i found lady eva’s link precious.it has a deep meaning and sometimes you need someone else to remind you stuff like this one.blessing and love what you want to achieve,will create the state of acceptance.it will open the doors to take what you want.it’s more than just positive thinking and the law of atraction.
People already covered the myth that rich people hate you - that you brought that up on a thread where it’s YOU that’s talking of robbing someone you know is proof of your cognitive bias.
You’re seriously saying magick’s only real if it can make a million dollars manifest right in front of you without you having to do anything or set up any channels for it to come, and that fact EA charges for his work means he’s lying, because he should just be manifesting gold out of thin air?
This isn’t the Harry Potter universe, try reading some of the foundational books of magick - start with the Kybalion, which you’ll be delighted to know is free online (no nasty people making money from it) or maybe Wallace Wattles The Science Of Getting Rich, or Nap. Hill’s Think And Grow Rich, all of which will help you get clear on how this stuff works, and again also out of copyright and widely available online… but to be honest, I think that this point your ideas about what magick is and what it should be, and how other magicians of any kind can help you, and all round the area of money are so screwy I’m probably wasting my time even typing this.
Bruh, there are some things that you do not understand at all, and the first thing I’m gonna have to say to you is that you need to learn some maturity first. Let me be honest to tell you that I believe in the idea of instantaneous manifestation, “supernormal” powers, and the like. But the first thing that you gotta understand is that these skills are NOT things you will find on the internet, and it is not likely that you will find a public magician who even knows these things. The implications as to why anyone would be so public about those skills goes against any idea of common sense known.
However, you seem to have ideas about how the world runs, and how people need certain things to live. People “need to ask for money from other people”… where on Earth does that idea even come from? Hell, there are plenty of people who don’t even use “magick” in the sense that we know that not only survive but thrive in the world without using money at all. So how on Earth do you get the idea that powerful magicians need money to survive, and need to ask other people for it?
You even said in this post that “I’m sure that if there is a magician who really has this powers we don’t know about him/her”… so why would you doubt magick when you don’t even think people with these powers are public? You’re not taking action that will get you there by being on a forum where people do not have the powers you want.
If you want those powers, you would have to know where to start. It is clear that right off the bat, there are issues you have personally that wouldn’t even allow you to manifest the ability to find a job. You have to know where you limits are, and in your stage you would have to use magick that happens through “regularly available channels.” Is that the limit to what magick can absolutely do? No, although you won’t find many, if any, public figures that would even push beyond those limits. However, at a beginner’s stage, you gotta know where your personal limits are.
I completely understand not wanting to pay EA, and I can understand looking at EA sideways when he markets “ultimate power” when he is still in a stage where he seems to need normalized channels to make money. However, just because he does that does not mean that this is the limit to magick potential, nor does it mean that he is completely useless. Following his stuff can at least bring you to a point where you are able to make things happen that would not happen otherwise, like success in a job or business that you did very little “physical” legwork to accomplish.
You don’t seem to have any skills with the occult, so you got to start where you are and build from there. In magick, or in life in general, you cannot be a master of your world looking for someone else to do shit for you. You also can’t get anywhere clinging to ideals that don’t even have a base to stand on outside of your own skewed views.
^ Well said.
I can honestly say that on the occasions I’ve managed to briefly make things happen that appeared miraculous, as in, they had no other possible causality except my thoughts, the LAST thing on my mind was placing the information online (and anyway, people would just think I was lying, or carp like “You ain’t all that if you still need to eat and drink” or whatever) because the mindset that comes with it is one of mountaintop consciousness, one where the whole value system that exists in the everyday is shot away and you operate on a completely different level.
“Other people” and their so-called “problems” don’t even exist for large parts of that spectrum, and neither do your own. It’s hard to put into words, and the act of harnessing that level of ability whilst retaining some degree of individuated consciousness and desire is my current work in progress.
In that level, I lost touch with the Me who wanted the very things I was capable of achieving, and getting there didn’t happen through just doing a few courses, it was the culmination of a lot of dedicated and sincere work, of the type that most people don’t care to put themselves through.
While there might be other and quicker routes to get there, IMO to shoot for that level and to decry all other forms of magick is like the 260lb couch potato guy refusing to walk round the block every day to give his heart a much-needed workout, because the only thing he’ll settle for is an Olympic Gold medal - other people get them, he figures, and it’s a lot more appealing than a shuffle round his own neighbourhood, so why should he settle for anything less and start doing the unglamorous work it’d take to get there? It’s exactly as ludicrous as that.
When I look at the total and utter lack of support, peers, validation and so on that I had to deal with as an only child in a fucked-up family trying to practice magick undercover, and I look at the wealth of resources available to people now as independent adults with at least some money, the wonders of the internet, and all the support and advice available online I just feel like some people don’t deserve to get any further than they are right now.
I know that sounds harsh, but you can’t bust someone out of a self-created prison when they themselves defend and guard the bars at every turn.
I believe everyone can do magick, I believe everyone has the potential to achieve utterly amazing things, but some people are so locked into their bad attitudes that they actively resist any input that could actually help them flourish.
Oh and btw back on topic after that rant, the O.A.A. material does cover a specific pathworking up to and including creating objects through evocation, and it gets there via the assumption of various godforms which I have to say sounds to me (as someone who’s done that independently, and long before I heard of EA’s work) like a legit route to that level of ability - but it requires WORK, a drastic change in consciousness that’s enough to tip some people right over the edge, and again it’s not going to piss down a rain of solid gold coins on you just for the act of asking.
To be able to have the skills that make amazing things happen, you have to BECOME the person who can command those skills, and that’s the part that a lot of folks aren’t willing to even consider, and yet neither will they pick up a workable and approachable book like the ones I’ve already mentioned that can attain remarkable results for far less investment of energy.
Koby, if I wanted to be unkind to you I’d nod and smile as you go about misguiding yourself into a worse situation, but I’m actually not that evil I guess, so I’m trying to give you advice that has worked in my own life, that you can pick up and do for the price of a few moments on a search engine, and which could dramatically change your life for the better.
ahh, here we go, THIS old argument.
‘if you’re so smart why aren’t you richer?’
let me counter with an equally stupid argument of my own: ‘if you’re so great, why aren’t you taller and better-looking?’
money has nothing to do with wisdom. they are two different things that rarely have anything to do with each other.
if you want to be a magician you need to be used to uncertainty, study a lot, sacrifice a lot, and slowly over time you will gain your bearings as you tear down fortresses in your mind and rebuild your reality from the rubble.
if you want to get rich you don’t need magic or any type of intellectualism. you need thrift and practicality, and you need to live a stable life according to economic habits that let you grow your income.
they often do not go together. the tumult of magick can destablize a steady financial plan. you have to know this.
if you still think magick is the road to wealth for you and you’re using magic to make yourself rich without effort, save yourself the time and energy and go buy lottery tickets. it’s easier and safer.
if you want money above all and are willing to do a little bit of work and study, maybe look into starting a business online. the digerati is recruiting every day online and they’re giving away all of their secrets to building your own financial income. all you have to do is look for them, they are everywhere. i know quite a few digerati millionaires and they all have one thing in common - they are spiritual in a general pop psychology way, but NONE of them are magicians.
finally, if you want to learn magick to be good at that with no profit motive involved, continue to read this board and interact here.
that’s all there is to it.
[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:40, topic:4186”]Millionaires do not hate people like you and me, Koby. Why would they? They have their lives, we have ours. While there are, obviously, rich people who look down on the poor (for example the old rich white Conservative politicians), there are also uber rich people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who have much more money than the old rich white Conservatives) who have given away billions to help others. Did you know, in the old wealthy families, like the Rockefeller and the Dupont, it was expected of them to give to charity? They themselves considered it a duty.
I have to say, in my opinion, your posts in this thread seem filled with jealousy, envy and hate. You claim you want to be rich, but you can’t become something you hate, so if wealth is your goal, you can’t hate people simply for having more money than you. That is no better than hating someone for their skin colour, or the fact that their IQ is higher, and would place you right beside those millionaires that you claim hate people like you and me.
You can certainly take the wealth away from someone else and give it to yourself, but if your only reason for doing so is because they are rich and you are not, then you would become everything that you seem to blame rich people for being.
Sure, there are entitled, spoiled, rich kids who think they are better than others, but there are also entitled, spoiled, poor kids, who think because they are poor, everything should be given to them and they have the right to take from other people. And I have met plenty of them. Everybody wants everything for nothing. “I want to be rich, but why should I have to work for it? I’ll just take it from the rich people.” This seems to very a very common refrain these days. Few people seem to grasp just how the rich people became rich. For every one who became rich by stealing from others a la Bernie Madoff, there are more who built empires from the ground up, like Dupont, Gates, Jobs, and even the Facebook guy (can’t remember his name). One thing the whole Occupation movement got wrong, is the fact that it wasn’t the top 1% of wealthy people that were responsible for the crash, it was, in actuality, more like the bottom 10% of the wealthy that were responsible, the ones who are most concerned with getting more. The top 1% don’t worry that much about the money. They actually like what they do. Warren Buffet is the second richest man in the world, yet he still works a job at his company, even in his seventies, because he likes what he does. Same goes for Donald Trump. He has lost his billion dollar fortune multiple times, yet he always builds it back up, better than before, because he loves it.
For everything bad you can point out about rich people, I can point out the exactly the same thing about poor or middle class people. There are good people and bad people in every socio-economic strata.
Build your own empire, become wealthy, and then other people will be blaming you for their crappy lives.[/quote]Lol Im sorry I just had to add to this. The reason why welfare started is because the rich need people to buy their products. With out the poor people buying their products the economy would die completely. They stimulate the economy to get stimulated by it. Kind of like sex. It is what it is rich people don’t give a shit about you. Even if they were once poor. Heres my Motto I’ll claw my to the top of the mountain. once I’m up there give back to the people that took car of me and Piss on the mother fuckers that tried to knock me down. Rich people dont give a shit about us. LMFAO
ahh, here we go, THIS old argument.
‘if you’re so smart why aren’t you richer?’
let me counter with an equally stupid argument of my own: ‘if you’re so great, why aren’t you taller and better-looking?’
money has nothing to do with wisdom. they are two different things that rarely have anything to do with each other.
if you want to be a magician you need to be used to uncertainty, study a lot, sacrifice a lot, and slowly over time you will gain your bearings as you tear down fortresses in your mind and rebuild your reality from the rubble.
if you want to get rich you don’t need magic or any type of intellectualism. you need thrift and practicality, and you need to live a stable life according to economic habits that let you grow your income.
they often do not go together. the tumult of magick can destablize a steady financial plan. you have to know this.
if you still think magick is the road to wealth for you and you’re using magic to make yourself rich without effort, save yourself the time and energy and go buy lottery tickets. it’s easier and safer.
if you want money above all and are willing to do a little bit of work and study, maybe look into starting a business online. the digerati is recruiting every day online and they’re giving away all of their secrets to building your own financial income. all you have to do is look for them, they are everywhere. i know quite a few digerati millionaires and they all have one thing in common - they are spiritual in a general pop psychology way, but NONE of them are magicians.
finally, if you want to learn magick to be good at that with no profit motive involved, continue to read this board and interact here.
that’s all there is to it.[/quote]
Ok so my argument is stupid,if somebody is asking a question is stupid ok, I dind’t want to waste your time people in particular Eva time, I was just asking a question I’m not against anyone, I know that you people are thinking,‘’ this guy come here don’t know anything about magick and is aking for prove,Eva already explaned to this ingnorant guy, my self that magick is not like the Harry Potter one but It works in a different way, I think that the kind of magic that I was looking for was the one like the Harry Potter one result right now but the one that you people are using is different working in an other world not right now in this phsycal one, wich is the one that I needed, it’s not for me your kind of magick, I won’t anoying you anymore people, I will finish to read Anthology of sorcery wich I bought it few months agoo and I will start with the Harry Potter book, I’m out of here.
Ps: I bought the Universal Circle, Mastering Evocation Course, Anthology Of sorcery Leather Edition.
[quote=“jaysalamone, post:46, topic:4186”][quote=“DarkestKnight, post:40, topic:4186”]Millionaires do not hate people like you and me, Koby. Why would they? They have their lives, we have ours. While there are, obviously, rich people who look down on the poor (for example the old rich white Conservative politicians), there are also uber rich people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who have much more money than the old rich white Conservatives) who have given away billions to help others. Did you know, in the old wealthy families, like the Rockefeller and the Dupont, it was expected of them to give to charity? They themselves considered it a duty.
I have to say, in my opinion, your posts in this thread seem filled with jealousy, envy and hate. You claim you want to be rich, but you can’t become something you hate, so if wealth is your goal, you can’t hate people simply for having more money than you. That is no better than hating someone for their skin colour, or the fact that their IQ is higher, and would place you right beside those millionaires that you claim hate people like you and me.
You can certainly take the wealth away from someone else and give it to yourself, but if your only reason for doing so is because they are rich and you are not, then you would become everything that you seem to blame rich people for being.
Sure, there are entitled, spoiled, rich kids who think they are better than others, but there are also entitled, spoiled, poor kids, who think because they are poor, everything should be given to them and they have the right to take from other people. And I have met plenty of them. Everybody wants everything for nothing. “I want to be rich, but why should I have to work for it? I’ll just take it from the rich people.” This seems to very a very common refrain these days. Few people seem to grasp just how the rich people became rich. For every one who became rich by stealing from others a la Bernie Madoff, there are more who built empires from the ground up, like Dupont, Gates, Jobs, and even the Facebook guy (can’t remember his name). One thing the whole Occupation movement got wrong, is the fact that it wasn’t the top 1% of wealthy people that were responsible for the crash, it was, in actuality, more like the bottom 10% of the wealthy that were responsible, the ones who are most concerned with getting more. The top 1% don’t worry that much about the money. They actually like what they do. Warren Buffet is the second richest man in the world, yet he still works a job at his company, even in his seventies, because he likes what he does. Same goes for Donald Trump. He has lost his billion dollar fortune multiple times, yet he always builds it back up, better than before, because he loves it.
For everything bad you can point out about rich people, I can point out the exactly the same thing about poor or middle class people. There are good people and bad people in every socio-economic strata.
Build your own empire, become wealthy, and then other people will be blaming you for their crappy lives.[/quote]Lol Im sorry I just had to add to this. The reason why welfare started is because the rich need people to buy their products. With out the poor people buying their products the economy would die completely. They stimulate the economy to get stimulated by it. Kind of like sex. It is what it is rich people don’t give a shit about you. Even if they were once poor. Heres my Motto I’ll claw my to the top of the mountain. once I’m up there give back to the people that took car of me and Piss on the mother fuckers that tried to knock me down. Rich people dont give a shit about us. LMFAO[/quote]
Lol What are you talking about? You are not rich because you are ingnorant and you don’t deserve it,rich people they love us,that’s why my rich ‘‘friend told me’’ I’m not gonna help you have to do it for your self, Rich people are donate a lot of money to the ‘‘Charity’’ they are lovely,if you are poor is because you don’t deserve and you are ingnorant like me,and don’t try any magic work because it wont work coz you don’t deserve it, Deal with it!
Ps: If you want the help of the Demonic King Paimon ask him if you can pay by credit cart.
At least the children in the Harry Potter books don’t wig out if they’re told something they don’t want to hear!
You have next to no experience of magick and you’ve come on here trying to tell people who do have experience what it should be about - I can’t think of any other field, not arts or crafts or the sciences, where anyone would think that made sense.
I understand it’s frustrating and I understand that you see people who have what you want, that you think don’t deserve it, and it’s hard to keep that from eating away at you, but you’re the person who loses out if you let it - been there, done that.
So, I say again, try those free books, Think & Grow Rich and The Science Of Getting Rich, they could change your life and if you pass that up because you don’t like the messenger, then that’s a poverty no-one can rescue you from. And if you’re running into trouble getting results from evocation, post about that, people might be able to help - it’s not an overnight process, but it can be done.
ahh, here we go, THIS old argument.
‘if you’re so smart why aren’t you richer?’
let me counter with an equally stupid argument of my own: ‘if you’re so great, why aren’t you taller and better-looking?’
money has nothing to do with wisdom. they are two different things that rarely have anything to do with each other.
if you want to be a magician you need to be used to uncertainty, study a lot, sacrifice a lot, and slowly over time you will gain your bearings as you tear down fortresses in your mind and rebuild your reality from the rubble.
if you want to get rich you don’t need magic or any type of intellectualism. you need thrift and practicality, and you need to live a stable life according to economic habits that let you grow your income.
they often do not go together. the tumult of magick can destablize a steady financial plan. you have to know this.
if you still think magick is the road to wealth for you and you’re using magic to make yourself rich without effort, save yourself the time and energy and go buy lottery tickets. it’s easier and safer.
if you want money above all and are willing to do a little bit of work and study, maybe look into starting a business online. the digerati is recruiting every day online and they’re giving away all of their secrets to building your own financial income. all you have to do is look for them, they are everywhere. i know quite a few digerati millionaires and they all have one thing in common - they are spiritual in a general pop psychology way, but NONE of them are magicians.
finally, if you want to learn magick to be good at that with no profit motive involved, continue to read this board and interact here.
that’s all there is to it.[/quote]If you want to be rich dont masturbate
The realest shit said in a while.
The realest shit said in a while.[/quote]
I would say, it is more important to manifest exactly what you desire. If it is a house you desire, it can be yours without your formal ownership in the mundane. And so on.
the argument is stupid because it is a complex equivalence. being magickal and making money don’t have anything to do with each other.
you want magick to help you get rich, do this. look at the suit of pentacles from ace to ten. that is the magickal guide to getting rich. that’s your magick right there. the rest comes down to actual work.
you want money, take a financial management course and fix your spending habits. draw up a budget for yourself. read this and figure out which of the three diagrams your money flow is like. if you’re in the poor or middle class cashflow, you’re not going to get rich. get on the third cashflow where you have an asset earning you income. then you’re moving in the right direction.
you want to get rich, start a business dealing with some form of land, manufacturing (product creation and sale), or some form of financial trade. those are the three fields adam smith said generate wealth in the wealth of nations. or do some form of consulting or sales job. a new digerati wealth class is being formed today from consulting and sales jobs.
you want to get rich, work on your thrift. check your credit if you have credit. pay all your debts on a plan as fast as you can. remove unneeded financial obligations and liabilities as fast as you can. buy only what you need and pay on markdowns.
you want to get rich, instead of buying doodads to keep up with the joneses, invest for returns. hire a good money coach/investment team to invest for you based on the returns you want and the amount of risk you can handle.
you want to get rich, give to a charity. there is something about giving alms that grows prosperity. i don’t know exactly what it is but it not only opens the doors to wealth opportunities, it also teaches you discipline.
you want to get rich, give your financial assets (business and investments) time after you have set them up and removed debt spending. it takes time for wealth to grow due to the rule of 72.
do the above and you can do all the occult magick you want and jerk off on demonic sigils til the cows come home. you’ll still get rich. or you can quit doing all of that and it won’t change anything, bc as i said before, they have NOTHING to do with wealth.
it’s always funny when broke people online tell each other how to get paid, but whatever. if you really want to know about money, ask someone who actually has some of the stuff aka nobody who is posting in this thread. they’ll not only verify most of what i told you here, they’ll take it WAY further cos there are some things only people who do a thing can tell you that the theorists can never.
plot twist
if you want material things, why not ask for the thing itself?
if you want a car, ask for a car. if you want a house, ask for a house. if you want a book, ask for a book. stop asking for money when you actually want to trade money in for something else. ask for the thing you want to trade money in for.
i am beginning to think that magicians who ask for money get nothing because of the simple fact that money is only a trade unit, it is only as good as what you are trading it for. at the very least, instead of just asking for money, ask for enough money to buy .
also, if you have ever taken the time to find out about the history of money in the 20th century, you’ll realize that TODAY’S MONEY HAS NO VALUE. the federal reserve note is a DEBT instrument and today’s currency is fiat. when you conjure for money and get nothing, that is becuase that is what today’s money is worth in the spiritual realm. NOTHING. if you do have to ask for money, at the very least ask for money that has commodity value (aka either made of gold or silver, or has an underlying value of gold or silver).
gold and silver have value. some material objects have value, NOT ALL but some. fiat currency has no value. you’re asking for the wrong thing. and if you think that fiat proves anything, it doesn’t. a dollar is useful only in what you can trade it in for before the fiat bubble bursts and the market value of a federal reserve note collapses. the spirits know that. you don’t. so you continue to ask for money and continue to get its worth, aka you continue to get nothing. you’re asking for the wrong thing.
I agree with 90% of what you said but I’m not so sure about this - most people who are naturally competent at a skill find it hard to break it down into steps and guidelines because it’s just part of who they are and how they think, so a person who just naturally shits success won’t always be able to tell you what makes their mindset different.
This is the exact reason Carnegie hired Napoleon Hill all those years ago to formulate laws for what differentiate the successful person from the unsuccessful masses, he wanted a man who’d been born into poverty and who had himself the spark of creative success to analyse and distill the difference into a format everyone can learn from, because Carnegie himself wasn’t able to spot exactly what set him and his successful peers apart.
Note that I don’t think money is a moral issue, complete shits and morons get rich while intelligent and wonderful people die poor, but it IS something that has its own rules and I believe everything in the universe can be understood and formularised so that it can be easily translated for other minds.
Nap. Hill set out to do that, to isolate and identify the catalysts for success, and that’s why he’s such a hero to me, on an almost Promethean scale, because the wealth he talks about extends beyond the physical realm and it’s there for the asking in everything he wrote.
but that’s the thing. wealth is not a skill. it’s a habit. and i’ve had numerous wealthy people prove it to me over the course of the last four years.
nobody is born with those instincts. the truth is that some people are just lucky and money just finds them. but earned wealth is never down to luck. a lot of wealthy people are neither very lucky, nor are they especially quick on the draw. what they are is thorough in following effective habits.
every wealthy person learns those habits from someone else who practices them, and when they start doing those things, over time they find they gain wealth themselves. i’ve seen it happen right in front of my own eyes multiple times and i’ve had it explained to me more times than i can count in the last few years.
i’m telling you for a fact and you can believe it or nah, but wealthy people who earn their fortunes become wealthy because they do small but important things habitally that most people are not willing to do.
it’s maybe less exciting to think that there’s no mystery and magick involved in prosperity, but it’s the truth.
it’s not a measure of magick or skill to have money. it’s a measure of consistency in habitually following effective actions over time.
maybe gaining wealth quickly is down to magickal skill. maybe not. who knows. but i’ll tell you this much: easy come, easy go. and for those who earn what they have honestly and properly, it’s because of them following certain habits without fail.
i wish i could tell you something more exciting and to make it seem less possible for us mere mortals to do what is done all the time by ordinary people everywhere, but anyone who really puts their mind to it can manifest wealth slowly. most human beings in the western world are just too goddamn lazy to actually learn the simple principles of wealth creation and put those principles into action. instead we petition spirit forces to give us handouts and gamble on lottery tickets. i do the same thing so i’m not judging, i’m just being honest
but i’m getting off topic. having lots of money is no sure sign of magickal skill. they have nothing to do with each other and are only tangentally related.
if you want a sure sign of magickal skill, look for psychic skills, the ability to manipulate energy, ability to go into trance, divination ability, and other occult skills. don’t look at anyone’s wallet for signs of their spirituality, that doesn’t tell you a thing.
Well I think to some extent we’re saying the same thing from different angles, because I think that good money management, whether you call it a habit or a skill, can be learned, and that includes later in life.
My parents were atrocious with money and that made me from a very young age determined to do better, and I’ve often helped teach the basics to friends who’ve habitually blown their wages by three weeks into every month to start being more capable, so that they don’t spend a quarter of their working lives in abject poverty. I did a big load of rambling about that stuff here.
One thing I really agree with Eker about is that people tend to start to spend more the moment they earn more, so they never really enjoy having more money because the size of the hole in their wealth bucket increases as soon as their income does, and people will often buy things they don’t need just to maintain some appearance of being “there” with their lives, and that’s a really destructive habit because the smallest setback or decrease in income sends them spiralling into a worse place than they were before, with their outgoings still at a high level.
And I also agree about not relying on luck, alone (though luck can also be learned) - IMO, and I’ve used it myself, the place of magick is mainly to buy yourself the small breaks in luck and chance events that bring you into a way of getting money by normal routes, though again, most people don’t want to hear that.
When I manifested myself a dream flat that time, it slipped away really soon because I didn’t have the mental, spiritual and emotional skills to truly RECEIVE what I’d manifested, so while talking about the Rule of 72 (and you’re probably the only person on here who’s ever mentioned that apart from me?!) isn’t strictly magickal, it is important.
I knew someone who won a respectable 5-figure sum on the British National Lottery, something a lot of people on here would consider a highly desirable goal (wouldn’t say no myself!) and she’d torn through it in 2 months, and ended up in terrible debt because her increased spending didn’t stop the moment the funds were gone… it was tragic, when she could have achieved so much if she’d just known how to think rationally about what she received, and not have retained her old set point of “I don’t have money” that she’d carried over from the past.
Sorry to ramble… wealth is a strange thing and the habits or skills or whatever seem tedious to a lot of people, but without some semblance of those in place, anything you “manifest” is going to be a temporary gain at best, and possibly the gateway to actually ending up worse off in the long run.
And I completely agree with your second post, I mean people saying “If you’re all that magickal you should be rich as well” might as well criticise someone for not being a master hairdresser or poodle-trimmer - since, if they were truly in contact with their god-natures, surely all skills would be open to them? lol!!
There are many things that folks have confused when it comes to the implementation of magick into life. I mean, while I have read koby’s statements and seen a lot of obvious flaws, the advice that has been posted, while a lot more practical and “down-to-earth”, comes with it’s own set of flaws and limiting ideals that come from similar hang-ups that koby is expressing. While I feel like koby’s intent and motivation for asking this question come from disempowering places, I would not say the nature of the question itself is that flawed.
As such, this is one of those questions I doubt we’re gonna be able to help him out with since, at least to my knowledge, none of us posting on here can give much more than theoretical or loosely applicable advice on the topic of wealth itself. All of us are in positions where we rather are spending considerable amounts of our daily time towards making money, or we are not making much money if we refrain from spending our time on it.
Since that practical experience alludes us, since we are not in positions where we are effortlessly making money (and it’s not something that is as “miraculous” as it sounds) or where we have so much money that we have no concerns about having it, then we’re probably not gonna do much good with this topic. Even if we have had scant experiences of temporary material abundance, if we couldn’t sustain it, then this is probably a question that we can’t answer very soundly, unless we are actually in that field where money or material need is of absolutely no consequence to us.