rituals may involve ritual nudity. The Arician tradition, as an example, practices skyclad for six months of the year, and performs their ceremonies in ritual robes for the other half of the year.[7] Within, and especially outside of, specific areas of Wicca and Pagan, reasons other than tradition may be given to explain a preference for skyclad worship. Starhawk states in Spiral Dance , “The naked body represents truth, the truth that goes deeper than social custom” and “is a sign that a Witch’s loyalty is to the truth before any ideology or any comforting illusions.”[8]

The term “skyclad” is derived from Indian religions, where the term Digambara literally means “sky-clad”.[9] England had close links with India at the time when Wicca first became public in England, so this usage could well have been familiar to English speakers with a knowledge of Far Eastern religions. In particular, Gerald Gardner, who first popularized Wicca in England, was a noted folklorist with an interest in Far Eastern culture who spent much of his adult life in Ceylon and Burma, so it seems very plausible that he could have been familiar with this Hindu term.[1]

And this one:

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Now I must find a copy of this book - and one that will not cost me an arm, a leg, and my only eyeball (anyone get the reference?).


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And this one.


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Oh yes they do dance naked (some), or do the rituals naked (the traditional witchy term is skyclad). Why? To be as natural and connected to nature as possible.

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And now I have to figure out the substitution for blood for a ritual I need to write - as it’s not pomogranite season in Northern Utah.

Me, looking at the ceiling, “You just haaaaaaad to bring me to Utah, didn’t ya Universe?”


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Agreed! Agreed!

I am also finding it is for sexual healing as well. But this is my case. But am finding most aren’t as crazy as me. Crap, now I’m horny.

To much research. Whoops, sorry, didn’t mean to go off into that much of a tangent. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I have a pdf of that book

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also dancing gets hot, plus alcohol, makes sense to be naked just my opinion

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I don’t drink! So, dancing in the nude is a choice I don’t take lightly.

Alcohol clouds my judgement and it would be a full-time addiction if I drank.

I’d rather have the books in print, I like to underline and bookmark things. As someone who studied English in college, there is just something about having a book in hand.

But my research has to do for an upcoming spell I am working on. :smirk:


I understand, I just found at one point it was cheaper to collect books digitally then physically… plus I ran out of space.

Good luck though

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Some books I have through PDF formats. As long as I get them legally!

I am just starting out, so, my collection isn’t very big.

Thank You! :kiss:

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