Why demons possess people who doesn't want to be possess?

If I’m to account for Christian possession at @ oh 2014 then even those spirits attempt involuntary possession. It was a heavy Bible Belt Christian, morning, and catholic area. I got hit by something in the head that made me awfully churchy enough to boldly attend to churches and try to be a sheeple. Now, there are several weird Illuminati looking WiFi towers and itsbeen proven they affect the brain and even have been used in attempts to alter consciousness or control people. I believe perhaps the demographics in that gated community may have had some behind the scenes techno weirdos that chose to use some mind affecting beam and they tuned in the CHURCH shit. Fucking out of the blue for me esp since I just got a lvl 1,000 orc warrior on my favorite mmo.

Not so certain spirits but more so tech.

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What’s got you thinking about contacting spirits and demon possession?

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It can be both.

If the demon is doing it on their own, it could be, for example, a magician was being highly disrespectful.

If the magician is doing it, it could be (again, for example) that they petitioned a demon to ruin someone’s life.

In both cases, they could possess the target or someone close to them to wreak havoc.


If you’re not going to view myths as acceptable currency when talking about the gods, then this conversation won’t go anywhere.

Just curious. It sounds great to contact with someone who -for what people say- knows a lot of everything

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