Honestly, I would use the search function for something like “real estate” (and similar) to find what’s worked for people in the past. Concerning the evocation, if invocation has worked (these terms have different meanings in different circles), maybe that’s the way to go?
Note - Connelly demonolatry changed the terms from the generally accepted definitions. Here evocation is generally considered to be done with respect and we make the difference between Solomonic methods (fear-based, coercive means, etc…) or general methods (respect, even when authoritative). Here, we generally consider invocation to be internal, as opposed to the Connelly definition (which is roughly general evocation here).
There is the simple evocation ritual Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide - New Magician Help & Introductions - Become A Living God
You can also go the petition route, which is found in the tutorials. Unofficial Forum Tutorials Directory ~ Beginners, Check This Out! - General Discussion - Become A Living God