Who is my guardian/corresponding archangel?

i don’t think you find your angels that way by plotting your birth. If that were the case then million of people have the same angel cuz many same birth sign. that’s just for entertainment. There’s no validity to it. just my understanding.

It’s like people saying certain gemstones are for certain signs. it’s too general and no logic to it.

Believing something that isn’t accurate can waste one’s time which is precious. Find the truth . don’t just take anyone or anything on the net as truth. Like prophet says. … Ask the source. your angel. how to do that ? i’m as clueless as you. hahaa.

i know angel is there to protect me and guide me. just never had direct contact. lol As long as no trouble comes… i’m ok with not knowing my angel. Just keep helping me. I like easy life.

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In fact I specified "The angel you can find based on your zodiac sign would be the one most “kindred” to you. I didn’t say guardian angel.

You probably won’t find out who it is (They don’t make it easily known.) I do not think its related to zodiac signs. You could pray to all of them (St. Michael etc.) and see who you feel close to.

same thing. any type of angels can’t be found that way. don’t believe everything you read. It’s not so easy to find any kind of angels or spirits or any entity that protect you. etc If that were the case then everyone would be highly spiritual and get all the needs met with all these spirit/angels help which isn’t happening.

I followed a tutorial to find out he name of mine, to do it, imagine yourself inside white light, then you call your guardian angel with something like,“dear guardian angel come to me” , repeat several times.

Once you feel his presence (in my case I felt warmth in my heart) you ask for his name and wait for a response. This worked very well for me.

Good luck :slight_smile:

My guardian angel (when I had one) was a angel unknown to humanity but was part of the Judeo Pantheon (Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, etc) but she was not an archangel, she was a lower ranked angel, her name meant Blizzard, snow, things around that nature.
Before we got “rid” of her she would have moments where her way keeping people from reading me was always making them see a blizzard and then she’d break the link (tbh I hated that)


Tonight I am going to try this one.

Please help me how to I communicate with mine ?

I agree with that Wisepup. I have made this

thread some time ago so people can find a unique Name (So not a generic one for all type) that is based on their birth though. Give it a look and tell me what you think.

My guardian angel prior to banishing her was an angel that wasn’t known in books or anything.

@yazata Not to offend you but i see this often. Especially those who try to debate or defend their view. It’s poor comprehension skills basically by selective reading.

that’s the problem with selective reading and quoting only a part of the sentence. You cause misunderstanding. that’s not the message i said.I actually disagree. Read the paragraph as a whole. The ideas are connected as explanation as whole not one part of a sentence which is a whole different message. You forgot the sentence before and after being important part of the message of why I don’t agree with that method of finding angels.

Too many people use quote wrong for selective reading. And forgot the whole message. Nitpicking sentences rather than ideas isn;'t a good way to defend one’s view. Any post is about ideas and that include the whole post not just one or few sentence in that post. To understand the idea you can’t just use few word of a sentence and you can’t use just one sentence without looking at the whole paragraph. They all all together to explain ideas. Those who love to quote pieces are really doing too much selective reading instead of being objective to what’s the post really saying?

As for finding angel using letters. That’s similar to using numerology. Each letter correspond to number and add up numbers. In this case, each letter correspond to planets of that time. I don’t think angels are assign to people base on planet configurations. I think angels decide who they want to work with or maybe we decide before reincarnating. who knows? :man_shrugging:

lol. since you banish her. you sure she was an angel and not a demon? haha.

I mean both can be banished but yes she was an angel

u dont’ like angels who want to help you?

She had her own sense of what should be done to help me and I don’t care for beings who think they know what’s best for me. She was one of those people that thought such and so I banished her and would of done worse if she didn’t stay banished.

My guides are still around and we often do our own things until we need each other’s help. My guardian angel at the time made it annoyingly clear she did not want people reading me with my consent.

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didn’t you say you banish your guardian angel? If she around then u didn’t banish her. You just reprimanded her. lol Angels suppose to guide you, they don’t really get involve deliberately. More passive than active interference is what i read up on.

I hope you know guides and guardian angels aren’t the same thing.

I know what banishing is and I know what I have done. She is no longer around and it’s been years now. I think you misunderstood something along your way.

Also you read up on an over generalization but you’re wrong. Guardian angels are individuals with their own ideals and with strong enough ideals will do what they feel is necessary like humans and any other entities.

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No offence here.
But I said I agree with you. I also DON’T believe that the Angel ruling over Saturn governs everyone born on a Saturday for example, or that the Angel of January rules everybody born in January in whatever year.
I point that out in the thread I link too…

I could have pasted your entire message, but it doesn’t matter.


It does matter cuz it’s misunderstanding for those that read it. It’s not the whole large post. It’s just couple sentence.

i thought you were talking about guardian angel only as they are guides too. =o)