Who did I just talk to? I legitimately don't know?

So I’m about 2 weeks into my pact with the gatekeeper Belial, and he has been testing me relentlessly on my ability to distinguish parasitic demons/entities from actual demons because I’m not going to lie, my ability to distinguish between actual demons and pseudo-demons is kinda weak but I’m working on it.

I can’t tell when he pulls me from my body if what I’m talking to is a parasite or an actual demon since I’m never pulled from my body fully.
But what happened was, was that I haven’t felt Belial for a few hours and I was trying to meditate when I opened my eyes I’m standing in a lush, green sunflower type field, there was do much tall grass, taller than me.
I could see the blue sky above me, the space clouds and the bright sun. And in front of me there was this dark man, and he had like a black cloth cover over his eyes. He had huge black wings, and black robes it looked like, and when he started walking towards me everything around him started to decay.
I was kinda freaked, because all I had wanted was to have a moment of peace and kinda reflect. And basically just enjoy the vibrant life around me.
He stopped about 15-20 ft. away from me and he held his hand out to me, and he told me not to be scared of him, that he wouldn’t hurt me and he talked about how my heart and soul cries in pain. How I put up walls to stop from hurting, ect. Extremely personal stuff. I’m about 5ft. even, and the grass was taller than me like I couldn’t even see anything besides grass and flowers and a small path like opening that led to him. And he towered it looked like over this grass, so he had to have been over 6ft. tall.

And I didn’t move towards him, because if there was one thing that I learned well after surviving my fiancee’s pact with Belial, it was to be wary of things that approach you without calling them. To be wary of entities just showing up. So I just looked at him, I just wanted him to leave even though he was basically treating me like a scared, stray little puppy. I didn’t believe anything that was happening, or him. It kinda set me off that everything he touched in a 3ft. diameter around him just withered near instantly.
I covered my eyes and tries to go back to my body, but when I opened my eyes I realized that he wouldn’t let me leave until he said his peace. But when I looked up to where he was standing previously, he was gone. And the sky had changed.
The once blue sky was now near black it looked like an eclipse was happening, and the once bright yellow sun was now pure black. And it was radiating a purple hue, which made everything take on a purple-ish tint.
I start to turn and look for him, and I whip my head to the left and he was standing right behind me. Which was something that I wasn’t expecting, I could see him more clearly now, I could see the cloth over his face more clearly. His wings. His straight, sharp white teeth when he grinned at me.
I didn’t fight when he touched me, even though I was kinda scared that I would start to decay and wither like everything else he touched. But I felt so completely at peace, I couldn’t bring myself to run and hide from him like I was initially planning on doing. I just let him hold me.
I had my head on his chest, and I watched as his arm brushed against one of the tall sunflowers, and as soon as his skin made contact it died and withered.
I asked him why this was, and I felt him basically bury his face into the crook of my neck. His one hand around my waist, the other on the back of my neck. And he told me that “to touch me is to know the sweet kiss of death.” He talked about wanting to “taste your even sweeter flesh” which made me look at him kinda concerned like, ‘are you gonna eat me now or something?!’, and he just grinned. I don’t know if that was supposed to be a joke, but he didn’t act on it, and he just put his back.
Prior to this, I heard a man trying to talk to me but it wasn’t Belial or Amaymon when I asked. And when I was there with him, I remember asking him how he got into my room as it’s warded from parasites and imposter spirits, and he chuckled and said that for someone of his power those wards do not work on him.
I don’t remember all that was said word-for-word, but it was very brief. I told him that I wanted to go back, and he asked me if I was sure. I said yes. Than he told me very crypticlly that this wasn’t going be the last time I’ve seen him, and that he’ll see me later.

I’m so sorry if this is so long, but… I’m legit so confused about what just happened. He never felt threatening, or malevolent besides his weird “jokes”? Needless to say, I’m more confused and slightly concerned than I was a few hours ago. I do banish, and I’m sure to double-check when using divination just to be sure that I’m not mishearing things as there trying to talk to me.


Azreal possibly, or Samael.


Azrael most likely no parasite there just read how you feel when your near them and you should pick it up in a heart beat


Thank you for the advice!


Many demons use symbols as a way of communicating their identity, the black figure is a messenger responding to your rituals. Lucifer uses the color black as an identifier and assorted clothing and surrounding’s with Lucifer’s field to convey a message, announcing His presence.

The field is a symbol of nature that this world has created and the blindfold is a symbol of his ward of the light around him as he is coming to you in this vision to your world from the darkened universe.

The death and decay are his gifts as he can’t create life but he can destroy it, he is playing hide and seek in the field as he wants to gain your attention, the changing colors of the sky from blue to black, purple are his signs that he is of the darkened universe and intruding into your space and mind to deliver this telepathic vision.

If you are drawn to the left hand path, it’s usually because you’ve had some kind of life experience that has shocked you, awakened you. Lucifer is responding to you and letting you know that you have been heard and what he really is and that of his powers that he holds and surrounds you.


After meditating again today, and returning to that very same field. I met him again, and he had told me this time after spending some time with him that his name was Azreal.

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