Why am I having such bad luck in my job search?

Go to Bune, make a petition and offering for her, write her a letter asking for help with this

That or evoke Bune

If I’m not mistaken, there is an Archangel that can help too, but I don’t remember who it was

There’s also the 72 angels of the Shemamphorash


Yes, I’m doing this…

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Personal experience. It is why I almost gave up the goetia for good, of course back then I could not see or hear the spirits, and thus did not have good communication with them. I just got a bad feeling the moment I traced out the seal and started asking them, but I went through it anyway like a stupid noob.

I would never bother reciting stuff here that anyone can find in books, or quotes from other magicians. Anyone can just find that stuff out with a brief web search or picking up a book.

Hi, try LOA. Wake up every day make your self ready to go to work. Shower, makeup, styling the whole 1 hour Programm. Prepare your nice work oufit every night for the next day, keep it tidy and clean. People will probably think that you are loosing it :blush: but LOA functions that way. Go every day to “work” on the same time even if it’s Shopping, Fitness Studio or visit friends and relatives. If you go to buy a burger say something like please i am late to work i need it ASAP. And stuff like that

Maybe @Lady_Eva can help with more LOA hints


It helps to “get in the corridor” for things you want.

Like to use a silly example, if I wanted to own a circus, something I’ve never considered in my life before this moment, I’d get in the corridor by (for example) finding a blog or outlet whereby I could interview people who are involved with circuses, and by that one act have vastly increased my “contacts within the circus world” level.

And I’d research the history, and immerse myself in all things to do with the practical side, then look for any opening to that world. Driver, tent salesman, physiotherapist for acrobats, I’d find whatever was closest to my current skillset, and use that as the wedge.

That may all sound very 1950’s “get your foot in the door and work your way up” but I can tell you it works, if you show initiative and get in people’s faces (in a good way) and be friendly and helpful, you WILL be offered opportunities.

So find out what you want to do (or what’s available to you right now as a stepping stone) and find a way to get in the corridor for that.

Also do the LoA stuff, dress like someone with the job you want, though not better (never outshine your would-be future boss), visualise having the jobs you want, study a bit about the businesses open to you, and so on.

If the best opening available is pushing supermarket shopping carts from the car park back to the shop, you could be working out to get stronger, and planning to do some cute social media thing about helping customers, so you get noticed by the boss. Success in one field is transferable to any other if you have the right attitude.

Find the hustle within yourself, and be willing to go the extra mile, always treat people with respect, and try to be a person others are glad they know, those things will help with landing any job and getting rapid advancement. Part of getting in the corridor is physical presence as well, so see how you can accomplish that.


I swear. Every third post of yours goes in my favorites. Stop giving sage advice my bookmarks are getting cluttered!! :heart::heart:


To give an example from my life. I’ve always wanted to be a successful musician. Then I realized that just “make music and people will hear it” isn’t the most effective way anymore so I did a bunch of thinking and now I’ve shifted focus to getting a marketing degree so I can stand out from the crowd.
I don’t know if this is the same as what you were talking about tho tbh


Try a simple manifestation technique like write down I’m thankful for a job 33 times fir 3 days

Worked for me , if you have a lot of resistance you will have to meditate on why and deal with it , so when you think of manifesting a job and it doesn’t feel heavy in your mind and like a blocked off reality

All of us have certain aspects of reality that are harder to manifest our desired results in, sometimes it just takes way longer and you just have to keep at it


Try to find out who’ll be interviewing you and do a honey jar spell, as well.


Well I did not have the best start in life, but then I discovered all the positive thinking books, drank those down because being different felt better than the angry little teenager I was, and then I found most of this out through trial and error.

I sometimes wish I could be 18 again with the EXACT knowledge I have now of how to make things work. I’d be the fucking Prime Minister by now. Of the world! :laughing:

I’m very happy with my current life, but if I had known then exactly what works, wow.


I am with you sister. I am in the process of doing a hard re-orientation. I just realized that I would have been better off playing video games then taking my post secondary education, then I would have been in the system gaming mindset, instead of the comply and beg mindset.

Oh well, at least I can still get even. :smiling_imp:

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I always wanted to try myself as a firefighter now I’m finishing school tell me where you can find out about this work

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