White serpent. No eyes

Ask if its Lucifer or one of his high priest talking to you.


I’m so glad someone feels the same way lol. I’ve never had any reason to care till now.

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I suppose I’ve never considered that. I’m not surprised that he would have high priests, but I didnt think of it.


As anyone written about his different color temples and their different purposes? Ask about his white temple and how a snake can be turned into a heavenly dragon.

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I didnt know he had different colored temples. To be honest I try to avoid him until he comes barging in. Hm. Adding it to the research pile.


A snake can never become a dragon! They totally different aspects!


Imugi ( A form before a dragon. After training for 1000 years, it can transform to the dragon.)
Korean folk mythology states that most dragons were originally Imugis (pronounced “Ee-Moo-Gi”), or lesser dragons, which were said to resemble gigantic serpents. There are a few different versions of Korean folklore that describe what imugis are and how they aspire to become full fledged dragons. Koreans thought that an Imugi could become a true dragon, or yong or mireu, if it caught a Yeouiju which had fallen from heaven. Another explanation states they are hornless creatures resembling dragons who have been cursed and thus were unable to become dragons. By other accounts, an Imugi is a proto-dragon which must survive one thousand years in order to become a fully fledged dragon. In either case they are said to be large, benevolent, python-like creatures that live in water or caves, and their sighting is associated with good luck.

What you described sounds exactly like a Domovoy from Slavic folklore. Their two common images are white snakes and old men. I just made a post on my journal about them:


What you describe,
Is a Dark Ascended Master.

One who’s overcome lot’s of difficulties,
and lifed a complete life of Magick.

I can’t tell from your describtion,
if he’s alive in Incarnated from,
or outside of our reality,
and visiting you from beyond death.

What i can tell you,
is being guided by him,
means you’re progressing into grounds,
very few ever dare,
to touch.

Great him from yberion,
next time you see him.



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You are spot on Lucifer (Bael).

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Your vision of a white snake stand out as a highly regarded symbol of purity and knowledge. As a spirit the snake represents energy, transformations and life changes, it is widely believed that this is a sign of coming good fortune. In general, snakes are often seen as a symbol of healing powers, renewal and knowledge.

The white snake morphing into an elderly man wearing black are omens of wisdom, the power to forgive past experiences, life lessons learned. It can suggest that it is time to apply the knowledge gained, and the lessons learned in the past in order to progress in your current spiritual life.

With all these strong symbols the deity is listing a series of spirits are his recommendations to work with and help with your ritual requests. I would suspect the deity is Lord Lucifer (Bael) as he is wearing black and his paleness is a sign of sincerity. He has no eyes as he has his own vision of truth and forecasting information for the future.


Hiya OP! That’s classic ‘dweller on the threshold’ symbology, from his manifestation appearance and time to the fact that he shifted from snake to man to facilitate your comprehension. They’re the quintessential ‘dream guides’ and as a role can be filled by just about anything personally connected to you! Translating him as an ‘undiscriminating reflection of the self-journey’ or ‘vessel of the tale of you’, (eyeless, white, snake) and factoring in the other thread where you talked about a male warning you of ‘her’ while you burned, the distinct impression I get is one of your past lives that comes to help you out. So there might be a pattern here! He could also be a servant of your higher form, in that case. :slight_smile:


Sounds to me like papa damballah, a powerful loa.

When the catholics demonized our gods and stole our culture, they based st. Patrick on papa damballah

Knowing their true names gives some influence over them, so if you are important to their agenda or cause, they wont tell you less they risk changing the outcome. Remember they are not bound by time, they know your future and know when to reveal which bits of information


Thank you all so much for the information you’ve been very helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s incorrect. St. Patrick is a real individual who lived in the fifth century and converted Pagan Ireland (that asshole).

But when the African tribes converted to Catholicism, they syncreted their tribal gods with already existing saints. Evidently, Papa Damballah was syncreted with St. Patrick.

The same thing happened in Slavic mythology, with Bog Veles being syncreted with both Satan, St. Blaise, and St. Nicholas. Bog Perun being syncreted with Yahweh and St. Elijah. And Boginya Mokosh being syncreted with the (Not-A-)Virgin Mary. This way, the Slavs would still be able to worship their gods without drawing attention.


Your right about St. Patrick and speaking about serpents he supposedly drove the snakes out of Ireland. He was supposedly enslaved in his youth by pirates and than returned to his homeland to redeem his people. A well known Catholic saint i have done some research on him, he has a well known prayer the lorica of St. Patrick.

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St. Patrick didn’t drive any snakes away from Ireland, because here were no snakes in Ireland to begin with. Because, being an island, it’s rather difficult for snakes to get there. There are also no snakes on Hawaii, New Zealand, and Iceland.

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I am born under the dragon, by year, month and day…in Chinese mythology, I have all 3 .also ironically I was born on 23 April …st George’s Day! What does that mean?

