Why did we Incarnate into our Current Bodies?

Why do we exist in the timeline we exist in?

According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like, so everything that exists in your life is there because you attracted it.

Following this logic, the only way you could have attracted the circumstances of your birth would be through Karma.

My only issue is, as far as I have experienced, I don’t believe in re-incarnation in the traditional sense. I only say this because I haven’t experienced any past life stuff.
I know many of us on here are deeply connected with their past incarnations, and I have no issue with that, but it’s not something I personally have direct experience with, so I cannot say with complete certainty that I believe it to be true.

Playing Devils advocate, even if you personally have had many exotic past lives, hypothetically, is it possible that for some of us this is our very first incarantion as a carnate being?

Like do you think its possible to have existed in some quantum potentiality for eons and only this timeline right now is the first time you’ve experienced being human?

I respect others past life experiences (though thats not to say many abuse the term in order to appear special). It makes sense. Energy gets recycled. If you were a human once, theres a good chance you will be human again just due to the conservation of energy principle.

But I wonder about those of us who have never been human. Maybe we don’t “remember” anything because there is no “memory”. Quantum potentiality is just that. Potentiality. There was no brain to form a memory.

Anyone else here that doesn’t really resonate with having past incarnations?


Absolutely. I’ve heard it said somewhere that new souls are being created all the time but not all of them physically incarnate.


given the fundamental and sacred law that life is suffering and we do everything we can to avoid it, naturally one can come to the conclusion that we are forced to be here. This is not a new philsophy, it exists within gnosticism, buddhism and hinduism, but to me, its the only natural conclusion

Interesting. What had been your direct experience and UPG?

Why do you assume voluntary suffering doesn’t exist as a valid path?

I think each of us want to be here, whether we know ut or not.

Every breathe you take, every morning you wake up, and every meal you eat is a confirmation that it is your Will to be an carnate being.


I even believe that if Jesus existed, he was a person who realized that not only he but humanity was a piece of God on earth (children of the Source, Tao). And that when he said “no one comes to the Father except through me” he meant that no one comes to the Father (God, Source, Tao) unless they follow his example, which was, in a way, the best balance between the carnal and the divine. That’s why I believe that many things in the Bible have been altered and distorted, for example, the famous “offer the other side of the face” may have been something added much later, because Jesus himself took a whip and went around expelling salesmen from the holy temple.

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The words of Jesus echo themes of Venus energies. Plus Virgin birth, mary magdelin, androgynous depictions, etc.

Have you ever considered this or am I lost here?