People restricting themselves not believing it’s possible anything is possible creation itself was created yet people believe doing magic to get a million dollars is impossible
We humans are omniknowing we know everything we are smarter more evolved than any being in existence we are all knowing
Well that seems logical people are geniuses if creation was made into existence but WE KNOW THE TRUTH THAT A MILLION DOLLARS is not POSSIBLE TO GET WITH MAGICK and the ones that created creation consciousness are just dumb asses we are smarter than them yet they created creation consciousness
But hey it’s impossible to do magick to get a million dollars we humans are all knowing we know everything
There you go if you can see sarcasm there was sarcasm in there
thinking about the subject something just occurred to me.
I understand that with magic what we do is move energy, either to people or objects. we can charge them with energy of love, hate, lust, healing, happiness, sadness, etc.
but what is the energy of money? For me, money being an object can be charged by any of those energies. we can have money the product of love or hatred or lust or revenge.
another thing is the preparation. at the end of the day we live on a physical plane and in a society with certain rules.
Let’s imagine that I evoke a whole legion of entities to get a job as president of Disney and earn millions, let’s imagine that my ritual works and that tomorrow they calle me to offer me that job … what am I going to do when I am already working there? I have neither the preparation, nor the knowledge, nor the practice to do that job and I wouldn’t last there a week.
more than millions what I feel can be done with magic is to generate abundance, which I understand as having sufficient resources to cover all our needs.
but that also has to do with the environment in which each one develops. the salesperson can use his magic to project better energy to his clients or to attract them, the lawyer can use magic to make his mind more agile and make better arguments, the musician can use magic to get inspiration and write a song that Millions like it, the athlete can use it to be more disciplined, more agul, stronger.
What I mean is that we can’t just appear money out of nowhere. In our world, money is a consequence of the exchange of products and services.
what we can do with magic is to energetically influence those process. perhaps improving our luck to be in the right place and time or our intuition to know how to identify opportunities.
This is such a troll question asking why we’re not rich.
Why are religious people not rich?
Some are; some aren’t. You can master godhood and not be rich with money, but happiness, e.g.
What are you aiming for, i.e., what are your goals?
It’s probably impossible if you are relying on magick alone.
After Magicking [I made a new word ] up a Million dollars you would be rat shit and just not have enough left to Magick up the tax payable on it and end up in jail that why we never hear about it. Everyone is still in jail for tax evasion
But TBH if you tried and SUCCEED would you really going around mouthing off about it? Dam every friend would what you to do for them, every crook would find a way to blackmail you or put a gun in your face.
well that is why I think no one would say they did succeed oh yeah the second is the real reason, just in case we are still on the SARCASTIC thing
I agree about mouthing off. I don’t think they care too much about blackmail nor robbery (not to say these aren’t valid reasons). I believe there are people who use magick and are rich. Obviously, it isn’t the magick alone. These people are dedicated; magick is just their amplifier. They would probably be rich even w/o magick.
It seems OP was mad b/c sometimes people make ridiculous claims on sites like this. I can sort of agree with this.
U can manifest a few grand the most i read is 30000. Fro different sourcrs and 20000 from a lottery and 5 grand even if u knw the way and connections discipline be hard to follow. Or need a link to manifest.
You can manifest a million by mastering physical manifestation. Then find a million dollars, clone it energetically with no changes at all, and manifest it on the physical plane. There you got one million dollars
easier said than done. lol.
forget million dollars. right now people need to manifest getting a job and getting country/world back to normal. 1 million bucks is useless if your in the hospital with poor health and no way to enjoy it . All this shut down and uncertain future is really the pits for many.
what i see is too many people who govern country is in it for themselves. Not working together to get through this. Too much isolation of economic status.
I have been researching the question…
I believe we’re dealing here with inner Darkness v. Outher Darkness - my experiments showed me, that the inner - the nine demonic gatekeepers - one just shifts wealth from person a to person b, whereas, the outher one Creates Wealth and Abundance out of Thin Air…
My experiments led me to Time going backwards - twenty to thirty minutes -
Clocks on phones don’t just go backwards, when the phone almost fully charged and fully updated. I also had Time gaps of thirty to forty minutes, just disappearing…again not subjectively, on my phone made in 2021…
I take prescription Serequel 500XR for my diagnosis of Mania Depression.
Now, you can Google it, people get drowsy and Sleep a lot because of it…
No Time gaps…
I don’t do booz, phychodelics, mushrooms, etc…
No explanation for the Time behaving non-linearly…
I’m on to what your saying. Manipulate time…
And then alter what happens in that time to create the opportunity for wealth.
I could see it working if one got all the mechanics down right. If you could turn back time long enough to change an outcome. I could see that working … Like the job you turned down but found out a year later you would have been making insane money. Or the junk you almost bought at a garage sale to find out later it was a missing art piece worth millions.
Opposite of you though, I have experienced time racing forward.
People neglect the two lower Chakras: the Base and the Sacral… they claim they are “dirty”
They are crucial for Temporal Manipulation…
Time changes according to Law. You know the term: “The Law Of The Land”.
Like they move the Clock at certain Times during the year…
If you’re in your Head all day long, connecting to the so called higher “pure” chakras"universe",
of course you’re not gonna have “boots on the Ground” and not live in the Real World…