None taken, but I have been down that road, and had thoughts like that for many, many years. As harsh as what Parasite said may be, its completely spot on.
Nothing wrong with acquiring knowledge, and I completely agree with the sentiment that all knowledge is sacred, but pushing your limits is much different than overcoming them.
Just because knowledge exists does not mean that learning it all at once is a good idea. There is a time and a place for certain knowledge, and one of the most intelligent things to do is to know YOUR place. I dont mean that in a demeaning way at all. I know that on a fundamental level, I am no lesser of a person than EA is, nor is he better than me. What I do recognize, however, is that he is MUCH further along his path than I am, and therefore has access to a much larger and broader spectrum of knowledge, not because of privilege, but out of necessity. Now, I could easily just try to bug him and get him to tell me things, but I know that it would essentially be casting pearls before swine. So instead of going down that path, I would rather just start working up to EA’s level and grasping the things that come my way on that path, with the knowledge that I can eventually possess the same things he does.
TWF is also spot on as well, when it comes to things of this nature, often times the knowledge will fall into your lap, WHEN and IF you are ready for it. Its an unexplainable phenomenon to me, but its something thats happened my whole life.
So, long story short…just dont worry about it. I know it seems like a cop-out, and that maybe a higher authority is “denying you knowledge” but the more experience you have, the more it will make sense. Before this year I had never even heard Azazel’s name, and looking back at some of the shit I was trying to do, its a very good thing that I didnt, or I probably wouldve made things worse for myself.
Just keep doing what youre doing, focus on your ascent, study evocation, and get yourself developed. Who knows? Maybe youll be back here next month telling us all D’s real name! I can assure you though, it wont be found here.