Another thing way to manifest money, is instead of evoking spirits ,Evoke money to material manifestation, Each currency got its own sign (sigil). Use it to call on money… In the rosicrucian we are taught to do that,it’s kinda easy.i love it when EA koetting call that The Devil’s stone. Here is an input instead of asking spirits to manifest ,Evoke money. I did it lots of times with success.
Why are people scared of this?
What’s wrong with controlling time and $¿
You wanna be poor like Jesus…?
I wish I knew the golden answer. Money and I have issues.Now, gotta catch sleep so I can jobsearch meaningless minimum wage jobs, as I have no sense of purpose any longer, and hit the food pantry before that. And organize a chaotic life in less than a week. Let me know when any of you find the winning solution.
In hebrew they say beware of harsh judgement and the one who judges harshly and the judgement of hell.
That kinda makes sense…
Angelic judgemt is merciful judgement: you need to get a job start a business grow something etc
The infernal one is harsher it’s martial law you have to fight struggle use Magick bend reality to your will.
But there could be a 3rd kind of judgement which is Mishpat in hebrew,
This means the balance of the previous two: you do bend reality to your will, but you create value out of thin air…
I assume there were worlds before and are concurrently with this world,
Most of those are more spiritual than this one…
This means that a door should be opened to them, communication be established and Trade…
What do you guys think?
Money is a Thought form an egregore. If you can’t read between then Sorry…
But why can’t we educate people about $…
Why cannot we all have nice things?
Not for everybody to know how certain things work.
I think that the Krieger can fight and change divine law don’t you?
We can
To believe not, is a scarcity way of thinking.
We need to revolt…
$ and power are their weapons…
That’s how they fight…
We must fight back…
What do you think I have been doing the last five years?
5 years??? That’s way too long to manifest money. Money is very easy to manifest.
We’re talking here about wealth…
’s mammon right…
How do you get real-estate women friends immortality now that’s wealth…
I have manifested money too.
Eloquently Spoken DarkestKnight
You talk of gambling…
But, it’s a fool’s errand…
Much easier to manifest through wealth creation, requires less effort…
How is it that 95.99+ of people who gamble loss all or most of their ?
1st of all most of them are dumb…
2nd of all, I donno if you’ve been to a casino, if you win they will work very hard to make you lose all you’ve won and then some…
Oh most defiantly. i picture more of an open Greek style like the ancient parthenon. then have other little enclosed buildings for research, study, the library, living quarters, and in the far back out of ear shot would be the sex magick section kind of like an old Babylonian style with large pillows on the floor with blankets and stuff then hanging plants and hanging cushion swings, with incense and candles burning with stainglass windows that depict our beliefs. its a lot more vivid in my head but that really is my magical goal is to bring all occultists from every sphere of belief under one protected roof persay. everyone would be free tp practice in the respective sections and nobody would be singled out and everyone would be aided in ascent at least those deserving of it. seriously though if everyone else can have their places of worship and religion why can’t we have ours? why do people fear us? is it cause they can’t control us? is it cause we don’t fit into their molds they picked out for us cause they think they rule the world? we shouldn’t hide we shouldn’t have to, we should be out in the open practicing what we believe in and if they try and tell us we can’t, we have more power than they do, so we change their minds. im tired of this messed up society it needs to wake up, and we should be the kinds of people to wake them from their slumber.
You want to be rich but then speak of rich people as though they are your enemies who must be fought. Doesn’t work like that.
Well, has anyone tried evoking sigils made from mottos and seals on currency, or enchanting coins or currency that as traded will come back to you times ten? I think i will try this.
I usually call on the spirit behind the currency using the currency seal. Works 100%