While meditating I managed to get a enn or something like that

The sentence I got was

Leh sokk eh sakk umbra.

Any feelings from it? Or any translations?
Thank you


It’s personal to you it seems.

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Have you chanted it? What effect did it have for you?

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The way I received it was the words popped up in my head while meditating and I repeated them like an enn. No noticeable difference except for just being in a deeply focused state.

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Is that enn as in ennegram?

What is an ennegram

I always thought that abracadabra was an enneagram but now I can’t find any sources on it. What did you mean by enn?

An “enn” is a mantra in the demonic language. They come from the practice of demonolatry.

Do you mean an anagram? The “Enneagram” is a method of personality typing and development:

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Maybe if could be something like:
Laesi (to shatter)
Occaecare (to blind / overshadow)
Umbra you know means shadow.

So a possible interpretation could be “to shatter the blindness of Umbra”.


Seems to give more Power to the own shadow guide. it felt cold, powerful and increasing. Maybe is more powerful in total darkness or a cemetery at night.

Ah thanks. Maybe, I might just have to be patient to find the answer. It could be in one of my books. will see.

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