Who is the God petitioned in the Master book of psalms?

I got this book a while ago. I’ve used it a few times until I started learning about Yahweh. I can’t remember which post it was but someone said that YHVH was just a title. Also when first learning about psalms magick, I learned that I’m addressing the Godhead when reciting them. Ariel Gatoga and Pater Amodeus have said the same. However, Jean Kent, the author of the Master book of psalms, doesn’t seem to care whether we are petitioning an abusive deity called Yahweh so long as it works. That’s why I want to know, who am I petitioning in these psalms?

I also recently learned from Steve Dark on YouTube that the higher self IS creation and that is who I would petition if I’m doing a money spell. Is the Higher self what links us to the Creator God? Is the Higher self the God that we pray to when we call on source?

From a brief google search I gathered it is Bob The Builder, as you suspected.

“Psalm 41(Holy Names: Yahweh, Jah)”