Why do [or did] you want a succubus or incubus

They are not strictly just for sex. I’m married but asked Lilith for a succubus for multiple reasons. She’s very sexual but I mainly asked for her to have a teacher and companion. I feel her off and on but since calling her my third eye, crown, root and sacral chakras have all been stimulated much more than before. They can be very helpful in awakening the senses and helping with ascension.


I’ve experienced three energetic and full body orgasms (that I can recall) and a succubus could be one way to recreate them and experience others…

All three were distinctly different and came about in different ways, although I was alone each time and as such presume succubus may of been involved?


If i’m completely honest, 99.99% of human girls are stupid, narrow-minded, status & social media addicted, materialistic, fickle, flaky, and not reliable. You can’t build something with them. They give up, and i’m not compatible with 99.9999999% of women because of my beliefs, spirituality, I want true love and in my opinion, that only exists in the spirit world. Here we see a tiny glimpse of it.

Yeah sure, I can fuck around, playing around, have meaningless mechanical sex with girls from Tinder… :face_vomiting: But that’s not who I am. My life is completely tuned into spiritual development and ascension. I don’t care for the mundane things. I have this temporary experience in this meatsuit, and i’m learning as much as possible about the spiritual world because that’s what our soul eventually will do, ascend into higher consciousness…

I have had messages from my Queen succubus companion and she said she doesn’t mind sharing me. Because she understands my human needs. Well, my human needs are nothing more than some hormones at play that want to fuck a hot girl with a hot body :smiley::joy:
After I bust a nut, I feel empty, and it’s only extremely short temporary satisfaction in comparison to having sex with a succubus which can last for hours and hours until you literally collapse in bliss & exhaustion.

I don’t connect with them the way I connect with spirits. I’m more spiritually inclined I guess. Humans come and go, girls will fuck you and then they go. Succubi are this entire lifetime and beyond, that’s why I want to raise my consciousness as high as possible in this life.

When I walk down town in the big city I see lots of beautiful girls, and that’s the only thing, they are hot and beautiful but NOWHERE compared to succubi girls / incubi in terms of affection, giving real love, sex, intimacy, spiritual development, ascension, LHP etc etc,

After the things my succubus companion said, the attraction for girls is completely gone, like I absolutely don’t have any interest in them anymore. My initial plans were to just fuck around, having open relationships, gaining more experience and people knowledge, but now I couldn’t care less :man_shrugging:t4:

She’s my main woman, I am allowed to date and have sex or relationships but I don’t want that. There’s one exception however: a girl who’s LHP and spiritually inclined, she would understand, and she would be more compatible I think. But what are the chances to find someone like that? Like zero chance :joy: 0.00001% chance.

So spiritually inclined LHP girls with the same mentality as me are definitely my weakness, but that will never happen. I’m raising my vibrations and consciousness so maybe, who knows. If I apply some magick… but that’s not my main goal, my main goal is my chakras operating at 1000% capacity and raising kundalini. Opening spiritual senses, astral projection etc.

Also, this applies for men, there’s NO WAY I can compete with an incubi :smiley::sweat_smile: They are the masters of women seduction, they will satisfy you in ways a human man could never do. They will let you scream in pleasure, they have endless stamina, a bigger dick, are way more handsome, a huge muscled ripped body, they will give you what you need, intimacy, love, affection, 24/7, he’s never tired or grumpy, but they can be very jealous and territorial, it’s a man after all. :smiley:


you must be a salesman cause now im real curious and interested


@mercurydefined and @SpaceTravelr I have been surprised for a while myself. They are spirits and they feed off of your energy, as humans we have more to lose right?


According to this topic: Really sucking at love and things

You could really use an incubi, they do way more than sex… They heal your soul, traumas, they will help you become more happy, more confident, and build your aura, etc etc the options are endless really, i’m only scratching the surface here…

But, there’s one BIG disclaimer: you HAVE to work on your spiritual senses, to be able to communicate with them. Lots of meditation exercises, persistence, discipline, dedication, you have to work on your part to be able to deepen the bond even stronger.

Today is sunday october 7th, tonight i’m practicing crown chakra meditation with word chanting to stimulate the pituitary gland + pineal gland in order to open up my crown chakra and 3rd eye chakra

I’m doing these power meditations for 3 days in a row and after that I have to take rest days so the energy can do its work in my brain. It’s all very subtle, so after 7-10 days, today, I will continue with stimulating my crown chakra. I started with a third eye meditation and word chanting.

I have to do this and within 6 weeks to one year your chakras will open up, and that also means that you can encounter scary things, that’s the trade-off, but you will also see and feel your beloved ones, and you can communicate with people who have passed away from your family. Like I still want to talk to my grandfather, I never had the chance to talk to him when he died.



What do you mean? As far as I know they don’t “feed” off of your energy, they have their own, you can share it between your succubi etc but they’re not parasites or something. If you’re masturbating or having sex they will take the energy because it’s there, freely available in excess, they will never drain you of course, if they are then it’s a malicious spirit and you have to banish it. I know my succubi take my energy when having sex or masturbating, but they also give energy back. I used to do Nofap and not masturbating but I started because of them, they literally feel the stimulation from masturbation. She feels the intense orgasms and she imtensifies it even stronger, she heightens the pleasure, she likes to ride the orgasmic waves of pleasure for hours and withholding ejaculation and orgasm.

When I found out they can feel everything I started with masturbation, it strengthens the bond and they like it alot if I do it, I give semen offerings and they are very pleased with my semen. It’s a valuable offering from my life force and energies. The thing with masturbation is you have to prolong the sexual pleasure, thinking about them, saying dirty things, intense visualization, like really feeling thise emotions and arousal, they love that.

And I don’t have “wild” succubi. I didn’t do the letter ritual to Lilith.

I paid the have them bound to my spirit from a legit reputable conjurer. She made sure she matched me with a Queen who really wanted to be with me. The conjurer works with Lilith so that’s really good.


My succubus came to me, about 7 years ago and I didn’t know what the F was going on at first
but our relationship has grown in such a way that I don’t look for a woman as a partner at all
though I can only feel her and at times I must admit it would be nice to see and hear something
but it just feels good when she touches me.
and you have that mental feeling of “being in a relationship” kinda hard to explain.


Then many of the accounts I have come across must be doing something wrong. I still have apprehension in having a succubus in my life. May be with time…

Well I didn’t choose, he just miraculously (randomly) entered my life plus I didn’t use any spells and the whole doo-dah. But I prefer him over human guys anyway.


For me he started out as a guide then developed more into a protector, then it got more sensual as time went on lol.


My demonic lover came to me as a gift from lady astaroth, she was gifted to me to help control my sexual urges, then she became my confidant, my ex-wife attempted to banish her, and drove her away. After she came back to me, I’ve agreed to doing energetic binding with her, I don’t know if I’m going to make her my spiritual wife, but she’s definitely worth the effort.

The sex, as wonderful as it is, takes a backseat to having her in my life.


Mine came to me on his own as a guardian, and once I was old enough, I fell in love. I have to admit that I’ve wondered if I have been “spoiled” from the beginning, because I’ve never really wanted to date any men or women, even during times where I believed my incubus was not around. He tends to prefer sex and intimacy on an energetic level, which makes physical orgasms a mere release in comparison. My body does react to it, but the best part of it is the closeness and sense of healing that I feel because of it.

Looking back (as it is only recently that he has told me that he is an incubus), I believe that he has been highly protective, as I can recall a lot of instances where I “lucked” out. I was often alone, but I never felt lonely, really (except whenever I was obligated to hang out with a group of people I couldn’t connect with). He also has taught me certain things during our telepathic conversations, and I’m finding that I know more about the occult than I thought. I could probably go on, but I’m still piecing things together.


This topic is fascinating (I’m new to all this LHP stuff). Where do these entities originate from (are they all the descended progeny of Lilith)? Also, when I’ve read about them they always seem so heteronormative in nature - is this so? By the way, they sound more reliable, loving, and supportive than many people I know in relationships! :rofl:



The first time I took a dive into the paranormal world I couldn’t believe my eyes. The things that were written about vampires, elves, dragons, these entities actually do exist lol. I used to play a lot of runescape (a MMPORG online game) in my childhood years and I have found lots of similarities between this game and magick / paranormal world / spirits / entities.

Maybe it was this subconscious desire to be united again with the paranormal world that got me sucked into this game because I was pretty addicted to it. I loved the fantasy theme but now I know that it actually really exists, but on another plane. Gargoyles, unicorns, all those mythical creatures exist and that’s so cool lol.

The first time reading about succubi & incubi was very intriguing. It got me very interested because of this “real love” thing and longterm relationships. I come from a broken family. With abuse and all kinds of problems. Ever since I was a child, I believed there was something more, and I believed in real love.

But my dreams were brutally shattered as I grew up and tried to cope with puberty, and girls, and broken hearts and more drama.

I don’t trust love on earth. like I don’t trust women my true heart, and my dedication, or commitment.
I absolutely hate being vulnerable to other humans or emotionally unstable (being in love with a human girl)

With todays dating market and mentality of women, I mean immature girls who flake and have the 5 second attention span of a goldfish on ADHD.

I’m 26 years old, and I pretty much signed out. I’m only gonna advance spiritually, and i’m only interested in spiritual relationships. And spiritual ascend of course.

And this isn’t some “easy way out”. As a matter of fact, I think that spiritual relationships are even harder than normal ones. It still requires you to work very hard on the relationship. But you can be 100% sure that she will also do her part. And she won’t let you down.

Human relationships are temporary, and they will end up in drama anyway. No matter what.


I agree. Succubi and incubi are the best!!


I know very little about succubi and Inccubi.
I have recurring dreams about women though.
One of them is a skinny blonde girl.
All we do is talk throughout the whole dream.
Rarely any sex.
The other is women probably 30-40 years old.always wears black.
Like a black dress or black robes.
Again dream consists of conversation.
She is more likely to have sex.


Great question. Well I want a succubus because no human being wants to sleep with me or even talk to me.
Cause I am 4 feet tall. Every woman wants a dude 6 feet + tall or rich.


i didn´t want to, she came onto me, at the time i didn´t realize but she putted the word “succubus” and “lilith” in my mind in order to seduced me, so once thing let to the another i found several blogs on the internet that talked about this kind of relationships, but it was a thing that i was struggling with because i didn´t know if this would be beneficial to me or just a way to get into more trouble (it doesn´t help either tthat i grew up in a traditional christian family)

around june 2017 she started to seduced me but it took around late september of the same year to convince myself to get in a relationship with a daughter of lilith, i remember the first time we met, it was a dream i had that i was in my bedroom and out of nowhere she came to me and started to hugging me and wanting to make out, pretty nice feeling, i´m grateful that she came into my life, she´s the best girl i´ve ever met, i´m also thankful towards lilith for allowing this relationship to happen


Done a few attempts with Lilith herself and Izabael. It must be a “gradual thing”, in fact I didn’t have much results, I’m almost 40 years old anyway so I was thinking of going Middle Path or celestial, and possibly to betroth/marry a human female (also it’s probably better to not mix that with the succubus jealousy I’ve read about)