Why did some angels stay loyal to the tyrant god?

I imagine you at a call desk when I die and walk through the front door to hell :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You have Yahweh all wrong. He is pure evil, an archon who is dead on the inside - I see this because I’m no longer within his dimension aka Prison planet / the Dead World. Fear is his power. He is an enslaver, and according to Lucifer, he is just a mere archon, not a god.

I learned quite a bit about Yahweh through my ancestors and through the dead. But I learned the most from my own observations and direct experiences.

However, I haven’t yet discovered why angels obey him. My best guess is that all archons use magick.


That makes more sense and is congruent with my own experiences.

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Yahweh did not create us.

He does have respect for those who show true authority. Otherwise…

I’ll be sure to get you well-equipped and into our comprehensive yet surprisingly luxurious training program.

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Bro the spiritual is always showed in metaphor. They stayed because they are agents of order. The Bible story is the story about young and yang. About order and chaos. It has little to do with the Christian myth.

You should see it this way. For me Ángels are wisdom and order. Whereas demons are power and chaos. Toghether they keep reality going. The demons are the power which executes the dictates of the intelligent design. Demons in common peoples mind represent essential qualities of nature that common people find undesirable or outright reject. Rage, destruction, lust, chaos, all of it Divine and yet the need to exorcize these wualities have us demons. Horrific malicious beings lurking on the darkest recess of the mind waiting to leap on the unwise. Ángels are the wisdom through which we channel this force. Lust becomes love, greed becomes ambition, power becomes force. This the tyran God is symbolic of the intelligence and wisdom. Satan then is a simbol of unchecked impulses and desires which grays lots of power. The world wide symbol of the ying and yang. It is the hiero gamos that is the sacred marriage of the above with the below which makes us whole and bigger than we where. That how I see it anyways. This is only referring to the myth. Not taking away the fact that these beings have their own personality likes and dislikes and do not follow the myth.

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Angels are sevants of the ALL ONE. Think of it like this
Small Gods
Big Gods
Major Gods

The angelic host have a variety of duties defending and enforcing cosmic order. This is way bigger than tribal God YHVH.

Why do you think most magicians call on the Archangels to clear the quarters and protect them from demons?

They’re about the only thing that can.

Now why do the loyally enforce this order? Well not all of them did, hence we have many powerful fallen angels.

Why did the 2/3 majority stay. Good question, this is at its core a big family feud.


Liberation from what? I don’t see what the source would be liberating from. Itself?

In any regards, all spirits are aspects of the source so Lucifer could be considered that liberation aspect.



Yahweh is just another name for the source. Of course, Elohim is a more appropriate name given its totality. Technically, everything comes from the source. Thus, the creator.


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I disagree, but I see why you believe this. Elohim is just the creator of the false world that most people exist in.

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Ignorance. Toxicity. Unconsciousness. Enslavement. Disconnection. True death.

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Everything is medicine and everything is poison. Just depends on who consumes it.

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What you say is true but it’s also wise to know that this is a multidimensional reality, while what you say is true in one dimension, it doesn’t mean the literal accusations didn’t happen, Yahweh was an actual entity they aren’t just symbolic they actually exist as forms but they are at the same time constructs of the divine mind, they’re both because they aren’t separate


You’re right, I’ve read that angels have a duty to protect and/or regulate that which they have responsibility over. It makes sense. They are not just servitors of tribal gods. That’s probably why one of the users here said that when they evoked an angel, the angel said they don’t want to be associated with any particular religion.
Maybe this means Yahweh never usurped the throne from the Infinite; he just kind of went on a conquering spree.


No what this means is many people wrongly think the Tetragrammaton refers to Yahweh a Canaanite tribal deity. The tetragrammaton is actually a name or title for the ALL ONE. It’s composed of four elemental permutations and inclusive of the silent fifth element that binds all things together yet keeps them separate. This is a far bigger deal than just a tribal deity.

The angels serve this Divine Providence for lack of a better word. Not simply one religions god form or egregore or another.

YHVH is a name or title to describe universal divine providence.


Say it with me: YUH-HO-VUH. Yahweh is a non Israelite god. YHVH, is the dude. Unless you’re into Canaanite religions.


Yeah that’s why towards the end I specify that relating to the myth. Not to take away the reality anc characteristic of the beings which can be separate from the myth. I was only addressing the story of the rebelión in heaven not the particular reality of the beings or the myth. But you are right in your statement. Thanks for the clarification.

Yahweh is the anthropological translation of YHVH as the actual pronunciation was lost due to ancient Hebrew and Aramaic having no vowels. Now if we look at Greeks they phonetically spelled IAOE which is a close approximation to Yahweh. Truth is any variation is righ and wrong as the exact pronunciation was lost. Even the way we pronounced Hebrew letters are the product of a modern revival and not a survival of the ancient language.

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Truth similar to the Hindu Aum or OM or sat chit ananda.

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Even the Gnostic system has an original source spirit. The name of it various depending on the sect. But most agree that the Demiurge is the god of the physical realm. Similar things are said about Lucifer being the god of earth.

Of course, when speaking of Yahweh, I am using commonly terminology to refer to the source. I know Yahweh isn’t its real name. But the same can be said for a lot of known spirits. True names are more of a feeling or an energy/frequency. Sometimes a spirit will take on a name that produces a sound wave that mirrors their name. Other times they just take on a name that people can recognize them by. We as a species don’t really communicate with energy and feelings but with sound and images.
