Which to evoke?

And this is why BALG rocks!


coughs I worked with angels first…I still work with ages. I came here because I found a demon I had no clue about standing before me. He knew me even if I didn’t know him. Since I am not closed minded I came here to learn about him while listening to him tell me his message. I came here by watching a bunch of E.A’s videos on Azazel and in one he mentioned the forum. I knew follow well that this was his brands forum and I would find what I was seeking and so much more. I found my people here at all levels.

This is a LHP forum but there on lots of us that work with all deities. This is not a closed minded forum at all.


I like that about us here.


If we weren’t I would be the Black sheep of the Black Magick site :joy:.

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Btw, its true, you can “become a living god” but please read up on what that actually means. I used to just think it was just marketing hype, but then, well, I found out otherwise, and then I found out I had really just gone insane.

I used to have the vice of moralizing, not about demons or anything, but about other things, I have since realized that moralizing is the source of all witch hunts and similar evils, so I’m trying not to do it anymore.

And, I’m not really sure that’s a “good” thing, maybe we are just driving each other crazy. On the other hand I’m arrogant enough to think we are advancing the field of occult studies.

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"Welcome to Become A Living God! This is a Civilized Place for Open Discussion of Magick "

that’s the first thing i see when i am on the front page of forum. no where did it say anything about demons. yet people just go there. lol. when i found this site, it was just the forum not the main website. i did search on magick, not demons.

i’m not saying demons isn’t great to work with. I just see pattern of newbies going straight for demon spells instead of understanding magick field. they just correlate magick= demons.

I think I explained that already. If you don’t think my answer is plausible or sufficient, figure it out for yourself.

Come for the demons, stay for openness to all magick.

Most people find the forum through EA’s youtube channel. That’s how i found this place. If you spend any length of time on his channel, you will see that he heavily favors working with demons over angels. I don’t remember the last time EA spoke specifically about an angelic entity in any of this videos. Its almost exclusively the demonic. So, if that is your first introduction to BALG, its not all that surprising that they would come on here as well with that bias towards working with demons. Demons tend to have less rules than angels do. Many of the angels dealing with money for example wont help you if you ask for more money than you actually need…as they are usually against greed. Demons on the other hand have no limitations in that sense, which is obviously an appealing characteristic for most occultists.


Not questioning owner working with demons.

the point was the pattern of going for demons with newbies. that’s all they seem to focus on. demons rather than magick. It’s as if demon is the only thing when it comes to magick. It’s quite narrow minded to think magick is about working with demons alone. You can see it in their intro too. they say they want to learn about occult/magick but it all comes to asking about demons. lol. It’s just not normal to think demons will solve all you problems. I guess they aren’t normal people being attracted to forum. haha. most people would go to self help book section using mundane routes first. but i can see them newbies don’t as if they did, they would get lots of useful self help knowledge info that probably can solve their issues without going straight to demons. Isn’t it grand. it makes life interesting. Only downside is they get haunted by demons /parasites as they don’t do research on basics of safety.

I’m sure they don’t know about the main site either. forum have different address than the main site. one can find the forum without knowing the main site.

Yes, i understand. Frankly though, its largely due to simple misconceptions spread by religion and popular culture. When i first came to the occult, i came from a Christian background, and when i decided to turn away from Yahweh, I felt like that meant I had to turn to demons for help, because my whole life I was told by religion and media that it was only evil demons that would help you with things like getting wealth, women, and revenge. I didn’t even know there were other options, including angels, that could do those things too. So it doesn’t surprise me that newcommers think that way as well. It’s not all that abnormal imo for people to succumb to social conditioning. It only becomes abnormal to your eyes once you’ve spent time reading and understanding the full scope of magick.


i dont’ think normal would think of demons either. it’s a taboo thing with normal society and fear inducing to people. talk about a demon in the public and you get frown upon and they think you crazy! . lol.

when i think of magick. it’s not demons. it’s more dr strange type of magick. manipulating environment and such. Not evoking demons. lol. And when i think of spells , i think of casting spells for certain goals with intention and universe will provide . Not about asking entity demons to fulfil the spell. I found that out later one can ask entity to do the job after further research. I guess i had a wider definition of magick/occult than most. probably due to my exposure to supernatural stuff or energy training since little. when one trains in energy, one have different views.

Well, people that are part of these communities aren’t exactly “normal.” The whole topic of occultism is taboo. So if you’ve already decided to take a step into one taboo topic, I don’t think taking another step into the taboo takes that great of a logical leap to accept

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If you are saying there’s nothing wrong with working with demons, why do you feel the need to state that shows that these people ‘aren’t sane’?

I notice all kinds of posts about everything from candle magick to Olympian spirits. I haven’t obviously read every post but every time I’ve noticed a post from you it always has a holier than thou tone of criticism to anyone who’s approach is different from your own.

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i know they aren’t normal. most newbies don’t care for safety as you can see. And somehow they lost common sense. I guess that’s why they go straight to demons. it’s extreme solution of first choice.

I’ve been introduced to magick by a demon, when I had literally no idea about all that stuff, so yup…

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JS Garette and the Kendal devil have done rituals with both on YT. I think its just a matter of preference.

I started with mundane methods first too, but they simply didn’t work and I ran out of options, (that is, options that I actually thought would be useful, not like, try crappy drugs so I can work a job I hate, I’m no E.A. Koeting)

I have quite a collection of self help books. They mostly did not help.

Well, I could have used a sanity check before I asked Astaroth to unconditionally possess me (or rather foolishly accepted her offer to do so.) I think had I been closer with some people on the forum and chatted with them first, maybe I would not have been so stupid.

However, here is the thing, it might have just made things worse and then I could have started believing things that make it seem like my soon to be ex-husband painted a sane picture of normal reality.

I think the biggest unsafe thing about working with demons is people who have the old school religious mindset of blind obedience to god (or rather whatever tenants their religion has) ignoring all else. When you start to work with demons, the two biggest dangers are .

  1. thinking that now you have to do whatever some demon says. (the horror)
  2. thinking you are GOD and now you can just command them to cater to your every whim. (solomanic magicians are not always helpful in that regard.)

Somehow I managed to do 1 and 2 at the same time and really screw myself over. (perfect love, perfect trust, and perfect bullshit)


I am a newbie to the LHP and I chose to go to this path because I felt like this is where I was meant to be. It’s not because I think “it’s the cool thing to do” or I’m rebelling.

My whole life I had Christianity crammed down my throat. God was always number 1 and in my opinion God was never there for me.
Throughout my life I’ve had quite a few chances to get into magick and whatnot, but the fear of God, going to Hell, eternal damnation, were strong until recently.

Self-help books didn’t help, therapy hasn’t helped.

Maybe, I’m not “sane” for going this route. I get called stupid and bat shit crazy for believing in the supernatural as it is, but who the fuck cares? It’s my life.

Yeah, I made a recent post about contacting Lilith. Of course, I’m going to do my research and go about it properly and cautiously before I would attempt anything. I know what I’m getting myself into. That’s why I’ve asked questions.
Haven’t lost any common sense here.

Also, I’m not even doing it for fame, $, or to boss any entity around.
I want them to help me become a better me.
Is that bad?
I would give them the utmost respect, offering, whatever.

I’m not here to half-ass it.

Sorry, just had to say something.

@ Wisepup

I tend to think it’s because:

Judeo-Christian values are still the predominant underpinnings of Western morality and ethics. Most are still blindly, and for the most part unknowingly and unwillingly, controlled by an almost Puritan sense of right and wrong/ dark and light.

That morality, through religious dogma, uses guilt as it’s primary whip to bully the unthinking and ignorant person into submission.

Sorry for the rant, but that leads me to this…most (myself included) have been raised to consider the desire for more of anything beyond reason that makes us feel good to be sinful.

So…when lust and greed rear their figurative heads and push us to want more that we feel we deserve, the thought of asking and angel (a symbol of light and goodness) for those things is simply too much to even fathom.

(This is my story too btw :roll_eyes: at least earlier in my life) It’s easier and more acceptable to keep the dark w/ the dark and the light w/ the light. (Puritan again)

So I started calling on Demons.

Well, everything began to crumble for me when I stumbled onto Damon Brand’s Magickal Seduction and this website. It was fucking mind-blowing that I could get Angels involved w/ my lust. Hence it all changed. The walls came crumblin down!

Sorry for the rant- but you got me thinking!..

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I guess I should add a little more.

If you start out as a Christian and that god isn’t helping you, you got the idea that god didn’t help you the angels working for him aren’t going to help either. and also as a Christian you would have never heard of djinn, or fae. If you had heard of any gods of the dead you would be thinking they are all fake gods.

It gets pounded in your head really well. There is god and the angels working for him and the devil and the fallen angels working for him. If you hear of anyone else, they are either working for the devil or are imaginary beings.

Ask any Christian they will say Belial is a demon that works for Lucifer. Ask any Christian they will say Shiva is about as real as a garden statue. Voodoo is powered by demons. There can’t be any gods of the dead because you are either in heaven or hell. You can not talk to the dead. If somebody is talking to you, it is a demon trying to trick you.

There are people in the South of the US that RHP and work with nature spirits. But they have to keep it quiet cause 90% of the people around them a militaristic Christians. Maybe they didnt find balg yet… maybe they are too scared of getting caught being on balg

Native Americans are mostly into maintaining what they have and nor letting their children forget the tribal gods. Maybe some of them will find their way onto balg, but I don’t think they are really looking

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