So why did I see them for th first time if I wasn’t looking for them?
figment of your imagination. photos are snapshots of events. if you see ghost than all should see. photos don’t discriminate.
I see nothing peculiar.
I don’t see anything.
Yes there’s but your not haunted they just try to reach you out and your don’t listen.
try to listen and the objects will stop falling and scratch will stop and fear will end.
Did the definition of Ghost change?
Use some Palo santo and ask archangel Michael to prevent any unwanted entities from coming near you if you want
Humans brains are hardwired to look for faces, it’s part of being a very social species.
Here, there’s nothing in the configuration of pixels that couldn’t be explained by pareidolia… but that’s not what matters when you’re talking about the occult, that is a trap for the gullible as much as a tool for skeptic, something to be careful of, but not overuse.
It’s the energy in the snapshot and that you personally are sensing something is there to be looked for that matters. Since you are the one on the space, you are the one who’s energy system is the most strongly overlapping with any entity in the space.
Since you said:
I’m hunted [haunted?]
Who can help me?
I’m guessing you don’t like this and would like it to go away. This is what cleansing and banishing is for. Since you are the one who can sense the energies, the best person to deal with them is you.
Search here to learn about the various ways to banish your space, from white sage smudging to LBRP, to simply asking the entity to leave - there’s a few methods - try some until you find what works best with your personal energy and the situation in hand.
For the record I also get something in the bottom right, but it’s not humanoid, or it’s crouching. It’s unusual for me to sense anything in photos, so I feel your case is worth serious consideration.
I see them moving every night in every glass window I look at
One more thing: This put’s me in mind of how many experience Shadow People. You might like to look into that phenomenon.
D.H. Thorne wrote a very interesting book about Shadow People you might want to look at, but the Shadownomicon is for already experienced practitioners and doesn’t explain the basics, so I urge you to just banish if you’re not interested in getting seriously into the occult.
Yes, it really isn’t for the fresh-off-the-boat beginner. Everyone’s experience is different with the current. This was/is mine (still working through it)
I should note that DH did validate a lot of what I experienced. But that doesn’t mean anyone else’s experiences will be the same.
Thanks to all that answered… I will search about banishing and will come back here and report