Who created human beings?

How would a demon that’s been around when humanity was first created not know about our creation?

Because demons have their own lives, just because they’re older doesn’t mean they will know how another race was created. Those two things don’t connect.

How would you know if you didn’t even ask them? Lol come on now

Do you know what I did and didn’t ask them? I wouldn’t be telling you this if I have not asked before. I stated already that many have and got differing answers.
That’s what happens when people assume demons know something just because they’re older. You create expectations that is most likely made up from the imagination.


If many people got different answers then one or more of the spirits must have been lying to them. I guess we’re not supposed to know yet

More like humans here aren’t the only humans that exist, however, people could also be blinded by their expectations that these beings know and it’s all in their head, or they could also be lying yes. I’m more for the middle personally. However, I don’t believe relying on occult means is a good idea to find out about physical human history/evolution/creation whatever your beliefs touch into around the topic.

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I think evolution did, we are more like spirits getting in human vessels instead of just born human in physical body and astral and mental too, etc.In my opinion of course.

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If that were truth then the black race wouldn’t be the hatred by all mankind, We wouldn’t have suffer slavery, both in Africa, or any other part of the world including America. An African American wouldn’t have to deal with slavery in America the Jim Crow law, Civil Right movement, pretty every bad things that happen to African American ever they were brought over to America

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Are you really so naive to believe that black people are the only ones who have been slaves throughout history?


You may want to check up that sentence, boy. As it is written, it says that everyone who isn’t black is racist. I get you didn’t mean that, so please make it clear.


u call me boy that is rasict

Now you’re just trolling me, son. I’m just too old.

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This makes no sense, and I’m not touching the issue behind how slavery went down not just for blacks but for every ethnic group. My comment also has NOTHING to do with slavery or tied to it.


ok but when will u guy have let the black race have the same equal right as the white people, I just what i asking is when will the rasict white people stop hating on black people and other people who ain’t white

Uh first of all, I’m mixed with black and considered black, no one can tell you that because it’s something that happens, bits and pieces of history are passed down, there’s racist people in every ethnic group.

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Lol. You do know many white people hate and are racist against each other right? You don’t actually think that Italians love the Irish huh? Or the germans love the russians? What I mean is that bad things happen. But i hate when people always act like “I’m the only one suffering, me and my people!” Its pathetic. I mean look at the current middle eastern slave trade of africans. But noone cares do they? I mean its literally slavery happening right now. Today. But noone in America cares. Its all so tiring :sleeping:

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that cause they muslim over there and it don’t affect America I just taking about African American

I’m not entirely sure you know how slavery works in the world as a whole, africans were slaves to each other, they simply also sold each other to other ethnic groups as well not all slavery were done through war and conquest.

Research Anthony Johnson please. He was America’s first slave owner. Look into what color of skin he had. Interested enough 30-40% of African Americans owned slaves. It doesn’t make it right. Its your choice to obey and continue being tied to misery and pain or to move pass and achieve glory, and learn things from people you may have hated or disliked due to the past. Your choice.