It’s said to be uncommon behavior, but why a succubus would want to use your neck?
It’s a weird experience and I wonder what could be the reason for it.
As seen in the picture, that’s the area where the succubus is always attracted to. I have also experienced strong bites and I feel the succubus is sucking something from that place, causing dizziness and weakness.
In aikido we study strikes aimed at that spot. You can drop someone like a sack of rocks if you hit it properly. Causes all the muscles to lock up. So I’m putting my money on energy siphon or attack maneuver.
Well you must see the human body as a sixstar with a point in the middle. There are 7 chakras, the point in the middle is the heart, so the person. The throat chakra unites the material realm with the spiritual realm. Is the first of the 3 spiritual chakra. Succubus and incubus are powerful beings that can manifest easily in this realm cause their Qliphothic realm is next to this one. They work with energy to manifest and the throat chakra is also a energetic Center of creativity and manifestation, the power of the word.
Hm… good that i see this topic… yesterday i felt a pressure in that place and i wonder… is it one of Lilith’s children (she was around back then), or was it … ah no wait, it was her effect (feel pressure on the same spot while thinking of her atm and i smell her, feel her prescence etc…)
Nvm… but thanks for sharing!
totally forgot about what @ObsidianWarrior said.
Edit: now the presure goes to the back of my neck since the reminder.
Gives a very stimulating sensation in stead of draining tbh…
i have expierience with succubus attacks and this does not feel like an attack thats harmfull… it’s like she’s trying to tell me something… but what…
The strike I’m referring to just causes a massive overload of signals to the brain. Since there is a large bundle of nerves there if struck it causes all of them to send a signal at once. Overloading the brain and causing muscles to lock up. I’ve not heard of any long term effects from using it.
Ok there’s a certain flow in what she’s doing.
So the pressure starts in the side of my neck, right side, towards the back of my neck, down to my left shoulder blade (same point where the assemblage point is but left instead of right), down to my ankle, left
Yes. The most important thing is to know the purpose of this operation, and who is the beneficiary. I have thoughts telling that it’s all about feeding directly from energy flow.
Maybe your succubus just likes going for your neck? Maybe there is a lot less of a malevolent goal in mind, maybe she’s just trying to turn you on.
A succubus is as unique as the people that bring them into this world oh, some of them are vampiric, some of them are total lovey-dovey, some of them are all about violent love, and some of them just want you to c** in them.
It sounds to me like you have one that is a little bit vampiric in nature, explore that, maybe she’ll be able to siphon off other people around you, take that negative energy, transmuted into something useful, and then feed That Into You.
That’s the problem, vampiric entities have always been looked at as negative, but whenever you learn to apply the Philosopher’s Stone to this situation, you can see what happens whenever you take a negative, and transmuted into a positive.
Give that a shot for about a week, see how it plays out for you.
Advice received and taken to mind, thanks.
The controversial part is why this happens frequently like everytime, and why it’s just so tough and aggressive, like if she is enjoying it and you can barely breathe.