Been working at improving astral projection of late. More of a do what i can when it occurs situation so far as it happens most times on the random. Last night I had a small time event where I exited, then got pulled back, then struggled a bit before calming down. I found myself take a second to stop and close my “eyes” during the AP and trying to meditate in the moment to reach calm. Don’t know why I did this, but it seemed to help stabilize me a bit. It was when I did this though, that my mind stated there were 2 entities near me. (one of those facts that you immediately just know)
I called out and a man answered. Voice deep and monotonous, but not boring, just very even. He introduced himself and the entity with him. I could see neither of them, but the voice was as clear as day for the first, the second remained invisible and silent. I knew immediately the names he gave were not the real names (the second entities name I can’t remember at all) Even knowing this I thanked him for introducing himself and we kinda just sat there in it for a minute. He then stated I was right about finding calm, that it would help. I stated that it seemed to be and agreed. He then stated we would speak again next time and I came out of the astral and awoke in my bed. I felt no fear or any malevolent energy from either them or their partner, but whom they were is a mystery.
This isn’t my first time encountering others, though usually its just the random eyes or visual flash. This seemed like something else. Not really sure where to go with this or if it’s a wait and see what the next encounter brings, but was interested on the communities thoughts and experiences with such.