Millionaires do not hate people like you and me, Koby. Why would they? They have their lives, we have ours. While there are, obviously, rich people who look down on the poor (for example the old rich white Conservative politicians), there are also uber rich people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who have much more money than the old rich white Conservatives) who have given away billions to help others. Did you know, in the old wealthy families, like the Rockefeller and the Dupont, it was expected of them to give to charity? They themselves considered it a duty.
I have to say, in my opinion, your posts in this thread seem filled with jealousy, envy and hate. You claim you want to be rich, but you can’t become something you hate, so if wealth is your goal, you can’t hate people simply for having more money than you. That is no better than hating someone for their skin colour, or the fact that their IQ is higher, and would place you right beside those millionaires that you claim hate people like you and me.
You can certainly take the wealth away from someone else and give it to yourself, but if your only reason for doing so is because they are rich and you are not, then you would become everything that you seem to blame rich people for being.
Sure, there are entitled, spoiled, rich kids who think they are better than others, but there are also entitled, spoiled, poor kids, who think because they are poor, everything should be given to them and they have the right to take from other people. And I have met plenty of them. Everybody wants everything for nothing. “I want to be rich, but why should I have to work for it? I’ll just take it from the rich people.” This seems to very a very common refrain these days. Few people seem to grasp just how the rich people became rich. For every one who became rich by stealing from others a la Bernie Madoff, there are more who built empires from the ground up, like Dupont, Gates, Jobs, and even the Facebook guy (can’t remember his name). One thing the whole Occupation movement got wrong, is the fact that it wasn’t the top 1% of wealthy people that were responsible for the crash, it was, in actuality, more like the bottom 10% of the wealthy that were responsible, the ones who are most concerned with getting more. The top 1% don’t worry that much about the money. They actually like what they do. Warren Buffet is the second richest man in the world, yet he still works a job at his company, even in his seventies, because he likes what he does. Same goes for Donald Trump. He has lost his billion dollar fortune multiple times, yet he always builds it back up, better than before, because he loves it.
For everything bad you can point out about rich people, I can point out the exactly the same thing about poor or middle class people. There are good people and bad people in every socio-economic strata.
Build your own empire, become wealthy, and then other people will be blaming you for their crappy lives.